
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まえだ整骨院

住所 :

Hikinocho, Higashi Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8104 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Webサイト : http://www.maeda-tbp.com/
街 : Osaka

Hikinocho, Higashi Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8104 Osaka,Japan
橘都 on Google

ボールのレッスンに行っています、心身共にリラックス出来て、各関節を動かし、骨や関節の勉強をしています。 姿勢を美しくを意識して普通の60代より賢く所作がキレイと自負してます。
I am going to a ball lesson, I can relax both physically and mentally, move each joint, and study bones and joints. Being conscious of her posture beautifully, she is smarter than her normal 60s and is proud of her behavior.
なつにし on Google

堺に根本から治してくれるという整骨院があると聞き以前から通っています! 丁寧な対応と素人でもわかりやすい説明が凄く良いです。 治療も他では味わった事のない、姿勢矯正から内臓調整、筋膜リリースなど根本から身体を整えてくれます!生理痛、花粉症、頭痛、めまい、リウマチなどの症状も緩和されている先生なので奈良からですが通っています! 凄く安心出来る先生なので色々な病院に行っても治らなかった方にオススメします^ ^
I've heard that Sakai has an osteopathic clinic that cures from the ground up, and I've been there for a long time! The polite response and easy-to-understand explanations even for amateurs are very good. Treatments that I have never experienced anywhere else, such as posture correction, visceral adjustment, and fascia release, will prepare the body from the ground up! I'm from Nara because I'm a teacher who has alleviated symptoms such as menstrual pain, hay fever, headache, dizziness, and rheumatism! It's a very reassuring teacher, so I recommend it to those who haven't been cured even after going to various hospitals ^ ^
Yasuda Megumi on Google

産まれて初めてぎっくり腰になり歩けなくなり まえだ整骨院に行きました! 初めての整骨院でドキドキしましたが、とても丁寧に問診してくれて凄く良かったです! 症状の説明も素人の私でも分かるように説明してもらい安心でした! 治療も、姿勢矯正をベースに、内臓などにも治療、筋膜などの治療と、ただ単に痛みと言っても、色々な部分に原因があるっていう説明を受け驚きの連続でした。 院長の想いが熱く、痛みで悩んでる患者に寄り添って治療や説明をしてくれて良かったです! 治療後は凄く楽になり歩いて帰れました^_^
It's the first time I've been born that I have a tight back and can't walk I went to Maeda Osteopathic Institute! I was thrilled at the first osteopathic clinic, but it was great to have a very polite interview! I was relieved to have the explanation of the symptom explained so that even I, an amateur, could understand it! The treatment was based on posture correction, treatment of internal organs, treatment of fascia, etc., and I was surprised to hear that there are various causes, even if it is just pain. I'm glad that the director's feelings are passionate and he treats and explains to the patients who are suffering from pain! After the treatment, it became very easy and I could walk home ^ _ ^

以前は足が痛くて立ちあがるのも大変でしたが、ボールエクササイズを続けることで立ち上がれるようになりました。 治療と並行して引き続き通いたい整骨院です。
I used to have a pain in my legs and it was difficult to get up, but by continuing to do ball exercises, I can get up. It is an osteopathic clinic that I would like to continue to attend in parallel with treatment.
Kaoru Sonoda on Google

お世話になって7年になります?こちらのボールを使った「MTケア」は7年続けていても全く飽きることがないほど、毎回違うテーマに沿ってレッスンしてくださいます? そしてレッスンの内容は、日々カラダに向き合っている先生の「気付き」によって変わっていきます?私がMTケアを始めた頃と今とでは丸で内容が変わっています。これはカラダの動きを突き詰めていくうちに、先生が進化していってる証拠…私達はただただついていくだけです? 先生が自分のカラダに向き合うことの大切さを説いてくださる中で、人が「カラダに良い」ということをそのまま信じ、むやみに真似するのではなく、「本当に自分にとって良いことなのか?」と疑問に思うことは大切だと言われます。「理論的に考えて、良い理由をきちんと説明できることを実践することが大切なのだ」というお話は目から鱗でした✨✨✨ 人のカラダは年齢、環境、生活習慣により変わっていきます。そのことをしっかり認識して、今どう考え、何をしていくことが大切なのかを気づかせてくださる空間です? 「生涯、自分らしい生活」を送るために、私にとってはmustな場所です?
It's been 7 years since I was taken care of ? "MT care" using this ball will never get tired even if I continue for 7 years, so please take lessons according to different themes every time ? And the content of the lesson changes depending on the "awareness" of the teacher who faces the body every day ? The content is completely different from when I started MT care and now. This is proof that the teacher is evolving as he pursues the movement of the body ... We just follow ? While the teacher preached the importance of facing one's body, people believed that "it was good for the body" as it was, and instead of imitating it unnecessarily, "Is it really good for me?" It is said that it is important to wonder. The story that "it is important to think theoretically and practice what can explain good reasons properly" was a scale from my eyes ✨ ✨ ✨ A person's body changes depending on age, environment, and lifestyle. It is a space that makes you aware of that and what you think and what is important now ? It's a must-have place for me to live a "lifetime, personal life" ?
前田洋子 on Google

MTcareというボールを使っての運動 初めて9年になる。 運動といいながら、とにかく、呼吸と姿勢が基本というレッスン。 9年続けた今、身体に対する意識が変わった。意識がが変わると身体が変わる。これからの自分に期待したい。 次回のレッスンを楽しみに。
Exercise with a ball called MTcare It's been nine years for the first time. Although it is called exercise, the lesson is based on breathing and posture. Now that I've been doing it for nine years, my consciousness about my body has changed. When the consciousness changes, the body changes. I want to expect myself from now on. Looking forward to the next lesson.
原坂雅子 on Google

Fateful encounter. What actually happened. Although he is a generation called senior, he has grown a little taller. My eyesight has improved. You can now reach places that you couldn't reach without flying. I raised the saddle of my bicycle by 5 cm. There is also an aging care gymnastics class called mt care, which is not limited to osteopathy. Cool school wear was also made. Anyway, every day became fun! ️
mityuko tanioka on Google

After excising a part of the lungs, my posture was bad and my breathing was shallow, but after being taught "the importance of posture and breathing", my lung capacity returned. I know it's a daily effort, but in reality I couldn't do anything while wondering what to do and how to do it. After all professional guidance is amazing. I thought it was more important to receive guidance than to worry.

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