
3.7/5 に基づく 6 レビュー
年齢的には10代後半~50代の、寝屋川市、枚方市、守口市、門真市の勤勉な社会人の方、学生の方が多いです。 司法試験・医師・歯科医師国家試験・公務員試験・各種英語学習・会計士試験・税理士試験・弁理士試験・中小企業診断士試験・社会保険労務士試験・看護師試験・社会福祉士試験・大学受験・医学部受験・歯学部受験・薬学部受験・司法書士試験・行政書士試験・社労士試験・建築士試験・情報処理試験・CBT・OSCE・TOEIC・TOEFL・GMAT・CIA・USCPA・CMA・CFA・FPその他読書用など、資格受験勉強中の方、大学受験、その他ちょっとした書斎代わり、読書用スペースに利用される方がいらっしゃいます。

Contact 自習室ラーニング寝屋川駅前店

住所 :

Higashiotoshicho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0042 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://www.learning-neyagawa.com/
街 : Osaka

Higashiotoshicho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0042 Osaka,Japan
濱本望由紀 on Google

松村智昭 on Google

とても綺麗で、静かで、集中でき、よかったです。 また利用したいです。ありがとうございました。
It was nice to be very beautiful, quiet and focused. I still want to use it. Thank you very much.
Hide chan on Google

I am very pleased to take care of my son. I do not know the details, but it seems that I went a little. Thank you very much.
黒川貴史 on Google

WIFI no longer catches on. No matter how many times we ask for improvement, no sincerity. Absolutely it is useless here. There is no routers on the second floor where there is a study room. You are flying from real estate agent on the first floor. I'm playing here and I'm a teacup guy.
あきちゃん on Google

お陰様で無事合格することができました。 ありがとうございました。
Thanks to you, I was able to pass the exam safely. Thank you very much.
佐々木颯人 on Google

I used it when I was a student. The site at that time stated that there was a bicycle parking lot, but in fact, the person in charge told me to use the bicycle parking lot in the next building or the lively club. Also, when I was using it, it was an environment that was not suitable for self-study, such as a slightly filthy person or a person who spoke to myself, but the room was relatively clean. Since the services that can be paid for at a low price are only wifi and water server, students should consider using a prep school or a nearby library.

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