
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 時計・宝石サロンフジタ

住所 :

Higashiomiya, Minuma Ward, 〒337-0051 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Webサイト : https://watch-store-2096.business.site/
街 : Saitama

Higashiomiya, Minuma Ward, 〒337-0051 Saitama,Japan
ともとも on Google

The shopkeeper is kind and nice! ️
m a on Google

ネックレスのチェーン修理見積で来店 特に何も言わず奥に持っていかれて修理されてるんじゃないかと心配でした 簡単に説明されましたが態度が悪かったため持ち帰り 職人みたいなかんじだろうけど接客ぐらいちゃんとしてほしい
Visit the store with a necklace chain repair quote I was worried that it would be taken to the back and repaired without saying anything in particular. It was explained briefly, but I took it home because I had a bad attitude. It's like a craftsman, but I want you to serve customers properly
佐藤敏夫 on Google

時計やさんのおじさんが対応してくれましたが、 上から目線の強気な態度で、こっちを客だと思ってないo(`ω´ )o 時計の電池交換の値段を聞いたら、めっちゃ高くて、悩んでたら、嫌なら他に行きなって言われた 二度とこんな店には行かない! 店を出るとき、ありがとうございましたの一言も言わない最低なオヤジ
The uncle of Watchya responded, With a bullish attitude from above, I don't think this is a guest o (`ω´) o When I asked about the price of battery replacement for my watch, it was really expensive, and if I was worried, I was told to go elsewhere if I didn't like it. I will never go to such a store again! The worst old man who doesn't say thank you when you leave the store
ガーネット on Google

指輪のリメイクで利用しました。 店主さんがとても親切で良い方です。 また別の機会にも利用したいです。
I used it to remake the ring. The shopkeeper is very kind and nice. I also want to use it for another occasion.
しな on Google

It was open until 19:00 so I was able to go to the end of work. I had to replace the battery in my watch, but the shopkeeper quickly fixed it. I think it was about 5 minutes. The price is in the 1000 yen range, which is cheaper than I imagined, and I definitely want to go there again. Thank you very much.
Yumi Kobayashi on Google

腕時計の電池交換でお世話になりました。 5分程で交換して頂きました。 駐車場も隣の提携している所がありましたので、車での来店も可能でした。またお世話になろうと思います。
Thank you for your watch battery replacement. We exchanged in about 5 minutes. There was also a parking lot next door, so it was possible to visit by car. I would like to take care of you again.
スリーセブン on Google

時計の電池交換に訪れました。 ササッと5〜10分程度で交換してくれ、費用も1,300円程度。愛想もよく気持ちよく利用させて戴きました。
I visited to replace the batteries of my watch. You can quickly replace it in about 5-10 minutes, and the cost is about 1,300 yen. I was able to use it with good feeling and comfort.
tAf kZd on Google

物静かな御夫婦が営む宝石・時計専門店だが買取にも対応してくれる。大手の買取FCだと持ち帰りか引き取りになったものでも査定点数が多かったので買取してくれた。捨てるしかないと思っていたものに値が付き、すごく助かりました。 遺品整理や断捨離でお困りの方は、是非一度査定してもらうといいかも…
It is a jewelry and watch specialty store run by a quiet couple, but it also supports purchases. If it was a major purchase FC, even if it was taken home or picked up, it had a lot of assessed points, so he bought it. What I thought I had to throw away was priced, which was a great help. If you are having trouble organizing or decluttering your belongings, you may want to have them assessed once ...

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