ベネッセの英語教室 ビースタジオ グリムスクール 東大曽根町教室 - Higashi Ward

5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact ベネッセの英語教室 ビースタジオ グリムスクール 東大曽根町教室

住所 :

Higashiozonecho, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0022 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 461-0022
Webサイト : https://benesse-bestudio.com/school/detail/%3FSHOP_CODE%3DEG410WAJ
街 : Aichi

Higashiozonecho, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0022 Aichi,Japan
YUKO on Google

The class is held at the teacher's home, and it seems that my child had a cozy atmosphere, so I enjoy participating in the lessons every time. Through the repetition of phonics, songs and games, I can feel that my pronunciation has improved.
大塚美則 on Google

孫娘2人が貴社にお世話になり早くも4年半。最初の半年は父親の転勤先の東京で半年間、世田谷区上祖師谷の教室でお世話になり、その後こちらの東大曽根教室をご紹介いただきもう4年になります。 以来、松本先生には孫娘が一度も休むことなくご指導いただき、大変英語に親しみをもって勉強させていただいております。 またその成果もあり、英検を受験して着実に成果をあげているようです。 さらに日頃の学校の授業における不明点も随時お尋ねして的確なアドバイスをいただき、大変成果をあげております。 ひとえに松本先生のご指導の賜物と感謝している次第です。 今後とも末永くご指導いただきますようよろしくお願いします。      受講者の祖父より。
It's been four and a half years since my two granddaughters have been taken care of by your company. For the first six months, I was taken care of in the classroom in Kamisoshigaya, Setagaya-ku for half a year in Tokyo, where my father was transferred, and then it has been four years since I was introduced to this Todai Sone classroom. Since then, Mr. Matsumoto has been teaching my granddaughter without a break, and I am very familiar with English. In addition, there are some results, and it seems that they are steadily achieving results by taking the Eiken exam. In addition, we are constantly asking questions about questions in our daily school lessons and receiving accurate advice, which has been very successful. I am grateful to Dr. Matsumoto for his guidance. We look forward to your continued guidance in the future. From the student's grandfather.

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