買取専門店 おたからや 新庄店 - Katsuragi

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

おたからや新庄店(奈良県葛城市) 金・プラチナ・ブランド時計高価買取 - Sinjou.original-otakaraya.net


Contact 買取専門店 おたからや 新庄店

住所 :

Higashimuro, Katsuragi, 〒639-2102 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 639-2102
Webサイト : https://sinjou.original-otakaraya.net/
街 : Nara

Higashimuro, Katsuragi, 〒639-2102 Nara,Japan
yui on Google

場所が分かりづらいですが店の表記が大きいのですぐ辿り着くかと思います! これからも利用させて頂きます! 接客がとても丁寧で、しつこい感じもなくこちらに合わせて対応して頂けるので気持ち良く色々と見れました。
It's hard to find the location, but the store's notation is big, so I think you'll arrive soon! We will continue to use it! The customer service was very polite, and I was able to see various things comfortably because I was able to respond according to this without feeling persistent.
Street View on Google

It is difficult to understand as a place because it is located in a corner of the parking lot of Tenkaippin. If you know that it is directly behind Tenkaippin, you can arrive without hesitation.
mayu misumi on Google

おたからや と大きく記載があるので、 迷わずに到着出来た気がします。 私は今回こちらの店舗で時計を買い取ってもらおうとしたのですが、これは向こうのほうが高いよ!と別店舗の案内をして、自店舗では買わずに私にとって利益になる所を勧めてくださいました。 とても優しく雰囲気がいい店員さんが多い印象です。
Because there is a big description like Otakara I feel like I was able to arrive without hesitation. I tried to get a watch bought at this store this time, but this is more expensive over there! He showed me another store and recommended a place that would be profitable for me without buying at my own store. I have the impression that there are many clerk who are very kind and have a nice atmosphere.
新日大好き on Google

Even though the business hours weren't there yet, I was very glad that he was willing to make an assessment without being told anything and was very kind and explained to me until I was satisfied! I think it's safe and reliable because it will be kind to you! It's a shop that you really want to repeat
あんちゃんねる on Google

家に不用品で捨てられないものがあったので来店することにしました。 男性の店員さんがいらっしゃり、とても話しやすかったです。 また、査定について丁寧に説明していただけ、こちらも納得して買い取っていただきました。 また不用品が出てきたらお願いしたいです。
I decided to come to the store because there was something in my house that I couldn't throw away. There was a male clerk and it was very easy to talk to. In addition, I was able to explain the assessment carefully, and I was convinced that I bought it. In addition, I would like to ask if any disused items come out.
Fりえ(Ree) on Google

貴金属を買取に出しました。思っていたより高価で買い取っていただき満足です。 新庄店さんはよく利用させていただくのですが、いつも品物を丁寧に扱ってくださるので好感が持てます!また、丁寧な説明の上、正直な査定をされるので買取に出したい人にはとてもオススメです!!
I bought a precious metal. It is more expensive than I expected and I am satisfied with the purchase. I often use the Shinjo store, but I like it because they always handle the items carefully! In addition, it is highly recommended for those who want to buy it because it will be assessed honestly after careful explanation! !!
on Google

家を片付けしていたところ、以前使用していた衣類やバッグが出てきたので、買い取ってもらおうと思い来店しました。 正直、相場など何もわからない状態だったので騙されないか不安でしたが、男性の店員の方が、「バッグはうちの方がいいかもしれないけど、古着ならうちの近くにあるリサイクルショップのほうが高く買い取ってくれるよ!」と言ってくださりとても親切な方だなあと、安心しました。次も何かあればぜひ利用させていただきたいと思います^^
When I was cleaning up my house, I found clothes and bags that I had used before, so I came to the store to buy them. To be honest, I was worried that I wouldn't be fooled because I didn't know anything about the market price, but a male clerk said, "I might prefer my bag, but if it's used clothing, the recycle shop near me is better. I was relieved that he was a very kind person who said, "I will buy it at a high price!" I would definitely like to use it if there is anything next ^ ^
食パン on Google

It was my favorite jewelry, but I decided to sell it because I haven't had a chance to use it recently, so I bought several pieces. The clerk was very friendly and gave me a detailed explanation about the product and the reason for the assessed price, and I was able to make a very pleasant transaction. If you have something you want to sell, I would love to use it.

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