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Contact 東京総合研究所

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Higashi, Shibuya City, 〒150-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Webサイト : https://www.888.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Higashi, Shibuya City, 〒150-0011 Tokyo,Japan
とむ on Google

LINEの無料配信→勝率はとても高いです。10回位やって全勝。ミニで枚数調整はしましたが、小遣い稼がせていただきました。 先物トライアル(100万達成までサポート)→ほんの数営業日で達成! 会社訪問(面談)→代表の方とお会いしました。とても丁寧に対応いただき好印象。この会社は本物!と思い、正規会員になるつもりでした。 ただ、その後に再びLINE無料配信に乗っかりました。結果‥逆行しまくり一時、上記の利益が全て消える位の含み損‥(最大で800円位の逆行)損切なし&ナンピン連発(maxラージ4枚だったかな)です‥。 私は資金の関係でラージ2枚までしか持ちませんでしたが、マジで夜寝れない日々が続きました。 これは先のGW前の話ですが、ポジション持越しは出来ないのでGW前には切るとのアナウンスがありましたが、結局、連休初日の引け成り決済の指示。これには正直がっかりしました。 私は自身の判断で早めに損切しましたので、利益を全て飛ばすことはなく、トータルでは多少の利益は残りましたので、こちらの会社には感謝しているところはあります。 ただ、とにかくハイリスクハイリターンの一言に尽きるかと思います。 先物トライアルでは資金300万円の場合、ラージ2枚、OP2枚までらしいんですね。これに習って資金300万、ラージ2枚を建てたのですが、最大含み損が約140万円。資金に対して約47%のマイナスです。 これってどう思われますか?今SPAN証拠金が約70万円ですので、もう少しで追証になるところですよね。 勿論、無料配信ですので自己責任を理解した上でやりました。しかしながら、先物トライアルも、正規会員の場合も手法は同じだと仰ってましたので、同様のことが起こる可能性って十分ある訳ですよね。 正直、資金管理もへったくれもないなと、本当怖くなりました。これが先物取引なんだと言われたらそうなのかも知れませんが、私には無理です。体とメンタルがもちません。 これを見られた方に言いたいことは、大抵の場合、まず無料のLINE配信に興味を持たれる方が多いかと思います。ただ、むやみに手を出さないほうが良いです。やるとしてもご自身の資金に対しての適性枚数を良く理解した上でやらないと本当死にますよ。それが分からない方は絶対にやめた方が良いです。 そういってる今も、無料配信の方、500円以上逆行してます‥。既に3枚建てられており、マイナス約130万。 これも損切はせず、結局はプラスで終われるのかもしれませんが、私にはコツコツドカン手法にしか思えないのです。資金が無限にあれば良いですが、そんな方居ますか? こちらの会社は初心者には向かないと思うと同時に、上級者の方が投資顧問を頼る?とも思います。どの投資顧問にしても、人任せにしたところで、成績が芳しくないと罵詈雑言。結局は裁量で勝てるようにならないと、投資(投機)はやるべきではないのかなと私は感じています。 一般人にはどの投資顧問が優秀なのか、見極めるのは至難の業かと思いますし、口コミなんてあてになりませんしね。そもそも投資顧問で財産築けるんでしょうか‥。 あと、気になる点。HPのLINE無料配信の実績ですが、先の負けトレード一向にUPされません。これはどうかと思います。 最後に、資産家の方にとっては、もしかしたら優秀な投資顧問なのかも知れません。私のような貧乏人には無理がありました。 代表の方のブログは読みごたえがあるので、今後も拝見したいと思います。 低評価を付けてしましましたが、営業電話は一切ありませんし悪質な会社とは思いません。 ただ、繰り返しになりますが、損切なし、ナンピン連発‥。 以上になります。 ※5月13日22時現在 LINE配信、含み損200万円突破‥。乗っかってる人大丈夫かな‥。
LINE free delivery → Winning rate is very high. It is about 10 times and it is all win. I adjusted the number of minis, but I was able to earn some money. Futures trial (support to achieve 1 million) → Achieved in just a few business days! Company visit (Interview) → I met with the representative. Very polite and responsive impression. This company is real! I intended to become a regular member. However, I got on the LINE free delivery again after that. As a result .. It is unreliable loss of the place where all the above profit disappears .. (up to 800 yen reverse) at one time, all the above profit disappears. I had only 2 large sheets because of the funds, but the days that I could not sleep at Maji continued. This is the story before the GW, but there is an announcement to turn it off before the GW because it can not carry over the position, but in the end, it instructs the closing of the first day of the consecutive holidays. I was really disappointed. I lost my profit early on my own judgment, so I did not skip all the profits, and some profits remained in total, so I am thankful to this company. However, I think it is just one word of high risk high return anyway. In the futures trial, in the case of 3 million yen in funds, it seems to be up to 2 large and 2 OP. Following this, I built 3 million funds and 2 large pieces, but the maximum unrealized loss is about 1.4 million yen. It is about 47% negative to funds. What do you think this is? Since the SPAN margin is about 700,000 yen now, it will be added as a follow-up in a little more. Of course, I did it after understanding self-responsibility because it is free delivery. However, the futures trial also said that the method is the same for regular members, so there is a good chance that the same thing may happen. To be honest, I was really scared that I could not manage my money. It may be so if this is said to be futures trading, but it is impossible for me. I have no physical and mental skills. What I would like to say to those who saw this is that, in most cases, there are many who are interested in free LINE distribution first. However, it is better not to put your hand in vain. Even if you do it, you will really die if you do not do it after understanding the aptitude number for your own funds well. If you do not know it, you should definitely quit. Even now, the free delivery, more than 500 yen retrogressive .. Three have already been built, minus about 1.3 million. This may not end in a loss, and may end up in the end in the end, but it seems to me that it is nothing more than a trick tips method. It would be nice if the funds were unlimited, but are there any such people? Do you think that this company is not suitable for beginners, but does seniors rely on investment advisers? I also think. No matter what investment adviser, leaving it to the people, it's a mess that the results are not good. I feel that investment (speculation) should not be done unless it is possible to win at the end in the end. I think it is a difficult task to determine which investment advisors are excellent for the general public, and word of mouth is not reliable. Can you make a fortune in the first place an investment adviser .... And the point I'm concerned about. It is the result of the LINE free delivery of HP, but it is not UP to the losing trade first place. I think this is how. Finally, for asset owners, it may be a good investment adviser. It was impossible for poor people like me. As the blog of the representative has readability, I would like to see it from now on. I gave a low rating, but there is no sales phone and I do not think that it is a malicious company. However, it will be repeated, but no loss, bumping at random .. That's it. ※ As of May 22nd at 22:00, LINE delivery, including over 2 million yen breakthrough .. The person who is riding is all right ...
高村寛人 on Google

先物オプションコースに入会しました。 無料で指示が飛んでくるLINE@で興味を持ち、オフィスに伺ってみたら社長さんが面白い方で、盛り上がった流れですが・・・(笑) 私自身先物は難しくてよく分からず指示通りに動いているだけでしたが、『世界一やさしいオプション取引の教科書』という本を紹介してもらいました。調子はなかなか良いです。 「資金は必ず多めに入れるべき」と言われましたが、私はギリギリでやっています。 投資ブームですが騙される友人も見てきたので、疑問や不安を解消して、リスクも納得した上で始めた方が良いですよね。 私は今のところこちらで満足しているので、当面はお世話になるつもりです。
I joined the Futures Option Course. I'm interested in LINE @ where instructions will fly for free, and if I go to the office, the president is an interesting person, and it's an exciting stream ... (lol) My futures were difficult and not understandable and I was just moving according to the instructions, but I was asked to introduce a book called “The World's Tough Option Trading Textbook”. The condition is quite good. I was told that "you should always put in extra funds," but I'm doing it at the last moment. It is an investment boom, but I have seen friends who are being deceived, so it is better to start overing with questions and concerns, and being convinced of risks. As I am satisfied here for now, I will be indebted for the time being.
日比谷公園 on Google

You Tubeをずっと見させていただき、御社に興味を持ちました。一度オフィスで代表様に直接お会いする機会があり、ご相談をさせていただきましたが、You Tubeで感じる印象よりも気さくな雰囲気で、とても話しやすかったです。話し方からも知識や経験が感じ取れました。もう少し資金が貯まったらお願いしようと決めています!
I've been watching YouTube for a long time and I'm interested in your company. I had the opportunity to meet the representative in person at the office once, and I consulted with him, but the atmosphere was more friendly than the impression I had on YouTube, and it was very easy to talk to. I could feel the knowledge and experience from the way I spoke. I have decided to ask if I have a little more money!
上村友宏 on Google

仮想通貨のICOで損を重ねた後、投資顧問比較サイトの評判の良いところに頼りましたが口コミとは全く異なり、さんざんな目にあい(1日5回も電話がきました)、ここに辿り着きました。ここでは、仮想通貨はやめるように説得されましたが、営業電話は1回もなく、こちらからオフィスをたずねてみました。仮想通貨出身者には、先物がやりやすいから勉強するようにアドバイスを受け研究中です。 お尋ねだけなら凄く丁寧で良いところです。結果はでたら報告しようと思います。
After making a lot of losses in the cryptocurrency ICO, I relied on the reputable place of the investment advisor comparison site, but unlike the word of mouth, I got a lot of trouble (I got a call 5 times a day), and here I arrived. Here, I was persuaded to stop using cryptocurrencies, but I didn't make a single business call, so I asked the office from here. I am studying with advice from people from virtual currencies to study because futures are easy to do. If you just ask, it's very polite and good. I will report the result when it comes out.
長澤圭介 on Google

I have been investing on my own for about five years, but as profits have peaked, I have begun looking for investment advisors to embark on higher-return investment products. The reason why I chose Tokyo Research Institute from among the large number of investment advisors is that I received a friendly commentary from the representative at the first office interview and the final decision because it is a complete success fee type. Was great at what I could do on my own. The futures that are mainly dealt with here may be difficult for beginners to invest, but may be an option for those who are accustomed to investing to some extent. Others have mentioned it, but I think the stock blog should be read.
K S on Google

会員のものです。日中仕事があり、いつも市場をチェックすることが難しいのでこちらでお願いしています。仕事で指示メールを見落とす事もありますが、 すぐに電話で連絡をくれるので助かります。不安もありますが、日々のYou Tubeで丁寧に解説してくれるのでとても安心できます。 今後も更新するつもりなので、よろしくお願いします。
It belongs to the member. I have work during the day and it is difficult to check the market all the time, so I ask here. Sometimes I overlook the instruction email at work, It will be helpful to be contacted by phone immediately. I'm worried, but I'm very relieved because he will explain it carefully on YouTube every day. I will update it in the future, so thank you.
羽田壮介 on Google

I work for a foreign-affiliated company. I had been interested in investment for a long time, but because I was busy with my work, I ended up making nothing but 10 years ago in the end. I realized it was bad at this rate, I searched for an investment adviser so that I do not have to spend too much time investing, but I was surprised to find places to respond to phone calls and office visits. Meanwhile, the Tokyo Research Institute responded to both of them and decided to join because we dealt with them kindly. Although it is still the same now that we can not spend time investing, it is very helpful to give us easy-to-follow directions by e-mail. I think that there are probably criteria for selecting investment advisors, but I personally feel that emphasis should be placed on whether the person in charge is trustworthy.
魔肖ネロ on Google

入会を考え口コミを見に来た人に向けて 会員の自由意志で行う投資でありながら指示に従わないという選択肢がない契約について、どう思うか。 出される指示が会員を破産させる目的の悪意のあるものだったとしても指示に従い続けることができますか。 投資は自己責任です、損をしても顧問側は責任を負いませんと書いてあります、損をすると分かっていても指示に従い続けることができるのでしょうか。 無限に資金投入できる人なら大きな損を出しても続けることができるでしょう、しかし資金が有限の場合は資金が底をついた時、そこで強制終了となります、年会費を一括で支払っているにもかかわらず。 指示を出す頻度は年1回以上不定期です、『休むも相場』などの理由をつけて指示が出なくなったらどうしますか(理由はなんとでも言えるでしょう)年会費は入会時に一括で払っているのにサービスの利用はできなくなります、毎日必ず指示を出しますなんていう約束はありません。 この契約は会員側にとって大変不利な契約です、高額な年会費を入会時に支払うのに期間の途中で退会することになっても返金はされません。 入会する前によく考えてください。 無料で観れるYouTubeなどで得られる情報は投資初心者には有益なものが多いと思います、会員になっても無料情報以上の何かを得られるということはありません、無料情報だけで止めておくことを強くすすめます。
For those who came to see the word of mouth considering joining What do you think about contracts that are voluntary investments made by members but do not have the option of not following instructions? Can I continue to follow the instructions even if the instructions given are malicious for the purpose of bankruptcy of the member? It says that the investment is at your own risk, and that the adviser will not be responsible for any loss, can you continue to follow the instructions even if you know you will lose? Anyone who can invest indefinitely will be able to continue even if they make a big loss, but if the funds are limited, they will be forcibly terminated when the funds run out, even if they are paying the annual membership fee in a lump sum. Nevertheless. The frequency of giving instructions is irregular at least once a year, what if you do not give instructions with a reason such as "resting market price" (I can say whatever the reason is) Pay the annual membership fee in a lump sum at the time of enrollment However, the service will not be available, and there is no promise to give instructions every day. This contract is very disadvantageous for members, and even if you pay a high annual membership fee at the time of enrollment but withdraw from the membership in the middle of the period, it will not be refunded. Please think carefully before joining. I think that the information that can be obtained from YouTube etc. that can be viewed for free is useful for investment beginners, even if you become a member, you will not get anything more than free information, just stop with free information I strongly recommend that.

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