Hiko Shrine - Doi-44 Yawata

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Contact Hiko Shrine

住所 :

Doi-44 Yawata, Kyoto 614-8002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Postal code : 614-8002
Webサイト : https://www.hikoujinjya.com/

Doi-44 Yawata, Kyoto 614-8002, Japan
フリペYouTuberとーいちろー(とーいちろー) on Google

日本初の動力飛行を明治24年(1891年)にカラス型飛行(器)で成功させ、世界初の有人動力飛行の実現を目指すも、残念ながらライト兄弟に先を越された二宮忠八が、それでも航空の安全と発展を祈って大正4年(1915年)私財にて創建した神社。空の神とされる饒速日命(にぎはやひのみこと)を祀っており、民間はもちろん自衛隊の航空、宇宙関係者も参拝に訪れています。 航空機に使われることの多いジュラルミン風味(実際はステンレス製)の鳥居、境内にあるF104スターファイターのジェットエンジンや墜落し大阪湾にて岸和田の漁師の魚網に掛かり引き上げられた零戦の機首部、神社の建物はギリシャ風の拝殿がモチーフとユニークな神社としても知られており、有料(300円)フライトシュミレーターもできる撮影不可の資料館、引いた物を神(紙)飛行機にして飛ばすおみくじ、円形のプラスチックのケースに飛行機のオモチャが入った手水舎と共に話題性溢れる神社でもあります。 (京阪八幡市駅前観光案内および資料館説明に追記転載) ============= 航空界のパイオニア二宮忠八は、慶弔2年(1886年)6月、愛媛県八幡浜に誕生しました。子供のころ独学で作った凧は、独創的かつ奇抜で(でもよく飛んだそうです)「忠八凧」と呼ばれました。明治20年(1887)12月、丸亀歩兵連隊に入隊。四国山岳地帯で演習中、鳥が残飯を求め滑空する姿に興味を示し、空を飛ぶ機械の発明に大きなヒントとなりました。以後、研究を重ねて明治24年(1891年)4月29日、日本人初のゴム動力による「カラス型飛行器」の飛行に成功し、続いて人の乗れる「玉虫型飛行器」の考案に着手しました。明治26年(1893年)に設計を完了し、軍で研究開発してもらおうと願い出ましたが(政府に資金面で余裕なく)却下され、独力完成を決意しました。 (製薬会社で30代で役員にまで出世)資金を貯え、自力で飛行機開発の条件が整った明治33年(1900年)京都府八幡市町(現:八幡市)に(滑走路に適していると)土地を求め開発に努力していたところ、明治36年(1903年)12月17日ライト兄弟が飛行機を完成させ、飛行に成功したとの報を聞くことになりました。忠八は無念の涙を流し、「今飛行機を作ったとしても真似をしたという評価しか受けない」と製作を断念したといいます。 その後、世界はいよいよ飛行機の時代へと動き、飛行機による犠牲者が多くみられるようになりました。それを知った忠八は、同じ飛行機を志した人間としてこれをみすごすことはできないと、その霊を慰めるために大正4年(1915年)に八幡市(現在地)の自邸内に資財を投じて神社を創建し、航空安全と航空事業の発展を祈願したのが、飛行神社の起こりです。
Japan's first powered flight was successful in 1891 with a crow-type flight (vessel), aiming to realize the world's first manned powered flight, but unfortunately Chuhachi Ninomiya was overtaken by the Wright brothers. Nevertheless, the shrine was built in 1915 with private property in prayer for the safety and development of aviation. It enshrines Nigihayahi Mikoto, the god of the sky, and is visited not only by the private sector but also by aviation and space personnel of the Self-Defense Forces. A duralumin-flavored (actually made of stainless steel) torii that is often used in airplanes, a jet engine of the F104 star fighter in the precincts, and a shrine that was pulled up by a fishnet of a fisherman in Kishiwada in Osaka Bay. The building is also known as a unique shrine with a Greek-style hall of worship as a motif, a museum that can also be used as a paid (300 yen) flight simulator, a non-photographable museum, a god (paper) airplane to fly, and a circular shape. It is also a hot shrine with a watershed with airplane toys in a plastic case. (Additional reprint to Keihan Yawata City Station Tourist Information and Museum Explanation) ============= Chuhachi Ninomiya, a pioneer in the aviation world, was born in June 1886 in Yawatahama, Ehime Prefecture. The kite that he self-taught when he was a kid was called "Tadahachi kite" because he was original and wacky (but he often flew). Joined the Marugame Infantry Regiment in December 1887. During the exercises in the mountainous areas of Shikoku, he became interested in the appearance of birds gliding in search of leftover food, which was a great hint for the invention of a flying machine. After that, after repeated research, on April 29, 1891, he succeeded in flying the first Japanese rubber-powered "crow-type aviator", and subsequently started to devise a "jewel beetle-type aviator" on which people could ride. Did. The design was completed in 1893, and I requested that the military research and develop it, but it was rejected (the government could not afford it) and I decided to complete it on my own. (Promoted to an officer in his 30s at a pharmaceutical company) Saved money and set the conditions for airplane development on his own. In 1900, in Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture (currently Yawata City) (suitable for runways) I heard that the Wright brothers completed the airplane and succeeded in flying on December 17, 1903, while trying to develop the land. Tadahachi shed tears of regret and said that he abandoned the production, saying, "Even if I make an airplane now, I will only receive the evaluation that I imitated it." After that, the world finally moved to the era of airplanes, and many victims of airplanes began to be seen. Knowing this, Tadahachi, who knew that he could not pass this as a person who aspired to the same airplane, invested money in his own residence in Yawata City (current location) in 1915 to comfort the spirit. It was the origin of Hiko Shrine that we built a shrine and prayed for aviation safety and the development of the aviation business.
ゆらりよっぴー on Google

You can't tell from the outside that it's a shrine, but once you step in, you'll get excited. There is also a museum about the father of Japanese aircraft, Chuhachi Ninomiya.
江戸川一 on Google

ライト兄弟に先駆けて飛行機を開発できたかもしれない二宮忠八、国の理解が得られず断念したが、続出する航空事故に心を痛めて慰霊のために飛行神社をつくった。 博物館が併設されてる。
Chuhachi Ninomiya, who may have been able to develop an airplane ahead of the Wright brothers, gave up because he could not get the understanding of the country, but he was afraid of the successive aviation accidents and built a flying shrine for memorial service. There is a museum.
kakuda 0482 on Google

Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine is a shrine that enshrines those who were engaged in aircraft development in Japan and those who were martyred. The people of the aircraft industry and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force are revered. There is a red stamp.
蓮見早江 on Google

We visited together near Iwashimizu Hachimangu. There was also a propeller in the precincts, and it felt like a name. The red stamp also has gold wings and I like it very much.
Satoshi 467 on Google

御祭神:第1殿に饒速日命/第2殿に航空殉難者、航空業功績者の霊/第3殿に薬祖神、金毘羅神、白龍神 創建は大正4年(1915)と伝えられており、日本で最初に飛行原理を研究した二宮忠八氏が建立しました。 二宮忠八氏は明治24年(1891)に日本で初めて動力付き模型飛行実験に成功したものの、人を乗せることができる飛行機をライト兄弟が実現したことで飛行機開発から離れました。 ですが、飛行機発明以来、航空事故が多発するようになり心を痛めた忠八は飛行機開発に携わった者としての責任だと感じ、私財を投じて犠牲者の霊を祀る神社を大正4年(1915)に創建しました。 拝殿は古代ギリシャの神殿のようで、鳥居はステンレスで作られていました。 拝:2021/12/20
Nigihayahi in the 1st hall / Nigihayahi in the 2nd hall, spirits of aviation heroes in the 2nd hall / Yakusojin, Konpira Gongen, White Dragon God in the 3rd hall It is said that it was founded in 1915, and was built by Mr. Chuhachi Ninomiya, who first studied the flight principle in Japan. Chuhachi Ninomiya succeeded in the first powered model flight experiment in Japan in 1891, but he left the development of airplanes when the Wright brothers realized an airplane that could carry people. However, since the invention of the airplane, Tadahachi, who was hurt by the frequent occurrence of aviation accidents, felt that he was responsible as a person involved in the development of the airplane, and invested his own money to enshrine the spirits of the victims in 1918. It was built in (1915). The hall of worship was like an ancient Greek temple, and the torii was made of stainless steel. Worship: 2021/12/20
てらぐちトシヒト(HiKaMi) on Google

初代飛行神である饒速日(にぎはやひ)を祀る社。 航空自衛隊の 幹部候補生学校の学長さんから 奉納酒が献酒されてる程に、 航空の安全を祈願され続けている神社 ご家族に、、 航空関係の職に就かれてる人が いらっしゃるなら、、 こちらで守護祈願はいかがでしょうか?
A company that enshrines Nigihayahi, the first flying god. Of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force From the president of the executive candidate school To the extent that dedication sake is offered A shrine that continues to pray for aviation safety To my family ... Someone who has an aviation-related job If you are, How about a guardian prayer here?
曹春貴 on Google

There are three Temples in it. First one is the flying god's temple. The second one is the flying forerunners' temple. The last one is the healthy god's temple.

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