福山通運(株) 本社

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福山通運(株) 本社

住所 :

Higashifukatsucho, Fukuyama, 〒721-0974 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.fukutsu.co.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Higashifukatsucho, Fukuyama, 〒721-0974 Hiroshima,Japan
marred sight on Google

It is dangerous because there are a lot of driving and speed limit exceeding. What are you thinking about even though it's a prominent logo? I have to think that I have not been able to educate employees.
西山貴文 on Google

The manner is bad. Conversation is the lower grade of elementary school students. I have no idea about my surroundings. As it is now, nobody will come even if it is recruited-The era will be a retribution from Heisei. It is outdated now.
ジェノアジェノバ on Google

受付?態度対応は悪い印象です。 大丈夫ですか?
reception? Attitude correspondence is a bad impression. OK?
To-y on Google

9月6日の夜、高松道でプレートナンバー宮崎100か6679に速度超過で抜かれた上にウインカーも出さずに前に入られた。制限速度守らないなら80キロで走りますみたいなステッカー貼るな! 【追記】相変わらず速度超過注意してないんですね。福山プレート60-81が中国道上りで制限速度守らず走行していました。そこそこ大手の運送会社なのにドライバーの指導不足なのか交通ルールを守らせてないのが残念です。
On the night of September 6th, on Takamatsu-dō, I was overtaken by plate number Miyazaki 100 or 6679 due to excessive speed, and I entered in front without a turn signal. If you don't keep the speed limit, don't stick a sticker like you would run at 80km! [Additional note] As usual, you are not paying attention to excessive speed. The Fukuyama Plate 60-81 was traveling up the Chinese road without complying with the speed limit. It is a pity that we are not obeying the traffic rules, perhaps due to lack of driver guidance, although it is a major shipping company.
ブルースカイ(スカイ) on Google

The parking lot is easy to understand here, but the location of the office is very deep and difficult to understand, so I thought it would be nice if there was a signboard if possible.
M T on Google

荷物の持ち込みで、新人さんっぽい方が担当してくれた。 重たかったし領収書の書き方とか色々注文つけたりしたが、最後まで丁寧に付き合ってくれた。 分からないこととか他のスタッフに聞きに行ったりして時間はかなりかかったが、納得いくまで対応してくれた。 他のスタッフさんの気遣いもあった。 次も是非お願いしたい。
A newcomer-like person was in charge of bringing in luggage. It was heavy and I ordered various things such as how to write a receipt, but he was polite until the end. It took me a long time to ask other staff about things I didn't understand, but they responded until I was satisfied. There was also the concern of other staff. I would like to ask you again next time.
通報し太郎 on Google

今さっきおたくのトラックにめっちゃ煽られたわ!どんな教育してんの? 煽り運転のやり方教えてるのでごぜーますでしょうか? ちゃんと教育しろや!運転のプロだろ?! って思ってるのは俺だけかなw こんな運転する奴に荷物ぶっ壊されたくないから2度と使いませんわ! 荷物の問い合わせしたときも電話でタメ語使ってきて、お前何様?って思いましたわw 相当ご教育がよろしいようで
I was really excited by your otaku truck just now! What kind of education are you doing? Would you like to teach me how to drive a car? Educate properly! You're a driving professional, right? !! I'm the only one who thinks I don't want this guy to destroy my luggage, so I'll never use it again! When you inquire about your luggage, you use the Tame language on the phone, what are you doing? I thought w It seems that a considerable amount of education is good
Non on Google

コロナワクチンの職域接種もいち早く行って、家族もして貰えました。 3回目も終わり、社員や家族を大切にする会社かなぁ➰と思いました。
I was the first to get a corona vaccine in the workplace, and my family got it. After the third time, I thought it was a company that values ​​employees and their families.

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