
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 居酒屋すし谷

住所 :

Higashisakada, Kimitsu, 〒299-1144 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday 5–11PM
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Higashisakada, Kimitsu, 〒299-1144 Chiba,Japan
A A on Google

庶民の味方です。 お寿司をつまみに一杯なんて時には最高のお店です。 が、人気なので早めに行かないと入れない&ほぼ品切れなのが悲しいところ。 ちなみに少人数での予約は取れないっぽいです。板前さんがもう少し愛想良いと、最高なのにな〜。
A friend of the common people. It's a great place to have a cup of sushi. However, because it is popular, you can't put it in early and it's sad that it is almost out of stock. By the way, it seems that you cannot make a reservation with a small number of people. I think it would be great if Mr. Itamae was a little more amiable.
釣り吉 on Google

2年越しの想いが叶い、今年の5月にやっと入れました^^ お店のベースがお寿司屋さんだけあってカウンター越しでお酒が呑める幸せはまた格別です〜おつまみも豊富ですし、価格もお手軽、最後にお鮨で〆る事ができるのも『すし谷』さんの魅力でしょうか…。 星3つの理由は焼鳥です。専属の焼き師?のおばちゃんが来るまでは、焼きは我慢して待つべきです^^ こんだけの差が生まれるとは思いませんでした…。人間のする事に万全は無いんですね。 全ておばちゃんに焼いてもらっていたら『星5』でした...ご馳走様です。
My feelings for two years have come true, and I finally put it in May of this year ^^ The base of the restaurant is only a sushi restaurant, so the happiness of drinking alcohol over the counter is exceptional. There are plenty of snacks, the price is easy, and at the end you can eat sushi. Is it the charm of Mr. Tani? The reason for the three stars is yakitori. Exclusive roaster? You should be patient and wait until your aunt comes ^^ I didn't think it would make such a difference ... There is nothing that humans can do. It was "Star 5" when all of them were baked by my aunt ... It's a treat.
サンチェ on Google

I asked for sashimi assortment (pine), but it's too shabby. Yakitori was delicious because there was a master.
淳子 on Google

お刺身、お寿司がとても美味しかったです? 焼き鳥も種類が豊富です。 牛タン串焼きおすすめです♪
The sashimi and sushi were very delicious ? There are many types of yakitori. Beef tongue skewers are recommended ♪
aya s on Google

先日職場の方に連れて行ってもらいました。火曜日の18時半ごろ来店しましたが、かなりの人で賑わっていました。 刺身盛り合わせ、これが豪華な厚切り! 寿司もトロとウニ頂きましたが刺身と同じく厚切り!甘くてぷりっとしていて美味しかったです。 焼酎一本サービスとなんとも気前の良すぎるサービスやっていて大丈夫なの?と心配になりました。 店内は明るい照明で、掘りごたつで座敷じゃなかったのに安心しましたw 店員さんはエプロンしてお母さんって感じの雰囲気でてた。 美味しく楽しい時間を過ごせました。 ぜひまた行きたいお店です。
The other day, I was taken to a workplace. I came to the store around 6:30 pm on Tuesday, but it was crowded with a lot of people. Assorted sashimi, this is a gorgeous thick slice! I had sushi with Toro and sea urchin, but it was sliced ​​like sashimi! It was sweet, plump and delicious. Is it okay to have a single shochu service and a service that is too generous? I was worried. The inside of the store was brightly lit, and I was relieved that it was not a tatami room because of the digging. The clerk was wearing an apron and had an atmosphere like a mother. I had a delicious and enjoyable time. This is a shop I definitely want to visit again.
岩地寛 on Google

すし谷、是非一度行って下さい。とても美味しい焼き鳥です。 寿司も、値段がとても庶民的です。 私がおすすめします❗
Sushi valley, please go once. It's a very delicious yakitori. The price of sushi is also very common. I recommend ❗
鈴木裕司 on Google

だいぶご無沙汰でしたが久しぶりに伺いました。 以前は予約必須でしたが、今回は伺う前に電話確認してから迎いました。 やっぱりコロナ禍の影響ですかねぇ、、、 味は変わらず美味しかったですし、 値段設定も高く無いので安心して食べれます(笑) 接客も好感もてます! コロナ終息したら頻繁に伺いますよ!
It's been a long time, but I visited after a long time. I used to have to make a reservation, but this time I made a phone call before visiting. After all it is the influence of Corona's evil ... The taste was still delicious and The price is not high so you can eat with confidence (laughs) The customer service is also good! I will visit you often when the corona is over!
濱田達海 on Google

翌日鹿野山ゴルフのため、君津のビジネスホテル前泊。評判のお店なので入りました。 豚バラ140円ですが、厚くこんがり焼きで美味かった。 刺身盛り合わせも、中トロが分厚い❣️ 焼酎は黒霧島も三岳も、四合瓶で同じ3,000円位でしたよ。 17時に入りましたが、20時に出る時にはほぼ満席に近かった。 お寿司も握れましたが、たどり着く前にお魚で満腹になりました。残念。巻物が安くメニューに、あったので機会があれば次回に。 サーブするお姉様達が少しお年を召してられて、見ていて大変そうでした。すき家の後ろ側の細い路地に面していますので、少し探しにくいかも。 当日は十五夜でした。
The next day, we stayed at a business hotel in Kimitsu for Kanouzan golf. I entered because it is a reputed shop. The pork rose was 140 yen, but it was thick and browned and delicious. Assorted sashimi also has a thick medium fatty tuna ❣️ The price of shochu was about 3,000 yen for both Kirishima and Mitake in a four-goal bottle. It entered 17:00, but it was almost full by the time we left at 20:00. I was able to grab sushi, but before I got there, I was full with fish. disappointing. The scrolls were cheap and on the menu, so if you have a chance, next time. The older sisters who serve were a little older, and it seemed to be difficult to see. It faces a narrow alley behind Sukiya, so it may be a little difficult to find. It was a full moon night.

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