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Contact (公社)流山市シルバー人材センター

住所 :

Higashihatsuishi, Nagareyama, 〒270-0114 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Higashihatsuishi, Nagareyama, 〒270-0114 Chiba,Japan
小菅敦 on Google

大野鉄洋 on Google

ゆう on Google

Even if I ring the call for more than 3 minutes during business hours, it doesn't come out. Is there anyone who is hard of hearing? Please give me a phone number
リュウの飼い主 on Google

お隣さんがここに頼んだらしいんだが、何の断りもなくうちの前にハシゴとか熊手とか置いて帰ってました。 確かに道はうちの所有じゃないが、誰だって自分ん家の前に物を無断で置かれていったら気分悪いと思います。 ましてや依頼した家じゃなくて、何で関係無いうちの前なんだよ。 地域の名前を看板に掲げて商売してるんだから、もう少し気を遣ったほうがいいですよ。現にこうやって悪い評価書き込まれてるんだから。
It seems that my neighbor asked me here, but I left a ladder or a rake in front of me without any notice. It's true that the road isn't owned by us, but I think it would be unpleasant for anyone to put things in front of their own house without permission. Not to mention the house I requested, but in front of me for whatever reason. You should be a little more careful because you are doing business with the name of the area on the signboard. Actually, bad evaluation is written like this.
大川敏樹 on Google

流山市ほっとプラザ下花輪にて不快な言動・行動を行う流山市シルバー人材センター職員 10月10日に貴施設職員の不快な行動・言動について、市が接客指導を行うとの事でしたが、 11月7日17時の入浴に置いて同じ職員より同様の行動 (入浴退出時間10分前に浴室へ来て大声であと10分で入浴終了です、声を掛けに来る) (17時43分より、脱衣所に人が着替えているのに声も掛けず、ロッカーの清掃・流しの清掃等を始める) (名札を見えない様 上着の下に隠して作業を行う) 等、前回同様に利用者に不快な言動・行動を続けていました。 今回、責任者はどなたかと聞いた所、該当職員であるとの事、直にクレームを伝えた 10分前の声掛けは忘れる人もいるので行っているとの事(10月10日)から何度も来ているが刑務所の様に脱衣退出完了まであと10分と 大声で声をかける職員は”該当職員”のみ。 (該当職員)次の入浴の方が待っているので早く清掃を行いたいー>入浴時間は正時から50分までではと言うと、ー>”(該当職員)待っている方を早く入れるためには50分からの清掃では間に合わない。 それは正時前に次の人を入れたいが為で有って、先の入浴ルールに反する、一歩 譲って、前回の入浴者が50分前に上がって居て早く清掃が終わり次の人を早く入浴させることが出来たのなら分かるが、入浴者がいる40分に後10分で上がる様に威圧し、42分から長ぐつ姿でなんの声掛も無く清掃を始めるのは、早く出ていけとしと言う威圧としか感じず、非常に不快であると伝えると。 (該当職員)私はそうとは思わない、早く清掃して、待っている次の人を入れるのが仕事だとの事、 まかりなりにも、サービスではないのかと言うと、薄笑い浮かべ、馬鹿にしたような口調でサービスではない、これが仕事で批判される筋合いはないとの事。 全く話が通じません。 私は施設利用の最初に説明を受けた様に、30分前から受付、 入浴利用は正時より50分まで、50分にはロッカーのカギを返してほしい、50分から 正時までは清掃時間、次の利用者は正時より。との説明を受けて居ました。 ・このルールは浴室、待合所等には掲示されておらず、このルールを独自に解釈し、早く開けば次のの人を早く入浴させることが出来、まだ入れないかと言うクレーム回避が出来る ・そのため、入浴中40分に退出の要求・脱衣完了退出時間50分まえには清掃を開始。 ・10分の清掃時間では間に合わないのかと聞くと、時間が足りないとの事。 10月22日の添付” 流山市ほっとプラザ下花輪にて不快な言動・行動を行う職員について ”市の回答書 以降、該当職員には 今回10月10日以降初めて遭遇し、同様の不快な行為は続いて居ました、また、これらの不満は私だけでは無く入浴していた他の方々も、なんで50分前に急かされないといけないんだ、と不満を漏らしていました。 職員はコストダウンの為にシルバー人材センターをお使いの様ですが、一般常識的に利用者のサービス等を考えず 決められた作業を自分の都合の良いルールで行う様な仕事を行う職員が居り、全く指導、管理がされて居ない事を疑問に思います。
Nagareyama City Silver Human Resources Center staff who perform unpleasant words and actions at Shimohanawa, Nagareyama City Hot Plaza It was said that the city will provide customer service guidance on October 10 regarding the unpleasant behavior and behavior of your facility staff. Similar behavior from the same staff in the bath at 17:00 on November 7th (Come to the bathroom 10 minutes before leaving the bath, and the bath will be finished in 10 minutes loudly, come to call out) (From 17:43, even though people are changing clothes at the dressing room, they don't even talk to them and start cleaning lockers and sinks.) (Hide the name tag under your jacket so that you cannot see it) And so on, as in the last time, I continued to behave and act unpleasantly to the user. This time, when I asked who the person in charge was, he said that he was the relevant staff member and directly reported the complaint. Some people forget to say 10 minutes ago, so I've been there many times since (October 10), but it's only 10 minutes until the undressing and exit is completed like a prison. The only staff member who speaks out loud is the "corresponding staff member". (Applicable staff) The next bather is waiting, so I want to clean it sooner-> If you say that the bathing time is from noon to 50 minutes-> "(Corresponding staff) Cleaning from 50 minutes is not enough. This is because I want to put in the next person before the hour, which violates the previous bathing rule, give up one step, the previous bather went up 50 minutes ago, the cleaning was finished early, and the next person I know if I was able to take a bath early, but it was intimidating to go up in 10 minutes after 40 minutes when there was a bather, and it was early to start cleaning in a long-sleeved figure from 42 minutes without any voice. When I told him that he felt very intimidating and was very uncomfortable. (Corresponding staff) I don't think so, it's my job to clean up quickly and put in the next person waiting, and when I say that it's a service, I smile and stupid It is not a service with a tone like that, and there is no reason to criticize this at work. I can't understand at all. As I received the explanation at the beginning of the facility use, reception starts 30 minutes before, bathing use is from noon to 50 minutes, I want you to return the locker key in 50 minutes, cleaning time from 50 minutes to noon , The next user is from the hour. I was receiving an explanation. ・ This rule is not posted in bathrooms, waiting areas, etc., and if you interpret this rule independently and open it early, you can let the next person take a bath early, and you can avoid complaints that you can not enter yet. ・ Therefore, request to leave 40 minutes while taking a bath ・ Complete undressing Cleaning is started 50 minutes before leaving time. ・ When I asked if the cleaning time of 10 minutes was not enough, I heard that there was not enough time. Attached on October 22 "About the staff who perform unpleasant words and actions at Shimohanawa, Nagareyama City Hot Plaza" After the city's reply, the relevant staff I encountered it for the first time since October 10th, and the same unpleasant behavior continued, and these complaints, not only for me, but for other people who were taking a bath, why should I be rushed 50 minutes ago? I was complaining that I shouldn't do it. The staff seems to be using the Silver Human Resources Center to reduce costs, but common sense does not consider the services of users. I am wondering that there are staff members who perform the tasks that are decided according to the rules that are convenient for them, and that they are not instructed or managed at all.

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