肉匠 源蔵

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肉匠 源蔵

住所 :

Higurashi, Matsudo, 〒270-2253 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.gz29.co.jp/fs/genzou/c/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Higurashi, Matsudo, 〒270-2253 Chiba,Japan
Fumitaka Tomiyama on Google

20220223更新 唐揚げ、砂肝の唐揚げも美味しい。 他県からわざわざ買いに来る人がいる。 駐車場がなく、路駐をするとすぐ切符を切られるので注意。かなりの確率でミドリムシに捕まる。 肉質は高いが値段はそこそこ。 味付け肉が旨い。
20220223 update Fried chicken and gizzard are also delicious. Some people come all the way to buy from other prefectures. Please note that there is no parking lot and you can get a ticket as soon as you park on the road. There is a good chance that you will be caught by Euglena. The meat quality is high, but the price is reasonable. The seasoned meat is delicious.
さらゆゆ on Google

It's a meat specialty store, so it's delicious and I'm grateful that it cuts according to my wishes.
中村四郎 on Google

黒毛和牛の上タン1,680円/100gを300gショーケースを見て買いましたが家に帰って開けてみたらショーケースの物とは別物ではないかと思われました。 次回訪問した時によく見たらショーケース前面のタンは芯の部位で奥の方にあるタンは赤身っぽいタンでしたので店員さんに前面の芯の部位をお願いしましたら上タンを持って奥の作業場の男性の方に行って二人で苦笑いしながら相談している様子がうかがえました。 今回は前面の芯は二枚だけで後は赤みがかっていました。 タンはアメリカ産と黒毛和牛、黒毛和牛も並、上、特上に分けて販売してください。 高くても特上の芯を買います。
I bought a Japanese black beef tongue for 1,680 yen / 100g at a 300g showcase, but when I went home and opened it, I thought it might be different from the one in the showcase. When I looked closely the next time I visited, the tongue on the front of the showcase was the core part and the tongue in the back was a lean tongue, so if you ask the clerk for the core part on the front, hold the upper tongue I could see that they went to the man in the workplace and talked with each other with a bitter smile. This time, there were only two cores on the front and the rest was reddish. Please sell tongue separately from American, Japanese black beef, and Japanese black beef. I will buy a special core even if it is expensive.
E ringo on Google

鶏のモモ肉、和牛、おいも豚…どれを食べても美味しいですよ。対面販売ですが、特売日(肉の日や月曜日)には、スーパーと変わらない価格でコストパフォーマンス大です。 こちらの合挽き肉で作ったハンバーグや、和牛切り落としで作った牛丼は格別です。 白レバーも希少で新鮮です。生姜と煮ても塩コショウでソテーしてもグッドです。
Chicken thighs, Japanese beef, Oimo pork ... Everything is delicious. Although it is a face-to-face sale, on special sale days (meat day and Monday), the price is the same as the supermarket and the cost performance is great. The hamburger steak made from minced meat and the beef bowl made from cut-off Wagyu beef are exceptional. The white liver is also rare and fresh. Boiled with ginger or sautéed with salt and pepper is good.
kaz west on Google

The original sweetness and umami of the meat is so delicious that you don't need sauce. I think it's a very popular shop that you can't buy in line at the cash register of a butcher shop on weekdays.
エルドラド1 on Google

いろんなお肉買わせていただきましたが、どれも臭みなく美味しかったです‼️ また買いに行きます?
I bought a lot of meat, but all of them were delicious without any odor! ️ I will go buy again ?
とことこ32 on Google

もつ鍋が食べたくなり、スーパーでは良いホルモンが売ってないのでこちらに伺いました。 他にもやはりスーパーで良いものが売っていない上タンと上カルビを購入。 もちろん価格はお高めですが、美味しいお肉が食べたい!って思う時にはおすすめです。
I wanted to eat motsunabe, and I visited here because good hormones are not sold at supermarkets. I also bought upper tongue and upper ribs, which are not sold at supermarkets. Of course the price is high, but I want to eat delicious meat! It is recommended when you think.
GUCCI ZX14R on Google

Corona measures are good with alcohol disinfection at the entrance and restrictions on entering up to 4 groups at a time. I was recommended by an acquaintance. Cheap and voluminous side dishes seemed to be popular. The pork rose slices were selling like flying. Beef is expensive because it is lined with products from Matsuzaka, Yamagata and other production areas. The beef tongue was a little less than 1,700 yen per gram, but it was good quality meat for the price. This time, I bought 200g of marbled beef chunks and 300g of hormones for less than 3,600 yen. I think the balance between the freshness of the goods and the price is good. However, there are a lot of high-class meats on the whole, so this is the shop you want to visit when you can enjoy luxury.

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