Hibagonkyo Onsen Suzuran Hot Spring - Shobara

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hibagonkyo Onsen Suzuran Hot Spring

住所 :

152-10 Saijocho Misaka, Shobara, Hiroshima 729-5611, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Postal code : 729-5611
Webサイト : http://dogoyama.jp/hot_spring.html

152-10 Saijocho Misaka, Shobara, Hiroshima 729-5611, Japan
Yoko Manabe on Google

温泉は可もなく不可もなく。 写真のひば丼はヘルシーですが物足りないひともいるかもしれないです。 塩そばはもっちりしていました!
The hot springs are neither good nor bad. The Hiba-don in the photo is healthy, but some people may not be satisfied. The salt soba was chewy!
あうぢー on Google

There is no open-air, but there is a sauna and a jacuzzi. There are many who can come to one sweat after sports. It was comfortable.
岩崎良 on Google

Recommended for cold winters, watch out for snow! I came to shoot the snow scene today, but when I was in trouble because it was melting ... the characters of ramen! I ordered Onomichi ramen for the time being, by the way, it's a meal ticket. The noodles were egg-tied noodles, the soup was light soy sauce, and the char siu was homemade and very soft and delicious. I was curious about the Hibagon-don, but next time there is also a souvenir corner, so I recommend sweating at Kurokan Park and sweating with Suzuran-no-Yu for a refreshing ramen. ❗
avalanche on Google

現在値上がりして620円です 猫山1日券持って行くと半額ですがマックアースジャパン提携シーズン券だとダメです リロクラブで100円引き(ソニー損保とかでも使える) 靴箱用に100円玉必要(戻ります)、脱衣ロッカーは鍵渡されるので不要です 夕食もやってるようです、広島Gotoイートン券は使えません
The price is currently rising to 620 yen Nekoyama 1-day ticket is half price, but MacEarth Japan affiliated season ticket is useless 100 yen discount at Relo Club (can also be used with Sony Assurance) A 100-yen coin is required for the shoe box (returns), and the undressing locker is not required as the key will be handed over. It seems that they are also having dinner, Hiroshima Goto Eaton tickets cannot be used
Adam Smith on Google

単純放射能冷鉱泉、低張性弱アルカリ性冷鉱泉、pH7.5、ラドン31x10-10、源泉かけながしと張り紙。さらりとした湯。塩素臭せず。 設備充実。内湯とサウナ。
Simple radioactive cold spring, hypotonic weak alkaline cold spring, pH7.5, radon 31x10-10, source spring and sticker. Light water. Does not smell chlorine. Fully equipped. Indoor bath and sauna.
Kei Yamo on Google

出張の帰りに寄ってみました。 平日の夕方とあってかガラガラと言うか私だけでした。 ゆっくりと使っているとおじさん連中が入りにこられて賑やかになりました。 温泉の質についてですが、温泉という感じは薄く普通のお風呂といった感じ。 掛け流しでもなく、お湯を循環しているだけ。 施設もそれほど悪くなく値段も割引でとても安かったです。 周りの雰囲気もよく、機会があればまた伺いたい場所でした。
I stopped by on the way home from a business trip. ‥ It was just me on the weekday evenings. ‥ Uncle guys came in when I was using it slowly, and it became lively. ‥ Regarding the quality of hot springs, the feeling of hot springs is thin and it feels like an ordinary bath. ‥ It circulates the hot water, not just pouring it over. The facilities were not so bad and the price was very cheap. ‥ The atmosphere around was good, and it was a place I would like to visit again if I had the opportunity.
ぼん on Google

初っ端ちょっとヌルッとする温泉。内湯と小サウナがある。 お湯はちょっと熱いめ。テラスのドアが換気の為に少し開いているので、浴室内は涼やか。 源泉掛け流しだからかとても温まる。 内湯は程良く広くて、10人ぐらいは入れそう。カランも7個あるし、ボディソープとリンスインシャンプーも備えてある。ロッカーも鍵付き。ドライヤーや綿棒、化粧水などもあった。 日曜日、お昼過ぎに行ったら常連っぽい人と二人きりであった。賛否両論ありますが、私は思いの外にお湯も良いし、空いてて広々と湯船でくつろげ良かった。 通常大人620円。JAF会員割引使用で520円。 毎週水曜日は大人360円でお得ですぞ。 駐車場は線が引いてないので駐車に際する自由度が高い。
A hot spring that is a little slimy at the beginning. There is an indoor bath and a small sauna. The hot water is a little hot. The terrace door is a little open for ventilation, so the bathroom is cool. It's very warm because it's flowing from the source. The indoor bath is reasonably large and can accommodate about 10 people. There are 7 currants, body soap and rinse-in shampoo. Lockers are also keyed. There were also hair dryers, cotton swabs, and lotion. When I went there on Sunday after noon, I was alone with a regular person. There are pros and cons, but I was surprised to find that the hot water was good, and it was nice to be vacant and spacious in the bathtub. Usually 620 yen for adults. 520 yen with JAF member discount. Every Wednesday, it's a great deal for adults at 360 yen. There is no line in the parking lot, so there is a high degree of freedom when parking.
Nk castle on Google

2回目の利用。 大人通常620円。 アルカリ泉質なので少しヌルッとする…ようなしないような。 ここらで言えば、神石高原温泉>比和温泉>すずらんの湯のヌルッと感。 内湯は大浴室(気泡風呂も併設だが今は故障)、ジェットバス、水風呂、サウナで外湯なし。 大浴室には温度計があり41.5度とのこと。 私が行った時は金曜の日中ということもあり、貸切状態。 のんびり出来るので非常に良し。 駐車場はどこに止めていいか迷うくらい広い笑 水曜に来てたら星5だったでしょうか笑
Second use. Adults usually 620 yen. It's an alkaline spring, so it's a little slimy. Speaking here, Jinseki Kogen Onsen> Hiwa Onsen> Suzuran no Yu's slimy feeling. The indoor bath is a large bathroom (there is also a bubble bath, but it is out of order now), and there is no outdoor bath in the jet bath, cold bath, and sauna. There is a thermometer in the large bathroom and it is 41.5 degrees. When I went, it was Friday daytime, so it was reserved. It's very good because you can relax. The parking lot is wide enough to wonder where to stop lol Would it have been 5 stars if I came on Wednesday lol

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