Hikosaka Proctology Clinic - Nagano

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hikosaka Proctology Clinic

住所 :

七瀬中町-176-1 Tsuruga, Nagano, 380-0904, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 380-0904
Webサイト : http://www.hikosakaiin.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12:15PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12:15PM
Tuesday 3–5:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12:15PM
Thursday 3–5:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–12:15PM

七瀬中町-176-1 Tsuruga, Nagano, 380-0904, Japan
田中まい on Google

一度目、痔の痛みで受診。 「即入院が必要。数ヶ月先まで空いてないので薬を塗っておくこと」 二度目、痛みと薬の処方のため受診したが 「入院はまだできないけど、薬は効いてるの?」と聞かれた。 「痛みは続いているが、効いてるかどうかは医師の診断次第では?」 と尋ねると「薬塗ってるのはあなたでしょ?知りませんよ」 と突き放さ同じ薬を処方された。 二度と行きたくないため、これからは仕方なく東京の医院に通うことにした。 即日手術の予約が取れた。 口コミが良いようで受診したが、対応はあまりにも乱雑でショックを受けた。 手術の腕はいいのかもしれませんが……??? 一番最初のレビューの通り、もし他の病院にかかることができるのなら、こちらはオススメしめせん。
The first visit was for hemorrhoidal pain. "I need to be hospitalized immediately. I haven't been available until a few months, so I'll apply some medicine." I went to see him for pain and prescription of medicine for the second time. I was asked, "I can't be hospitalized yet, but are the medicines working?" "The pain continues, but it depends on the doctor's diagnosis whether it works or not." When asked, "You are the one who is applying the medicine? I don't know." I was prescribed the same medicine. I don't want to go there again, so I have no choice but to go to a clinic in Tokyo. I made an appointment for surgery on the same day. The word of mouth seemed to be good, but I was shocked because the response was too messy. The surgical skill may be good, but ...? ?? ?? As the very first review says, if you can go to another hospital, I wouldn't recommend it.
西田幾多郎 on Google

I visited the hospital after seeing word of mouth and the website, but I was disappointed. The doctor is very arrogant. The patient's examination can be completed in 1 minute. I want to get home in seconds. No satisfactory explanation was given. I'm sorry to say that this is an attitude that makes me atrophied. I see, he may be a good doctor in terms of technology, but I don't want to go there again.
a on Google

He said, "Because I can't see it because it's clogged, please come after it's refreshed." The doctor turned his back and refused to look at me. My arm may be good, but I don't want to go anymore.
Samon Pink on Google

痔の痛みが酷く、手術をしました。 病院生活も綺麗に掃除してあり、ご飯も美味しかったです。先生も親身になって聞いてくださいました。 腕は良いと思いました、痛みも段々引けてきました。 これからも通院しようと思います。 ただ1つ残念だったのが看護師さん、注射下手すぎです。青く腫れてしまった所が何ヶ所か… それなのに一言も謝っても貰えませんでした…
Hemorrhoids were so painful that I had an operation. The hospital life was clean and the rice was delicious. The teacher was kind enough to listen to me. I thought my arm was good, and the pain was gradually decreasing. I will continue to go to the hospital. The only disappointment was the nurse, who was too bad at injections. There are some places that have swollen blue ... Even so, I couldn't even apologize for a word ...
tree sugar_butter on Google

高飛車の医師で2度と行きたくない! 患者の話を聞こうともせず自分の診断を強引に押し付けられた。 駐車場も狭くて停めにくい。 上から目線の物言いで凄く嫌な医者だった。 しかも院内には「ご質問は遠慮なくお申し出ください」と流れているにも関わらず医師に質問すると、あからさまに嫌な顔をする。 医師名鑑に掲載された、とか新聞に掲載された事をホームページや院内にやたらと張り付けてありますが、それに騙されない方がいいと思います。
I don't want to go there again as a high-flying doctor! He was forced to make his own diagnosis without even listening to the patient. The parking lot is also small and difficult to park. He was a very disgusting doctor because he was talking from the top. Moreover, even though the hospital says, "Please do not hesitate to ask any questions," when you ask a doctor, you will have an unpleasant face. The fact that it was published in the doctor's directory or in the newspaper is posted on the homepage and in the hospital, but I think you should not be fooled by it.
tik smd on Google

I was hospitalized for about two weeks, but the hospital food was delicious, the air conditioning was comfortable, and the cleaning was done everywhere. The nurse was also kind and very comfortable in the hospital. The doctor also said that it was unfriendly in the review, but personally it was helpful because he told me only exactly what I needed. If you ask a question from here, it will be answered politely, so please refer to it when you visit the clinic.
羽鳥麻衣 on Google

初診で肛門科…と尻込みしておりましたが、受付の方や看護師さんが親切でした。 先生は大分無愛想でボソボソ喋られますがしっかり診てくださいました。ありがとうございます、しっかり治します。
At the first visit, I was shy about proctology, but the receptionist and the nurse were kind. The teacher was very unfriendly and talked sloppyly, but he gave me a thorough examination. Thank you, I will cure you well.
# 1 on Google

先生はとても腕が良いと有名です。 診察後の説明も分かりやすかったです。 受付のスタッフもとても丁寧な方でした。 しかし、担当した看護師が悪かったのか、何故か怒られながら診察をしました。 患者を1人の人として、思いやりを持って関わることはできないのでしょうか。 プライバシーの配慮も有りませんでした。 患者は物ではありません。 命令ではなく説明をして下さい。 とても不快な思いをしました。 その他は良かったのに、看護師の対応で嫌な気分になってしまったのはとても残念です。 同じような思いをする方が居ないように、対応を改善して欲しいです。
The teacher is famous for being very good at it. The explanation after the examination was also easy to understand. The reception staff was also very polite. However, I was angry and examined whether the nurse in charge was bad. Isn't it possible to treat the patient as a single person with compassion? There was no consideration for privacy. The patient is not a thing. Please explain, not the order. I felt very uncomfortable. Others were good, but it's a shame that the nurses made me feel uncomfortable. I want you to improve your response so that no one has the same feelings.

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