イチマルガレージ - Owariasahi

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イチマルガレージ

住所 :

Higashiyamacho, Owariasahi, 〒488-0825 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 488-0825
Webサイト : http://www.ichimarugarage.com/
街 : Aichi

Higashiyamacho, Owariasahi, 〒488-0825 Aichi,Japan
YZR YPVS on Google

The other day, I asked for a tire change for Hiace and Every. The owner is friendly, kind and polite. I look forward to working with you next time.

BS RE71RSのサイドウォールが硬く純正アルミのリムにビート部分が密着せずに作業が困難で長引きましたが、追加料金もなく親切丁寧に対応して頂きました。スタッドレスも交換時期なので、次回も利用させて頂きます。
The sidewall of BS RE71RS was hard and the beat part did not stick to the genuine aluminum rim, which made the work difficult and prolonged, but we kindly and politely responded at no additional charge. Since it is time to replace the studless tire, we will use it again next time.
hi ta on Google

It was a shop where the signboard was noticeable, so I came to my face after consulting. I was given a careful explanation and once considered taking it home, but I was impressed that it was not a persistent customer service but I was impressed that I was making a proposal and I decided to ask for coating . I'm satisfied with the finish, so I'd like to ask you about tires.
Takeshi Kuroyanagi on Google

今回が初めての利用でしたが、とても感じが良くてよかったです。 タイヤの交換をお願いしましたが、とても丁寧にやっていただきありがとうございます。 ホイールの掃除までやっていただけて嬉しかったです! また機会があればぜひ利用したいです。 皆さんに自身を持っておすすめできるおみせです!!
This was my first time using it, and I'm glad it felt very good. I asked you to change the tires, but thank you very much for your kindness. I was glad that you even cleaned the wheels! I would love to use it again if I have the opportunity. It's a show that you can recommend yourself to everyone !!
Yuh k-day on Google

It was a polite work and a reasonable price. It's close to my house, so I'd like to continue to favor it.
松田隆行 on Google

新規のお店で不安はありましたが ヘッドライトの磨きコーティングをお願いしました。仕上がりに大満足しアフターサービスにも対応して貰えるとの事ですので不安なくお願い出来ました。 お店の方の人柄も良く、質問にも親切丁寧に説明していただきとても信用できるお店です。
I was worried about the new store, We asked for a polished headlight coating. I was very satisfied with the finish and would like to be able to respond to after-sales service, so I was able to ask without worry. The shop's personality is good, and it is a very trustworthy shop where you can kindly and carefully explain your questions.
小島真喜夫 on Google

オープンしたばかりのとても綺麗なお店でした( ^ω^ ) チラシを見て、前から車にコーティングをしたい気持ちがあったので不安の中行ってみることに(・・;) お店のお兄さんが細かく説明してくれて、不安な気持ちを一蹴!! 車もピカピカになり、コーティングをして良かったと思えるお店でした。
It was a very beautiful shop just opened (^ ω ^) Looking at the flyer, there was a desire to coat the car from before, so I decided to go under anxiety (・ ・;) The shop's older brother gave me a detailed explanation, and I dismissed my uneasy feelings! ! The car became shiny and it was a shop that I was glad that I coated it.
yuki kajita on Google

I brought in two sets of tires and had them replaced. It was 13 inches and 15 inches, and it was 11000 including tax including scrap tires, balance, and valve replacement. It was cheaper than anywhere else, the work was quick and polite, and I will replace the tires next summer.

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