パティスリー カミタニ

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パティスリー カミタニ

住所 :

Higashioizumi, Nerima City, 〒178-0063 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Webサイト : http://kamitani.cart.fc2.com/
街 : Tokyo

Higashioizumi, Nerima City, 〒178-0063 Tokyo,Japan
R K on Google

私は好きな味です。 大泉の某有名ケーキ屋さんは甘すぎるし味がくどいし乳臭い傾向ですが、こちらはどちらかと言えば甘さは程々で、クリームもあっさりめで柔らかめです。 好みは人それぞれだと思いますが私は大泉近辺ではこちらが一番好みのお味です。
I like it A famous cake shop in Oizumi tends to be too sweet, tasty and milky, but if anything, the sweetness is moderate and the cream is light and soft. I think each person's taste is different, but this is the one I like best near Oizumi.
Sayaka IK on Google

医療従事者の方々への手土産購入のために初めて立ち寄った。 他の方のコメントにもあるように めちゃめちゃ無愛想なオーナーと思われる店員の方。 挙げ句、自宅でいただく訳ではないのにゼリーにスプーンも付けられないと言われた、、、 正直 パッとしない商品の中から渋々選んだ というのもあるので もう行きません
I stopped by for the first time to buy souvenirs for medical professionals. A clerk who seems to be a very unfriendly owner as mentioned in other people's comments. After all, I was told that I couldn't even attach a spoon to the jelly even though I didn't have it at home ... Honestly, I'm not going anymore because I was reluctant to choose from the products that I didn't feel comfortable with.
Takeshi Saito on Google

ホワイトデーでカットケーキ数点とクッキーを買いました。家族には、特にショコラ系ケーキがコクがあってちょうど良い甘さ!また食べたい!と好評でした。 自分では食べてないので、自分用を含めて、また買わせていただきます。その時は、チョコムースケーキのホールを買いたいと思います。
I bought some cut cakes and cookies on White Day. Especially for the family, the chocolate cake is rich and sweet! I want to eat again! It was well received. I haven't eaten it myself, so I will buy it again, including for myself. At that time, I would like to buy a chocolate mousse cake hall.
ボクメルシー on Google

お年賀に焼き菓子セットを頂きました。 大泉学園の完熟ブルーベリータルトを食べましたがとても美味しかったです。
I received a baked confectionery set for New Year's greetings. I ate the ripe blueberry tart from Oizumi Gakuen and it was very delicious.
鼻でか太郎 on Google

リーズナブルな価格設定のケーキ屋さん。 焼き菓子なども置いてあります。 ちょっとしたお土産に最適では無いでしょうか。 練馬の野菜や果物を使ったケーキを作っていたりと地産地消を実施してるのも良いですね!
A cake shop with a reasonable price. There are also baked goods. Isn't it a perfect souvenir? It is also good to have local production for local consumption such as making cakes using Nerima vegetables and fruits!
森のり子 on Google

このお店のチーズケーキが大好きです。贈答に差し上げたら大変喜ばれました。 又、季節毎のケーキやスイートポテトがお薦めです。
I love the cheesecake in this shop. I was very pleased when I gave it as a gift. We also recommend seasonal cakes and sweet potatoes.
masa ka (幽霊) on Google

The old shortcakes here were so wonderful that the sponge was fluffy and the cream was lighter, but these days it's just expensive and dry. And the worst thing is the bad feeling of customer service. When I had a female clerk before, I felt very at home, but now I feel like I'm getting tired of it. The store's business hours are also quite short. Please tell me why this really happened. I'm really sorry. .. ..
LaneTryhard on Google

Very friendly service and the cake was tasty. I was there for the canele like in 'Your lie in April' but it seems like they don't make them anymore.

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