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Contact 坂井や商店

住所 :

Higashiborimaedori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8066 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Niigata

Higashiborimaedori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8066 Niigata,Japan
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またしても新潟にいる。 息子を送ってきた、といえばずいぶんと過保護のように思われるだろうが連れて帰った私自身、こりゃやり過ぎだよなぁ、と深く考えているのだから仕方がない。  母親とはよいもので、帰省してまた帰る息子にあれをもっていけ、これがあると便利だろう。と衣料品から薬品、食料品まで取り揃え、それでもまだ足りないと近所のスーパーに寄って買い揃えてから行け。との指令がでた。来た時よりもどうみても倍以上の手荷物となっている。となれば、道中やきもき心配するよりも連れていってしまった方がよいだろう。ついでに私も楽しんでこられるではないか。という事であちらこちらと寄り道してくるのだから過保護も悪いものではない。  息子の住む新潟島、すなわち信濃川左岸地域のとくに北側は、古来より北前船交易で栄えた地でその豪壮な屋敷がいくつか史跡として残されてもいる。船が入るたびにたくさんの漢どもか盃を傾け、芸妓を揚げ日夜街が揺れるほどの大騒ぎをしていた、といわれる街角は現在でも大きな繁華街として成立してはいるが、かつての盛えようとは比較にならないほど寂れた光景であるともいう。  知った口を叩いてはいるが、単なるよそ者でしかない私が語るのは極めて憚れることかもしれないが、こういう街並みほど唆られるものはない。東京は変化が激しすぎてなにも残らない。長野は変化がなさ過ぎてわからない。その点歴史が、栄枯盛衰がはっきりとわかる古町は底知れない魅力に溢れている。  そして、地方都市らしく新しいものと古いものが無頓着に混在しているのもよい。近代的なアーケードの下に八百屋が露店を広げ、真新しくかっこいビルディングのすぐ脇には古ぶるしく、今にも倒れそうな木造の店屋が立ち並んでいる。   「坂井や商店」 古町繁華街の北隣、ちょうどビル群がなくなりかけぼつぼつ住宅街が始まるかなという地域、田中角栄が作り上げた街だけあって、歩道つきの広い道路の片側は背の高いマンションがいくつも立ち並んでいるが、反対側はごくちいさな木造の『元商店街』だ。こちらはその中でももっとも古くみえる二階建ての八百屋だ。店先に達筆で『十全茄子』『焼茄子』と掲示されていれば覗いてみるより他に方はないだろう。店を切り回しているのは、建物に負けないほど古ぶるしいおじいちゃんおばあちゃん。だが、見た目と違いエラく元気がよい。  「十全ナス」350円 十全茄子とは新潟地域で生産されているナスの一種でまん丸のユーモラスな形をしている。見た目は長野の丸茄子と同様だが、水気が多く柔らかいという。その可愛いのを浅漬けにしたものが袋詰めで売られている。水を張ったウレタンのトロ箱に浮かべられた茄子は涼しげでけっこう。おじいちゃんが『うちの浅漬けは塩分控えめだから美味しいよ!』と言う。それは助かるが、オレってそんなに高血圧にみえるのかな?  「ジャンボナス」250円 種類を聞きそびれたが、これまたデカいデカい茄子だ。おばあちゃんが直火でじっくり焼き、トロトロになったものを皮むいて冷たく冷やしたもの。帰宅時間がはっきりしなかったのと、クーラーボックスがあるとはいえ、持ち歩きの間傷んでしまってはもったいなさ過ぎる、と最初は躊躇したのだが、このフォルムに負けて買ってしまった。   帰宅後の夕食で食べてみる。 十全茄子の浅漬けは、おじいちゃんの言葉通り塩気が少なく見た目以上に品のよい仕上がりだ。舌の上でとけ果ててしまう。ジャンボナスは見た目通りの豪快さ。輪切りにして鰹節と醤油でいただいたのだがとにかくデカい。私のビッグマウスだからなんとかかぶりつけたが、家内と娘は四苦八苦しながら食べていた。しかしトロける、咽喉部に到達する前にとけてなくなってしまう。シンプル簡単な品にみえるが、双方とも茄子の魅力を最大限に出し切った素晴らしい料理であった。   こういう店が長野に欲しい、とつくづく思う。いや、イメージの近い店屋はないこともないが、ここまでキャラクターの立ったところはない。それが羨ましくてたまらない。
I'm in Niigata again. It's a sequel. Speaking of sending my son, it would seem like a lot of overprotection, but when I brought it back, I thought it was overkill, so I can't help it. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. A mother is good, and it would be useful to have it with my son who returns home and returns. And if you don't have enough clothes, medicine, food, and so on, go to a supermarket in the neighborhood and buy them. Was issued. It's more than double the baggage than when I came. In that case, it is better to take him than to worry about the road. By the way, I can enjoy it too. So I'm detouring here and there, so overprotection isn't bad either. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. Niigata Island, where my son lives, that is, the northern bank of the left bank of the Shinano River, has been prosperous for a long time since the ancient times, and some magnificent mansions have been left as historic sites. Every time a boat entered, many Chinese people or cups were tilted, geishas were raised, and there was a fuss that caused the city to sway day and night. It is also said that it is a lonely scene that cannot be compared. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. I'm swearing, but as a mere stranger, it's extremely frustrating to say, but nothing like this cityscape. The changes in Tokyo are so radical that nothing remains. Nagano doesn't understand because it hasn't changed much. In that respect, the history of Furumachi, where you can clearly see the rise and fall, is full of charm. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. And it is good that old and new are casually mixed like local cities. Under the modern arcade, greengrocers open up stalls, and right next to the brand-new and cool building, there are many old wooden shops that are likely to collapse. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. "Sakai and shops" To the north of Furumachi's downtown area, a region where buildings are just disappearing and a rugged residential area begins, there is only a town built by Kakuei Tanaka, but on one side of the wide road with sidewalks there are many tall apartments On the other side is a small wooden "former shopping street". This is the oldest two-storey greengrocer's shop. If you see "Juzen Eggplant" or "Yaki Eggplant" posted on the storefront with a handwriting brush, there is no choice but to look into it. It is a grandmother who is old enough to beat the building. However, unlike the appearance, it is very healthy. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. "Juzen eggplant" 350 yen Juzen eggplant is a kind of eggplant produced in the Niigata area and has a humorous shape of Manmaru. It looks similar to Nagano's round eggplant, but is said to be watery and soft. The cute ones are pickled and sold in bags. The eggplants floated in a urethane box filled with water are cool and healthy. Grandpa said, "My lightly pickled vegetables are delicious because they have a low salt content! ]”. That helps, but do I look so hypertensive? It's a sequel. It's a sequel. "Jambonus" 250 yen I couldn't understand the kind, but this is also a big eggplant. Grandma slowly grilled with open flame, peeled and chilled tofu. I didn't know when I was going home, and although I had a cooler box, I initially hesitated that it would be useless if I got damaged while carrying it, but I lost this form and bought it. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. I will eat it for dinner after coming home. It's a sequel. Juzen Eggplant's lightly pickled pickles are less salty than Grandpa's words, and are better than they look. It melts off on the tongue. Jambonas are as exciting as they look. I cut it into slices and had it with bonito flakes and soy sauce, but it's huge. I managed to bite it because it was my big mouse, but my wife and daughter were eating while struggling. However, it disappears before it reaches the throat. It looks simple and simple, but both were excellent dishes that maximized the charm of eggplant. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. It's a sequel. I really want to have a store like this in Nagano. No, there is no store with a similar image, but there is no place where the character stands so far. I'm so jealous of it.

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