喫茶 伴天連

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 喫茶 伴天連

住所 :

Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0023 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://bateren.web.fc2.com/index.html
街 : Hiroshima

Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0023 Hiroshima,Japan
レッドRed on Google

ずっと行きたかった場所にようやく行けました✨初代のご夫婦は他界されたそうで、今は息子さんがマスターをされています? 私は怪談話大好き、お化け屋敷大好きなので何ともなかったですが、ホラーが苦手な方はお店に入れないとか? ホラーというより、店内の照明が幻想的で素敵でした✨ あ、カウンターに絶対座るべきですよ?お話好きなマスターと1時間ほどお喋りしました?今回は時間がなかったので帰りましたが、またゆっくり訪れたい喫茶店でした?
I finally got to the place I always wanted to go ✨ It seems that the first couple passed away, and now my son is the master ? I love ghost stories and haunted houses, so I didn't do anything about it, but if you're not good at horror, you shouldn't go to the store ? Rather than horror, the lighting inside the store was fantastic and wonderful ✨ Oh, you should definitely sit at the counter ? I talked with my favorite master for about an hour ? I went home because I didn't have time this time, but it was a coffee shop I wanted to visit again ?
わゆー on Google

開店前に駐車場の外で待っていたら 猫と一緒に駐車場を開けに来られたのが可愛かったです。 店内は暗くて色々びっくり要素があって面白かったです。 昔はメニュー表がよく分からない名前で書いてあったみたいですが 今は普通に珈琲とかオレンジジュースと書いてあります。 マスターがよく喋る面白い方です。 外で食べられるスペースも作るみたいです。
I waited outside the parking lot before the store opened, and it was cute that I came to open the parking lot with a cat. The inside of the store was dark and I was amazed by the various surprises. In the past, it seemed that the menu table was written with a name that I didn't understand well, but now it is usually written as coffee or orange juice. He is an interesting person who often speaks. It seems that we can make space for eating outside.
南無阿弥陀佛 on Google

マスターがとても面白い方で、雰囲気も良かったです。 様々な動物の骨が飾ってあったりします。 たまに大きな音等で驚かせてくれるので、ビックリしたい方にオススメです。
The master was very interesting and the atmosphere was good. The bones of various animals are displayed. It is recommended for those who want to be surprised because it sometimes surprises with loud sounds.
PND on Google

とにかくすごかったです! マスターが気さくな方でおもしろかったです!
Anyway, it was amazing! It was fun because the master was friendly!
佳子藤原 on Google

20年振りに行きました❗少しスッキリした感じでしたが懐かしかったです。代替わりで息子さんがマスターでしたが、話安くて楽しかった✨ 友達は悲鳴をあげてましたが? また、行きたいですね☺️
I went there for the first time in 20 years ❗ I felt a little refreshed, but I missed it. Instead, my son was the master, but it was cheap and fun to talk to. My friend was screaming ? I want to go again ☺️
yasushi. on Google

山奥にひっそりとあるホラー喫茶店。 広島市内からだと1時間くらいの距離です。 マスターのお父様が始められた由緒ある場所。 ドライブやツーリングにピッタリ。 夏は外でBBQやハロウィンイベントもしています。 見晴らしのいい場所にあり 外観から物々しく 店内はとにかく狂気と下ネタに溢れています。 マスターがとにかく気さくな方でトークに長けています。 時間を忘れさせてくれるディープスポット。 楽しみたいなら是非カウンターに座ってください。 デートスポットには最適です。 子供連れさんは泣き叫ぶと思います。
A horror coffee shop quietly located in the mountains. It is about an hour away from Hiroshima city. A venerable place where Master's father started. Perfect for driving and touring. In the summer, we also have BBQ and Halloween events outside. Located in a place with a good view From the appearance The store is full of madness and off-color humor. The master is a friendly person and is good at talking. A deep spot that makes you forget the time. If you want to have fun, please sit at the counter. Great for date spots. I think children will cry.
Hiroka Sugimoto Kranenburg on Google

Very original place! Fun. Opens from 10am to 7pm. Plenty of parking space. Wheel chairs and baby buggy are difficult. 4 year old boy enjoyed and laughing all the time, but 2 year old girl was so scared and didn’t even say a word.
George Lauer on Google

Best horror/haunted cafe in the prefecture IF NOT THE COUNTRY!!!!!!! Super creepy location on a hillside on the outskirts of Saijo City. Only really accessible by car making the area very isolated and desolate. Head past the aged dilapidated love hotels, passed a golf course and behind a old abandoned resort center you’ll find a mystical place seemingly from another dimension or time period. Not much will tell you if it’s open or not so just check the posted schedule and be brave!! Head in passed the many hidden “traps” and out from behind an actual medieval suit of armor pops one of the most courteous, kindest, humorous horror fanatic/owner you will ever meet! From actually shrunken heads (with certificates and all!) to bison skulls and a preserved frog (he caught the other day!) the place has it all! Open long hours almost every day of the week. Best to go at night or dusk but the place is so dark inside that it shouldn’t matter. And it’s “just a regular cafe!” as the owner says so they have freshly ground coffee to sandwiches and even pancakes! Definitely a pilgrimage to make for any horror fan!! Enjoy!!!

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