炭火焼肉七輪 摂津店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼肉七輪 摂津店

住所 :

Higashihitotsuya, Settsu, 〒566-0074 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889977
Webサイト : https://www.sumibiyakiniku-shichirin.com/%3Flightbox%3Dciz0
街 : Osaka

Higashihitotsuya, Settsu, 〒566-0074 Osaka,Japan
けいちゃん on Google

Something fluttering staff is fluttering and I can't eat slowly. The ingredients were reasonably delicious.
yuki u on Google

The meat is delicious and I use it. I can't use the card when paying, so I want you to be able to use it. If you just get it, it's really perfect score ?
こむぎ on Google

接客してくださる方達がすごく親切で、愛想よく気持ちよく食事ができました。 お肉も美味しかったです。
The people who served customers were very kind, and I was able to eat amiably and comfortably. The meat was also delicious.
松岡公一 on Google

とにかく美味しいです。 肉が旨いです! 味も量的にも満足! ついつい食べすぎます!
Anyway, it's delicious. The meat is delicious! Satisfied with both taste and quantity! I just eat too much!
ガキくそ on Google

The customer service was good and the restaurant was reasonably priced for the quality of the meat and was very satisfying! I definitely want to use it again.
1 “‪一匹オオカミ‬” on Google

お肉はどれも本当に美味しいです。 お値段はそれなりに少しお高いです。 会計は現金のみなので みなさん気をつけてください。家族で行くと結構なお値段になる時もあるのでクレジット決済を導入してほしいもんです。そこで星一1です。
All the meat is really delicious. The price is a little high as it is. Please be careful as the accounting is only cash. If you go with your family, the price may be quite high, so I would like you to introduce credit card payment. There is one star.
こまり on Google

ハラミが柔らかくて美味しかったです☺️ 平均的に単価もリーズナブルでお肉も美味しいので、テーブルは結構いっぱいでした。 ただ、ソフトハラミって言うのがあってちょっと味が変❔ ハラミじゃなくね?みたいな味でした☺ 全体的には良かったです??
The skirt steak was soft and delicious ☺️ The average unit price was reasonable and the meat was delicious, so the table was quite full. However, the taste is a little strange because it is called soft skirt steak ❔ Not skirt steak, right? It tasted like ☺ Overall it was good ??
メロン on Google

値段以上の美味しさ、量に大満足でした。牛タンも美味しかった。 テーブルに換気もあるし、仕切りもちゃんとしていて、隣との上部の空間も飛沫など来ない安心感があるので、良かった。 7時には入店できないお店が多いところ、7時30分まで入れてありがたかったです。
I was very satisfied with the deliciousness and quantity that exceeded the price. The beef tongue was also delicious. It was good because the table was well ventilated, the partitions were neat, and there was a sense of security that the space above the table wouldn't get splashed. There are many shops that cannot be entered at 7 o'clock, so I was grateful that I could enter until 7:30.

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