
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アンニョン韓国語教室

住所 :

Higashinodamachi, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0024 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://kankokugokyousituosaka.jp/
街 : Osaka

Higashinodamachi, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0024 Osaka,Japan
Haruka Takada on Google

初めは少し不安もありましたが、体験レッスンを受けて通いたい!とすぐに思いました。 個人レッスンなので、自分に合ったペースで進めて貰えるしその授業の時間もあっとゆう間に過ぎるぐらい先生も面白くてすごく楽しい時間を過ごせています。
At first I was a little worried, but I wanted to take a trial lesson! I thought immediately. Since it is a private lesson, you can go ahead at a pace that suits you, and the teachers are also having fun and having a great time as the lesson time is too much.
A Yu on Google

駅からも徒歩3分ほどと近くて◎ マンツーマンで予約制なので、仕事がシフト制の私としては有難いです。 先生方も、生徒のペースに合わせて分かり易く教えてくださります^^ 韓国に留学していた先生方も多く、なんでも相談にのってくださいます^^ 気軽にお話しできるアットホームな雰囲気です♬
It is close to the station about 3 minutes on foot ◎ I'm thankful for my shift work because I have a one-on-one reservation system. The teachers will also tell you in an easy-to-understand manner according to the student's pace ^^ There are many teachers who have studied in Korea, so please consult us anyway ^^ A homely atmosphere where you can speak casually ♬
S.A on Google

The biggest attraction of this classroom for me is that I can choose the day, time and number of times as I like. Also, the teachers are very friendly, so you can easily ask questions and enjoy studying.
ᄒᄐᄆ on Google

先生はとても優しくて授業中も質問しやすい 雰囲気で すごくアットホームだと思います! 授業はiPadで行っているのですが 教科書を使うよりも便利だと思います。 韓国ドラマのDVDを借りる事も出来ます! 自分の希望の時間に授業を入れれるので 便利です。 これからも授業頑張ります!!
Teacher is very kind and easy to ask questions during class I feel very at home with the atmosphere! The class is on the iPad I think it is more convenient than using textbooks. You can also borrow a Korean drama DVD! Because you can take classes at your preferred time Convenient. I will do my best in the future! !
kanehara satomi on Google

韓国が好きで旅行から帰って来る度に韓国語が話せたらもっと楽しいのではと思い、何度か他の教室に通っていましたがなかなか続かず上達もしませんでした。 1年前に韓国旅行から帰ってきた私は又同じことを思い、半信半疑で体験レッスンを受講しました。 若い先生なので大丈夫かな?と思ったら・・・ 今まで教わったことのない独自の教え方でとってもわかりやすく、 覚えにくい単語の覚え方、文法の解釈の仕方などを丁寧に楽しく講義してくださいました。 3か月も続かなかったのにお陰様で今も楽しく通わさせていただいておりますし、 韓国に行っても、少しずつ地元の人と話せるようになりました。 ありがとうございます。 これからも宜しくお願いいたします。
I liked Korea and I thought it would be more fun if I could speak Korean every time I came back from a trip. I went to other classrooms several times, but it didn't go on. I came back from a trip to Korea a year ago and thought of the same thing. Is it okay because it is a young teacher? If you think ... It is very easy to understand with the original teaching method that has never been taught before. The lecture carefully and happily taught me how to remember difficult words and how to interpret grammar. Even though it hasn't lasted for 3 months, I'm still enjoying it, Even when I went to Korea, I started to talk to local people little by little. Thank you very much. nice to meet you.
Yamashita Sachiko on Google

It was in this classroom that I started learning Korean for the first time, and I enjoyed the lessons with the teacher's experiences. I was able to attend while working because I could take lessons at the desired time at a low price. I was able to study abroad in Korea with the introduction of the teacher, and I was able to meet good classrooms and good teachers. When I return to Japan, I would like to continue studying Korean in this classroom!
重森あかり on Google

無料体験レッスンの日、わざわざ駅まで来て下さり、地図が苦手で方向音痴な私は安心して学校まで行けました! 体験レッスンも、ほんわかしていて、『ここに通いたい』とすぐに思いました! 駅近なのも凄く助かります! 学校の雰囲気もアットホームで、無料でDVDも借りれるし、レッスン中は好きなCDを持っていくと流してくれるから、更にレッスンが楽しいです! 私は大好きなBIGBANGを流したりSOLのCDを聞いています❤️笑 授業に関しては、マンツーマンだから、自分のペースで学べるし、質問もすぐできるし良いです! しかも先生も、自分に合った先生が来る曜日に行けばその先生の授業が受けれるし、たまには気分転換で違う先生のレッスンも受けれるから、色々学べて楽しいです! 実際に留学したことのある先生ばかりなので、色々聞けるし安心して知識が増えます!旅行に行く時も色々教えてくれます! 行く時間も、駅近の22時までだから、仕事終わりに通えるし、バタバタすることなく、負担なく続けることが出来ます!(ここは本当に嬉しい所です!) また、行く回数も自分で毎月決めれるので、仕事をしていても融通がききます! 先生がLINEで、スケジュールを教えてくれるし、すぐに見れるし予定も送れるし、何かと便利です! 最近ブログも良く更新して下さってて、授業では聞けない豆知識も教えてくれるしついついブログも見ちゃいます❤️ 韓国語の授業だけでなくて、悩みとかも親身になって聞いてくれるから、凄く信頼も出来るし、今では頼りになる存在になっています!⭐️ ぜひアンニョン韓国語教室で、一緒に韓国のお勉強頑張りましょう 先生と待ってまーす
On the day of the free trial lesson, I came to the station, I was not good at maps and I could go to school with peace of mind! The trial lesson was also fun and I immediately thought “I want to go here”! It is also very helpful to be near the station! The school atmosphere is also at home, DVDs can be borrowed for free, and if you bring your favorite CD during the lesson, the lesson will be even more fun! I'm playing my favorite BIGBANG and listening to SOL's CD As for the lesson, since it is one-on-one, you can learn at your own pace and ask questions immediately! Moreover, teachers can get their teacher's classes if the teacher that suits them comes on the day of the week, and sometimes they can take lessons from different teachers by changing their mood. Since only teachers who have actually studied abroad, you can listen to them and increase your knowledge with confidence! It will tell you a lot when you go on a trip! Because the time to go is until 22:00 close to the station, you can go to the end of work, and keep going without burden without fluttering! (This is a really nice place!) Also, you can decide how many times you go every month, so you can be flexible even if you work! The teacher will tell you the schedule on LINE, you can see the schedule immediately, send the schedule, something convenient! The blog has been updated a lot recently, and I'll also see a tight blog that will teach me some lessons I can't ask in class ❤️ Not only Korean language classes, but also worries and friendly questions, so you can trust them very much and now you can rely on them! ⭐️ Let's do our best to study Korean together in Annyeong Korean language class. Wait with your teacher ...
ayumi ozaki on Google

韓国語を習い始めて2カ月程の初心者です。無料体験時にも焦ってしまったくらい(^_^;)しっかりレッスンしてくださいました。 自力で勉強…なんてなかなか難しいな、と思い教室を探していました。 レッスンでも「難しい〜!」ともちろんなるのですが、基礎もキッチリ教えて頂けるので「難しいけど、面白いかも!」と思えます。 先生方の韓国小話も楽しいです。 まだまだ始めたばかりですが、頑張って学んで行きたいと思っています^_^ と、思わせてくれる教室です!
I have been learning Korean for about two months. (^ _ ^;) I did a good lesson for the free trial. Studying on my own ... I was looking for a classroom thinking that it was very difficult. In the lessons, of course, it's "Difficult!", But I can teach you the basics, so I think "It's difficult but interesting!" My teacher's Korean story is also fun. I'm just getting started, but I want to work hard and learn ^ _ ^ It is a classroom that makes me think!

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