hélianthe 自由が丘

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact hélianthe 自由が丘

住所 :

Todoroki, Setagaya City, 〒158-0082 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://helianthe.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Todoroki, Setagaya City, 〒158-0082 Tokyo,Japan
S H (HS) on Google

食材パン、クリームパン、クロワッサン、全てが美味しい! 今のところハズレなし。 九品仏はパン屋とスイーツの激戦区になってますが、その中でも他の人にオススメしたくなる温かみのあるお店。職人さん・店員さんも親切。是非頑張って欲しいお店です。8時からの開店が本当に助かってます。応援してます!! (一点だけ、パンが収められているケースの蓋の開け閉めが面倒。開けたら締まらずに保持できると有難い。ダンパーが付いていると助かる)
Ingredient bread, cream bun, croissant, everything is delicious! No loss so far. Jōshinji is a fierce battleground for bakeries and sweets, but among them, it is a warm shop that you will want to recommend to others. The craftsmen and clerk are also kind. It is a shop that I want you to do your best. The opening from 8 o'clock is really helpful. I support you!! (Only one point is troublesome to open and close the lid of the case containing the bread. It would be nice if you could hold it without tightening it once it was opened. It would be helpful if it had a damper.)
Naritoshi SANAI on Google

It's open from 8am so I went there for breakfast on the weekend. German, French, British and Japanese breads are shown in ???????? for easy understanding. Today I bought a Schwarz broth, a folcon broth that uses a lot of rye. Add butter and bake lightly to bring out the acidity and umami of rye. Let's try French next weekend.
林健太朗 on Google

I bought and ate different kinds of bread every weekend and they were all delicious. The clerk is also working hard, so it's a shop that you want to support.
K on Google

食パンがしっかりしていて尚且つ軽やかなおいしさ。 ちょっと駅からは遠いけれど近所の方や散歩がてらに行くにはよい距離のお店です。 タマゴサンドなどサンドイッチはボリュームたっぷりで食べ応えも良いです。
The bread is firm and light and delicious. It's a little far from the station, but it's a good distance to go for a walk or to the neighbors. Sandwiches such as egg sandwiches are generous and satisfying to eat.
横山あかね on Google

自由ヶ丘駅から少し歩く、ここは世田谷区等々力。 家からだと散歩コースで見つけたパン屋激戦区の新顔さん、 と言っても1年以上頑張っているそうな。 ドイツパンが大好きなのですが、ドイツパンはもちろん、 いろんなお国のパンが勢ぞろい!あんぱんもあって、聞けば 1人の職人さんが焼いているわけではないんだそうです。 だから目移りするのなんの、どれもおいしそうで食べてみたい! あんぱんなんて普段は買うことがないのですが、めちゃまいう! 他にもベーグルも食感がたまらなく美味しくて、サンドイッチも 氣になりました。 件のドイツパンはどれも本当に味わい深くて、目下ここが一番の お氣に入りのパン屋さんです。 朝は8時からオープン、年末年始も頑張っていました。 店員さんも感じよく、また付近は住宅街なので静かにパンが選べます。 早起きしてパンを買ってきて朝が始まる、 幸せってこんなところにあるんですね。
A short walk from Jiyugaoka Station, this is Setagaya Ward Todoroki. A new face of a bakery fierce battlefield that I found on a walk course from home, Even so, he seems to have been working hard for over a year. I love German bread, but of course German bread Bread from various countries is available! There is also anpan, if you ask It seems that one craftsman is not baking. That's why I want to eat it because it looks delicious! I don't usually buy Anpan, but it's crazy! Besides, the bagels are irresistibly delicious, and the sandwiches are also delicious. It became Ki. All of the German breads in question are really tasty and this is the best at the moment It is a bakery in Qi. It opened from 8 o'clock in the morning, and I was doing my best during the year-end and New Year holidays. The clerk feels good, and the neighborhood is a residential area, so you can choose bread quietly. Get up early, buy bread and start the morning, Happiness is in such a place.
堀田尚史(mh_streak_runner) on Google

The fashionable and small appearance blends into the cityscape and the atmosphere is very good! Every time I pass in front of the shop, the smell of delicious bread drifts and I feel happy ☺️
Mayu N on Google

とても大好きなパン屋さんで 3日に一度は必ず行ってます♡ どのパンを食べても美味しいのですが 私のお気に入りは「豆パン」柔らかく少しもっちりとした生地にお豆がふんだんに入っています!優しい甘さと食感がたまりません♡ 店内は季節ごとにディスプレイが変わり とても可愛らしいです♡ 後はなんといっても 店員さんが明るくて優しくていつも癒されます。 これからも通い続けたいです!
At my favorite bakery I always go there once every 3 days ♡ Which bread you eat is delicious My favorite is "bean bread", which is a soft and slightly chewy dough with plenty of beans! The gentle sweetness and texture are irresistible ♡ The display inside the store changes depending on the season It's so cute ♡ After all The clerk is cheerful and kind and always healed. I want to continue going!
Beatrix Holland on Google

Love this bakery. They have different breads, sandwiches, pastries and other treats from Japan, Germany, the US and Britain. German rye seeded and fruit breads a highlight. Great filled sandwiches, rolls and bagels.

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