
3.3/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact ひとみ幼児教室

住所 :

Higashi, Kunitachi, 〒186-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://ability-hitomi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashi, Kunitachi, 〒186-0002 Tokyo,Japan
レリーズ on Google

ペペロンピー子 on Google

とても雰囲気が悪いです。 ここの幼児教室はなんだか圧が強く子供にとっても大人にとっても居心地の悪い空間でした。 授業中に働いている先生への上司と見られる先生からの罵倒など、とにかく今の時代あってはならないような光景でした。 今は厳しく強く育てる教育では子供は潰れてしまうと思います。そんな中激しい口調で怒鳴ったりしていて、とてもではないけれど子供にとっていいとは見えませんでした。 これから、こちらでの教育を望んでいる方は個人の感想ではありますがオススメ出来ません。
The atmosphere is very bad. The infant classroom here was somewhat pressured and uncomfortable for both children and adults. It was a scene that shouldn't be in the present age, such as the teacher's abusiveness of the teacher who seems to be the boss to the teacher who is working in the class. Now, I think that children who are strict and strong in their education will be destroyed. I was yelling out in a violent tone, and it wasn't very good, but it didn't look good for my child. From now on, those who want education here are my personal impressions, but I can not recommend it.
Senkichi Iwata on Google

In the midst of the corona wreck, we had you implement the infection prevention measures firmly and also immediately conducted the web lesson. It was a time when I couldn't leave my child in kindergarten during the period of refraining from going out, and I didn't know what to do for the elementary school exam, so it was really helpful.
Takashi Azuma on Google

長男がひとみ幼児教室に通い、志望していた難関小学校に合格しました。 先生は、とてもパッションのある先生で、子どもの合格にコミットしています。厳しくも情熱のある本当に良い先生です。Googleビジネスのクチコミに悪意のあるコメントがありますが、厳しい叱咤激励でも、受け手によって避難されているような気持ちになる方もいるでしょう。私は、真剣に子どもの合格を願うなら、本当に良い幼児教室だと思います。私の体験を共有します。 長男は、年中の4月からひとみ幼児教室に入りました。当時は、なんとなく小学校受験をしたいと軽く考えていました。いくつかの幼児教室を見学して、先生がとても熱心だったひとみ幼児教室に入りました。 年中の12月頃に先生との面談があり、「小学校受験は親の受験だ」、「そんなに甘いもんじゃない」と言われました。当時は、甘く考えていたので「喝」を入れられたのです。それでも、妻と話し合い「先生を信じてやっていく」ことを選択しました。 コロナ禍でも先生も親も初めてだったZOOMをいち早く導入していただき、緊急事態宣言の影響を最小限にできました。また、合格したご両親や子どもの体験談を聞く機会も沢山いただき、この時に「本当にこんな小学校に子どもを入れたい」と心から思いました。夏休みには、ペーパー、絵画、集団行動、運動など幅広いプログラムを用意していただきひとみ幼児教室だけで全ての対策が網羅できました。 極め付けは、試験直前の授業です。先生の熱意が子どもたちに伝わり、日に日に子どもが成長していきます。先生のエネルギーが教室全体に繋がり、全体が「ONE TEAM」になるような意識すら芽生えます。試験当日には、完全に子どものやる気スイッチがONになりました。結果、9月までC判定レベルだった難関校に合格することができました。 私たちは、ひとみ幼児教室でなければ、このような成果は手にできなかったと思います。本気で子どもの成功を願うのであればお勧めの教室です。もし、お迷いなら、一度、直接先生にあってお話を伺えば良いと思います。百聞は一見に如かず。ご家族にとって、良い選択をしていただく、きっかけになると嬉しいです。
The eldest son attended Hitomi Infant Class and passed the difficult elementary school he had been hoping for. The teacher is a very passionate teacher and is committed to passing the child. A really good teacher who is strict and passionate. There are malicious comments in Google Business reviews, but even with the harsh scolding encouragement, some people may feel evacuated by the recipient. I think it's a really good toddler classroom if you seriously wish your child to pass. Share my experience. The eldest son entered Hitomi Infant Class from April of the year. At that time, I was lightly thinking of taking an elementary school exam. After visiting several preschool classrooms, I entered the Hitomi preschool classroom where the teacher was very enthusiastic. I had an interview with my teacher around December of the year and was told that "the elementary school exam is a parent's exam" and "it's not that sweet." At that time, I was thinking sweetly, so I was able to put in a "katsu". Still, I talked with my wife and chose to "believe in the teacher." We were able to minimize the impact of the state of emergency by having the teachers and parents introduce ZOOM, which was the first time for both Corona and parents. In addition, I had many opportunities to hear the experiences of my parents and children who passed the exam, and at this time I really wanted to put my children in such an elementary school. During the summer vacation, we had a wide range of programs such as papers, paintings, group actions, and exercises prepared, and Hitomi Infant Class alone covered all the measures. The final lesson is just before the exam. The teacher's enthusiasm is transmitted to the children, and the children grow up day by day. The teacher's energy is connected to the entire classroom, and even the consciousness that the whole becomes "ONE TEAM" grows. On the day of the exam, the child's motivation switch was completely turned on. As a result, I was able to pass the difficult school, which was at the C judgment level until September. I think we couldn't have achieved such a result without Hitomi Infant Class. This is a recommended classroom if you really wish your child's success. If you are in doubt, you should meet the teacher directly and talk to him. seeing is believing. I hope it will give your family a chance to make good choices.
koro korosuke on Google

When I visited this experience, both the study and gymnastics teachers were surprised at how bad their mouths were. Even if you scold a child who can't do it, you'll just lose confidence. .. Is that the way of teaching? After all, I chose the big Jack, but the quality of the teacher is much better. It is a teaching method of complimenting and raising. In the Hitomi style, it may be extended until the exam, but I think that it will be sluggish after entering elementary school. Studying should be fun by nature, but I don't think it's the case with Hitomi-shiki. Children are flexible, so the more you input, the more results you will get, but I don't think that the ability to think for yourself and the joy of knowing will not grow with the pupil method. Since the goal is long from now on, I wanted to properly select an infant classroom and develop my ability to grow, so my family immediately rejected the Hitomi classroom.
ジャックスパロー on Google

お教室の雰囲気がとても悪いです。 子供が必死で頑張っていても、先生の思うような答えを出さなかったり、つまずいた子供がいて授業が進まないと、先生はあからさまに不機嫌になります。 子供に「何で出来ないの」とプレッシャーをかけます。 問題ができないと他の保護者がいる中、講義は中断され、できない子への集中お説教がはじまります。そして「時間が足りなくなった。今日は全部出来ませんでしたね。」と締めくくられます。 うちの子は短期間お世話になりましたが、益々勉強嫌いになり、全く成績が伸びませんでした。先生からは、家庭環境に問題があるんじゃないかと言われました。 出来ないながらに親子で必死で頑張りましたが、精神的に参ってしまい、退会させていただきました。 その後、別のお教室にお世話になりました。また怒られ、怒鳴られるのではとビクビクしていましたが、そのお教室の先生は優しく、思いやりがあり、問題がわかるまでとことん付き合ってくださいました。子供達もみんな仲良しで、教室内はいつも笑い声が絶えませんでした。 落ち込んでいた我が子にもだんだんと笑顔が戻り、それと同時に成績はみるみる上昇。諦めかけていた志望校にご縁をいただきました。 世の中にはいろいろなお教室があり、それぞれの教育方針があります。どんなお教室を選ぶのも自由です。どれが間違っていて、どれが正しいということもないでしょう。 ただひとつはっきり言えるのは、子供の教育は長期戦ということです。人気の小学校に受かったからハッピーエンドというのは違うと思います。 これからお受験を考えている保護者の方は、是非近視眼的な教育ではなく、大学受験まで見据えた教育をお子さんに受けさせてあげてください。 学校の授業を楽しい遊びと思っている我が子は、今日も小学校から帰ってくると「早く勉強しよ!!」と私を急かしてきます。
The atmosphere in the classroom is very bad. Even if a child is desperately working hard, if the teacher does not give the answer he wants, or if there is a stumbling child and the class does not progress, the teacher will be outright grumpy. Put pressure on the child, "Why can't you?" If you can't make a problem, the lecture will be interrupted while there are other parents. He concludes, "I'm running out of time. I couldn't do everything today." My child was taken care of for a short period of time, but I didn't like to study anymore and my grades did not improve at all. My teacher suggested that there might be a problem with the home environment. Although I could not do it, I tried hard as a parent and child, but I mentally came and I withdrew. After that, I was taken care of by another classroom. I was excited to be angry and yelled at me again, but the teacher in the classroom was kind, considerate, and kind enough to help me understand the problem. The children were all good friends, and there was a constant laughter in the classroom. My child, who was depressed, gradually smiled again, and at the same time, my grades rose sharply. I had a relationship with the school I wanted to give up. There are various classrooms in the world, and each has its own educational policy. You are free to choose any classroom. You can never be wrong or right. The only thing that is clear is that education for children is a long-term war. I think it's different from having a happy ending because I passed a popular elementary school. Parents who are thinking of taking the exam from now on are encouraged to let their children receive not only short-sighted education but also education for university entrance exams. When I come back from elementary school today, my child, who thinks that school lessons are fun, rushes me to "study fast!"
アンモナイト on Google

子供がお世話になりました。 なんとなく受験も選択肢に入れられたら良いなぁと思い、いくつか教室を体験して、最終的に入塾を決めました。 勉強のさせ方、どれくらいの量をこなせばいいのか、そもそも志望校も決まっていないと、とにかく全てがわからない状態からのスタートでしたが、 難関校を含む受験校全てにご縁を頂く事ができました。 そんな我が子は、ひとみ教室の中では、出来の悪い子でしたので、予想外の結果を見て嬉しさよりも驚きました。 そして、ひとみの中ではできない方でも、他ではできる方のレベルで実力はついていると思うよ。という出身者の方の言葉は本当なんだと実感しました。 先生は、保護者に対して遠慮がなく、ストレートに指導します。 この歳になって、ここまでストレートにダメ出しされる事はないので、正直凹んだり、目を背けたくなる時があったのは事実ですが、 先生の遠慮がない指導だったからこそ、自分の甘さを自覚しダメな所を改める事ができました。 先生は、厳しいだけではなく、子供に対して困っている事や、理解していない所をどう教えたら良いのかを相談すれば、改善方法や、教えかたを丁寧にアドバイスしてくれます。 入試が始まる直前まで思うように子供が伸びずに悩んでいた時に、先生は見捨てるどころか、 子供だけではなく、家庭状況や、親のタイプをきちんと把握し熱心に指導してくれたので、最終的に良い結果を出せたと思っています。 保護者に対する先生の指導は、お客様扱いではないので、優しくありません。でもキツいだけではないです。 本当に合格させてあげたい。という熱意があります。だからこそ、耳が痛い事も躊躇せずに言うのだと思います。 体験に来られた人に対しても、全く遠慮なしで、ダメ出ししたり、指摘するので、良い印象を持たれない人も居るのは仕方ないと思います。 でも、子供達には、罵声を浴びさせたり、必要以上に叱ったりしません。そんな指導をしていたら、通う人なんていなくなりますし、 そんな教室なら、嫌々通う子が多いと思いますが、私が知る限り、先生達を嫌いと言う子はおらず(子供達の態度から見ても) むしろ子供達は、教室と先生が大好きで、授業を楽しみにしていた子ばかりだったと思います。 褒めるタイミングや、やり方、授業のテンポ等、子供達のやる気を引き出すのが絶妙なのだと思います。 我が子も、先生達が大好きで、私が辞めようと思った時も、先生に会いたいからやめない!!と言い、教室の最終日には、先生達に会えなくなると泣いていました。 もし、本当に、厳しいだけで勉強が嫌いになるような指導をしていたら、子供達の顔が曇り、難関校に合格する魅力ある子にはならないと思いますし、 小学校受験、特に難関校は、取り繕った上部だけを見て合否が決まる程甘くないと思います。 キツい事は言われたくない。あくまでお客様という対応を望む方にはオススメできませんが、先生はとてもオーラがあり、魅力がある人です。 なんとなく受験を考えている方、受験対策に少しでも自信がない方、強く望む志望校がある方には、まずは教室を体験してみて欲しいと思っています。 私は、受験対策が一番甘い親だったと思いますが、唯一、教室選びだけは間違ってなかったと思っています。 先生の人柄と、長年の経験とノウハウを信じて頑張って良かったです。 子供も勉強嫌いどころか、今もやりたい!と言います。学んで理解した時の達成感からか勉強は楽しいと思っています。 小学校受験の教室を探している人の参考になればと思い口コミ投稿させて頂きました。
The child was taken care of. I thought it would be nice if I could take the entrance exam as an option, so I experienced some classrooms and finally decided to enroll in the school. If I hadn't decided on the school I wanted to study, how much I should do, and how much I should do, I started from a state where I didn't know everything. I was able to get a connection with all the examination schools including the difficult schools. Such a child was a poor child in the Hitomi classroom, so I was more surprised than happy to see the unexpected results. And even if you can't do it in Hitomi, I think you're at the level of someone who can do it elsewhere. I realized that the words of the graduates are true. The teacher does not hesitate to teach parents straightforwardly. At this age, I've never been so straightforward, so it's true that there were times when I was honestly dented and wanted to look away. Because of the teacher's unreserved guidance, I was able to realize my sweetness and correct the bad points. The teacher is not only strict, but if you talk to your child about what they are having trouble with and how to teach them what they do not understand, they will give you detailed advice on how to improve and how to teach. Instead of abandoning the child, when the child was struggling to grow as expected until just before the entrance examination began, the teacher did not abandon it. He gave me enthusiastic guidance by grasping not only the children but also the family situation and the type of parents, so I think I was able to achieve good results in the end. The teacher's guidance to parents is not treated as a customer, so it is not kind. But it's not just hard. I really want to pass it. I have the enthusiasm. That's why I don't hesitate to say things that hurt my ears. Even for those who come to the experience, I do not hesitate to give up or point out, so I think it is unavoidable that some people do not have a good impression. But don't swear or scold the children more than necessary. If you give such guidance, no one will go to the school. I think that many children go to such classrooms unwillingly, but as far as I know, no one dislikes teachers (even from the attitude of children). Rather, I think the children were all those who loved the classroom and teachers and were looking forward to the lessons. I think it is exquisite to motivate children, such as when to praise, how to do it, and the tempo of the lesson. My child also loves the teachers, and when I decide to quit, I want to see them, so I won't quit! !! On the last day of the classroom, I was crying when I couldn't meet the teachers. If I really give guidance that makes me hate studying just because it is strict, I think that the faces of the children will be cloudy and I will not be an attractive child who will pass the difficult school. I think that elementary school exams, especially difficult schools, are not so sweet that you can pass or fail by looking only at the repaired upper part. I don't want to be told anything hard. I can't recommend it to anyone who wants to be a customer, but the teacher is a very aura and attractive person. For those who are thinking about taking the exam, those who are not confident in preparing for the exam, or those who have a strong desire for a school, I would like them to experience the classroom first. I think my parents were the sweetest in preparing for the exam, but I think the only thing I did was choose the classroom. I am glad that I believed in the teacher's personality and many years of experience and know-how. Far from hate studying, children still want to do it! Is called. I think studying is fun because of the sense of accomplishment when I learn and understand. I posted a review in the hope that it would be helpful for those who are looking for a classroom for elementary school exams.

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