Higashiomiyanaika Clinic - Saitama

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Higashiomiyanaika Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-53-3 Higashiomiya, Minuma Ward, Saitama, 337-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887788
Postal code : 337-0051
Webサイト : http://www.h-omiya-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

5 Chome-53-3 Higashiomiya, Minuma Ward, Saitama, 337-0051, Japan
りんご美味しい on Google

There was one nurse whose tone and response were intimidating and created a local atmosphere. The receptionist is not bad. Even if the receptionist responds gently, the nurse is ruined. I returned because my anxiety increased. Therefore, I did not know much about doctors.
Seiクンソン on Google

完全に患者を馬鹿にした態度で、診察と言うよりは、他の病院の悪口を言って患者虐めをしてるようにしか感じなかった。 二度と行きません。
He was completely ridiculous of the patient, and rather than seeing him, he felt like he was bullying the patient by saying bad things about other hospitals. I will never go again.
Nalynya Noble on Google

マイナスあげるならあげたいぐらいのひどいところです。まず高いアレルギー採血で検査すすみめされて、結果は39種類のアレルギーの中にはどれも出ないというこで、原因は不明って単なるに言われた。 そして、アレルギーではないからかなと質問して、イライラしてる態度が始まった。なぜ私がそのように質問したのは、前回先生から頂いた採血パンプレットにも同じこと書いてあります。 次、「もっと強い薬を飲み変えて」っ言われて、母語ではないのでもう1度確認するため、質問した。 「飲み変えるというのはいまの薬は飲まなくてもいいですか?飲み終わってから変えていいですか」先生がとても私のことさらにイライラして私の日本語バカにしてた。 日本10年以上住んで、初めてこんな差別受けました。 クリニックは忙しいは分かってるけど、少しでも患者一人一人ちゃんと診察してください。 その1星は看護師と受付のスタッフに対してです。大変優しかったです。
If you give it a minus, it's a terrible place that you want to give. First of all, it was recommended to test with high allergic blood sampling, and the result was that none of the 39 types of allergies appeared, and the cause was simply said to be unknown. Then, asking if he was not allergic, he began to feel frustrated. The reason why I asked such a question is also written in the blood sampling pumplet I received from my teacher last time. Next, I was told to "take a stronger medicine" and asked a question to confirm it again because it is not my mother tongue. "Do I have to take the current medicine to change it? Can I change it after I finish taking it?" The teacher made me even more frustrated and made my Japanese stupid. I have lived in Japan for more than 10 years and have been discriminated against for the first time. I know the clinic is busy, but please see each patient as much as possible. The first star is for nurses and reception staff. It was very kind.
スカルラビット on Google

ワクチン接種、一回目と二回目で来ました。 看護師さんや先生が優しく対応してくれて 安心しました。
I came for the first and second vaccinations. The nurses and teachers kindly responded to me relieved.
kote ma on Google

かなり最悪 受付はお年寄りに普通に怒鳴りちらしてます。見てて感じ悪いし、先生も信用できない感じ。患者さんを舐めてます。
Pretty worst The receptionist usually yells at the elderly. It feels bad to see and I can't trust the teacher. I'm licking the patient.
Y M on Google

開院した時からお世話になっています。 コロナ禍、先生は一所懸命に患者さんに 寄り添っています。 発熱外来を嫌うお医者様もいる中 先生は安心感があります。 いつもお世話になり、色々相談や話しができて有難いです。
I have been indebted since the hospital opened. Corona, the teacher works hard to treat the patient I'm snuggling up. While some doctors dislike fever outpatients The teacher has a sense of security. Thank you for your continued support and for being able to consult and talk with us in various ways.
りゅとくん on Google

長年お世話になってます! 院長先生も看護婦さんも優しく親身に診てくれますし、要望があれば紹介状も書いてくれますし 受付のお姉さん方も優しく丁寧です! 『すいません。ティッシュ貰えますか?』 と言った所、優しく『どうぞ!(^^)』 と、渡してくれたり... みんな笑顔でとてもいい病院ですよ!(^^) 院内も清潔感があって綺麗です✨ インフルエンザだった場合は... 『別室』もあるし あまりにも体調悪い場合はベッドで待たせてくれました。。 いつもありがとうございます(◍︎ ´꒳` ◍︎)
I am indebted for many years! The director's teacher and the nurse will kindly see you intimately, and they will write a letter of introduction upon request. The sisters at the reception are also polite and polite! "Excuse me. Can you get a tissue? " I said gently, "Please! (^ ^) And give me ... It is a very nice hospital with everyone smiling! (^ ^) There is a feeling of cleanliness in the hospital and it is beautiful. If you were flu ... There is "separate room", too If I was too ill I was kept waiting in bed. . Thank you always (◍︎ ꒳ `◍︎)
長本伸一 on Google

病状の診察,判断,処置が的確で 全幅の信頼が置ける医師です,少しでも病状に疑いが有ると再検査を赤十字病院等大きな病院へ依頼,レントゲン写真,?フロッピー,診断書等取り揃え紹介して下さいます。 その後の経緯をお話しします, 診察券?19087 長本伸一 昨年11月初旬頃,初診察 激しい下痢の後食欲不振,発熱,虚脱感,終始止まらない咳 が酷く診て頂いていた,ゆうこクリニックへ受診,美容師接客業為コロナ禍で咳は厳禁,咳止め処方飲むも効かず食欲減退体力も限界で素人ゆえ点滴打って 症状軽くなるかと思いゆうこ内科へ問うも点滴不可と、助けを求め受け入れて頂ける其方 東大宮内科クリニックと出会い受診レントゲン検査結果,肺に白い靄,陰りが肺癌疑い即日さいたま赤十字病院で詳細に再検査促され紹介状,病巣映像フロッピー等初診初めての来院でこの処置対応により日赤にて肺感染点滴療法為二週間入院,陰りは幾分残るものの体力万全体調整い仕事復帰,お陰様であと少し人様のお役にたてそうです,その節は先生と先生を支える看護師の皆さまへ命救って頂き, 感謝申し上げます、 ありがとうございました。 長本伸一
Accurate examination, judgment, and treatment of medical conditions He is a doctor who can be fully trusted. If you have any doubt about your medical condition, please ask a large hospital such as the Red Cross Hospital for a re-examination, and introduce him with X-rays, ? floppy disks, medical certificates, etc. I will tell you what happened after that, Medical examination ticket ? 19087 Shinichi Nagamoto First medical examination around the beginning of November last year Loss of appetite, fever, circulatory collapse, cough that never stops after severe diarrhea I had a bad medical examination, I went to Yuko Clinics, I was strictly prohibited from coughing due to the cosmetologist's hospitality business, cough prescription was not effective, my appetite decreased and my physical strength was limited I wondered if my symptoms would be alleviated, but I asked Yuko Internal Medicine, but she said that she couldn't drip, so she asked for help and accepted it. Encountered at the Higashiomiyana Internal Medicine Clinic and had a medical examination. The results of the X-ray examination showed that the lungs were white and the shadow was suspected to be lung cancer. I was hospitalized for two weeks for lung infection drip therapy, and although some shadows remained, I was able to adjust my overall physical strength and return to work. Save your life, Thank you, Thank you very much. Shinichi Nagamoto

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