ほっともっと 江南店(埼玉県)

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほっともっと 江南店(埼玉県)

住所 :

Hiharu, Kumagaya, 〒360-0112 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://shop.hottomotto.com/store/63559
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM
街 : Saitama

Hiharu, Kumagaya, 〒360-0112 Saitama,Japan
パンクチューブ前輪 on Google

The parking lot is large and it is easy for cars to enter!
田沢真理 on Google

夜9時少し前に来店しました。一人待っていたので早く提供出来るのかと思ってました。しかし…この時短の影響で事前に予約されていた方がいたので、結局9時15分頃に提供して貰いました。結構待つことも話していたので待てました。二人で回していたようなので大変ですよね。スタッフの方の対応もしっかり確認していましたし次回は事前に予約した方が店の方にとっては良いのかと思いました。 金額がリーズナブルなのでお客様も続々来ていましたね。
I came to the store a little before 9 pm. I was waiting for one person, so I was wondering if I could provide it as soon as possible. However ... Because of this short time, there was a person who had made a reservation in advance, so in the end I got it provided at around 9:15. I was talking about waiting quite a bit, so I was able to wait. It's hard because it seems that two people were spinning it. I also confirmed the correspondence of the staff, and I thought that it would be better for the store to make a reservation in advance next time. The amount of money is reasonable, so customers were coming one after another.
SR20DET中毒者 on Google

やっぱりほっともっとは庶民の味方!! 店員さんの方もいい接客ですヽ(・∀・) 店員さんの人数が少ないときは待つのが当たり前! 大変でしょうが頑張って下さい(^^)d
After all, Hotto Motto is on the side of the common people! !! The clerk is also a good customer service ヽ (・ ∀ ・) When the number of clerk is small, it is natural to wait! It will be difficult, but please do your best (^^) d
はぴこ on Google

I think it's just a normal hotto motto. Perhaps the corona became popular and the demand for bento shops increased, so it's rather crowded at night. I thought it would be more efficient to order by phone and then go to the store.
Yoshinori S. on Google

用事で近くを通ったので久々に利用させて頂きました。 ご飯の量って基準何ですか?スカスカです。 前にも数回あり、対応が悪かったので利用を控えてましたが相変わらず適当、極まりないです。 写真で見るより実物は、酷い状況です普通盛りって、スカスカな状態のことなんだと実感です。余程、お金に困ってるんですね。ご飯の量を減らして利益率を上げないと運営出来ないって、でもこんなことをするから客が減ると思いますけどね。
I passed nearby for business, so I used it for a long time. What is the standard for the amount of rice? It's scary. There were several times before, and I refrained from using it because the correspondence was bad, but it is still appropriate and extremely. The real thing is a terrible situation than you can see in the picture, and I feel that it is a state of being squishy. I'm in trouble with money. You can't operate it unless you reduce the amount of rice and raise the profit margin, but I think that the number of customers will decrease because you do this.
野口秀之 on Google

Online orders and telephone orders are safe. In the past, when I visited the store and placed an order, the number of fried chicken was not enough, and I often had to wait for a very long time.
やぎうまこ on Google

電話で注文して…。 バイト?の男性が…出て… 豚汁2つと言うと…ソース味?醤油味?どちらがよろしいですか?って…言われたから…。 日本語通じない?と思ったから…他の方に代わってって…言ったら…店長らしき人?と話して…注文出来たけど…最後に何時が…よろしいですか?って…聞かれたから… 逆に何時に出来ますか?聞くと…こっちが聞いてるんですって…半ギレ状態(笑) 店も暗いし…。 以前は…良かったのにな…。 残念…。
Order by phone ... Part-Time Job? The man ... came out ... Speaking of two pork soups ... Sauce flavor? Soy sauce flavor? Which is better? I was told ... Can't speak Japanese? Because I thought ... on behalf of another person ... if I said ... a person who seems to be a store manager? I was able to order ... but what time is it at the end ... are you sure? I was asked ... On the contrary, what time can you do it? When I hear it ... I'm listening ... It's half-finished (laughs) The store is dark ... It used to be ... good ... disappointing….
ななこ on Google

いくつかお弁当頼みましたが、その中の「肉野菜炒め弁当」は最悪でした…炒め過ぎで野菜はへにゃへにゃになり、すごく焦げてるし… 全然食べられませんでした。お金払ってるんだから、もう少しちゃんとした物を出して欲しい…。
I asked for some bento boxes, but the "stir-fried meat and vegetables bento box" was the worst ... I couldn't eat it at all because the stir-fried vegetables became messy and very burnt. I'm paying for it, so I want you to put out something a little more decent ...

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