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Contact 上野御徒町ブラジリアン柔術部

住所 :

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://jiujitsu-team.com/
街 : Tokyo

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan
J Y on Google

It is a very homey, dojo with an atmosphere that even beginners can quickly adapt to. The teacher is a jiu-jitsu artist who is active all over the world, but she is very gentle and teaches me carefully. In addition, practice time is late on weekdays, so I am glad that I can easily go to work even after work.
池田潤哉 on Google

A homely and cozy dojo! I myself have been doing martial arts for a long time, but this is the first time I have ever been to a dojo that is so easy to go to. They will give careful guidance to beginners, and intermediate and above will be able to provide guidance that suits their abilities. Also, as is often the case in martial arts dojos, intermediate and above do not read the air and sparring strongly against beginners. I feel that the atmosphere of gathering decent adults and making it a fun space together is very nice. Whether you are an experienced martial arts person or an inexperienced person, there is no other gym where you can continue martial arts for such a long time (^^)
平塚翔 on Google

2020年の秋から会員のアラサー社会人男性です。 健康的に運動不足解消のため&カッコいい体には成りたいがトレーニングマシーンなどでつけた筋肉ではなく、そういえば趣味で自然といい体になってしまいました(笑)というのに憧れて入会してみました。 見学に行くまでは、格闘技の類と言うこともあり「いきなり強い人にボコボコにされるのではないか?」「痛いことや乱暴な事をされるのではないか?」など不安な気持ちが強く有りました。 実際のところ、習熟度別クラスがあり、特に初心者コースは非常に指導員の方の管理の目が行き届いた空間で、安心して練習できそうだなという率直な印象と[入会特典の初月無料と道着プレゼント]につられて入会しました。 現在入会して約半年ですが、正直最初の1〜2ヶ月は柔術という非常に奥深い技術体系に付いていけるか一抹の不安がありましたが。 騙されたと思って、取り敢えず継続して通い続ける事で除々に動けるようになってきて、今はとても楽しくなり「柔術を通して気持ちよく運動することにより、日々のストレスが発散されて幸福度が上がりました。」 また、道場がコンセプトとして謳っているように 「大人の部活動」的な雰囲気があり、会員相として人間的に良識のある方々が集まっているように感じています。 また、多種多様な職業の方々が集まっており、異業種間の交流も頻繁に行われているため社会人としても、とても多くの勉強と刺激を貰っています。 一週間のうち毎日参加可能なクラスが設定されており、随時指導が受けられる環境もあるため、自分が支払っているお月謝の2〜3 倍くらいのお得感は感じています。
Since the fall of 2020, I am a member of Arasa, a working adult male. I wanted to be a cool body to solve my lack of exercise in a healthy way, but instead of using the muscles I gained with training machines, I naturally became a good body as a hobby (laughs). I tried to. Until I go to the tour, I feel uneasy because it is a kind of martial arts, such as "Isn't it suddenly made a mess by a strong person?" "Isn't it painful or violent?" It was strong. As a matter of fact, there are classes according to proficiency level, especially the beginner's course is a space where the instructor's eyes are very well managed, and the frank impression that it seems that you can practice with confidence and [The first month free of membership benefits and the way I joined the club with the gift of clothes. It's been about half a year since I joined, but honestly, I was a little worried if I could keep up with the very deep technical system of Jiu-jitsu for the first 1-2 months. I thought I was deceived, and by continuing to go there for the time being, I gradually became able to move, and now it's become a lot of fun. . " Also, as the dojo sings as a concept There is an atmosphere of "adult club activities", and I feel that people who are humanly sensible as members are gathering. In addition, people from a wide variety of professions are gathered together, and exchanges between different industries are frequent, so as a member of society, I am receiving a great deal of study and inspiration. Classes that can be attended every day of the week are set, and there is an environment where you can receive guidance at any time, so I feel that it is about two to three times as profitable as the monthly fee you are paying.
Saki on Google

先生や会員の皆さんがとても明るい雰囲気のアットホームな柔術の道場です。インストラクターの先生は、世界大会での表彰歴があるほどの実力にも関わらず明るく親切で初心者でも丁寧に教えてくれて、指導者としてとても尊敬できる方です。 会員の方も努力家で親切な方が多く、初心者の人も結構いますが先生や柔術歴が長い会員の方が初心者に快く教えてくれますので、初心者でも安心して入会して学ぶことができます。 白山の道場の練習にも自由に参加でき、自分に合った曜日や時間帯が選べるので仕事をしていても通いやすいです。 女性会員も数名いて、明るく親切な方ばかりですので初心者の女性でも入会しやすいです。興味がある方は、体験で参加してみると良いと思います。
It is a cozy Jiu-Jitsu dojo with a very bright atmosphere for teachers and members. The instructor teacher is cheerful, kind, and polite even for beginners, despite his ability to receive awards at world competitions, and he is a very respectable instructor. Many of the members are hardworking and kind, and there are quite a few beginners, but teachers and members with a long history of jujutsu will be happy to teach beginners, so even beginners can join and learn with confidence. can. You can freely participate in the practice of the Hakusan Dojo, and you can choose the day and time that suits you, so it is easy to go even if you are working. There are several female members, and all of them are cheerful and kind, so even beginner women can easily join. If you are interested, I think you should try participating in the experience.
taka hori on Google

色々な格闘技がありますが、生涯スポーツとして考えるなら打撃がなく怪我しにくいブラジリアン柔術はとてもオススメです。 道場の雰囲気はとてもアットホームで、決してガツガツしておらず、女性の方も多いです。レベル別のクラス編成にもなっており、初心者にとっても敷居は低いと思います。 何より指導の先生方が優しく、楽しいです!
There are various martial arts, but if you think of it as a lifelong sport, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is highly recommended because it is hard to hit and injured. The atmosphere of the dojo is very cozy, never rugged, and there are many women. Classes are organized by level, and I think the threshold is low even for beginners. Above all, the teachers are kind and fun!
しまくらみか on Google

未経験でも丁寧に教えてもらえるので安心して通う事ができます。 冗談も言い合える雰囲気と習熟度に応じたクラス編成で、楽しく着実に技術を磨くことができます。 ほとんど毎日開講されているので、都合が合わせやすいのも魅力です。 自信を持っておススメできる道場です。 少しでも興味のある方はぜひ、柔術を一緒に楽しみましょう。
Even if you are inexperienced, you will be taught carefully so you can go there with confidence. With an atmosphere where you can make jokes and class formation according to your proficiency level, you can hone your skills happily and steadily. It is held almost every day, so it is also attractive that it is easy to meet. It is a dojo that you can recommend with confidence. If you are interested in it, let's enjoy Jiu-Jitsu together.
那須一公 on Google

格闘技好きということもあり、以前からブラジリアン柔術には興味があったのですが、家の近くに道場があることを知り、思い切って体験に申し込んでみました。 格闘技道場という不安や怖さもあり、50歳のジジイがついていけるかなと、自分の中で心理的なハードルが非常に高く感じていたのですが、代表、インストラクターの方も明るく気さくで親切丁寧に教えて頂けます。 初心者の方も多く、会員の方同志教えあったり、みなさんアットホームな雰囲気で練習されています。 自分のペースに合わせて練習することが出来、心身ともにリフレッシュできる居心地の良い道場です。
I've always been interested in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because I like martial arts, but when I learned that there was a dojo near my house, I took the plunge and applied for the experience. Due to the anxiety and fear of a martial arts dojo, I felt that the psychological hurdles were very high for me to be able to keep up with the 50-year-old Jijii, but the representatives and instructors also taught me cheerfully, kindly and politely. You can. There are many beginners, and members teach each other, and everyone is practicing in a cozy atmosphere. It is a cozy dojo where you can practice at your own pace and refresh your mind and body.
MO ON on Google

道場の雰囲気すごくいい-!先生も道場のメンバーも皆んな優しいので楽しくブラジリアン柔術を学べます。老若男女ウエルカム ٩(‎・̑◡・̑)و
The atmosphere of the dojo is really good-! The teachers and members of the dojo are all kind, so you can enjoy learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Welcome to men and women of all ages ٩ (・ ̑◡ ・ ̑) و

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