Hazumi Orthopedic Clinic - Sendai

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hazumi Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

花京院足利ビル 2F 2 Chome-2-70 Kakyoin, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 980-0013
Webサイト : https://www.hazumiseikotsuin.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–4PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–2:30PM

花京院足利ビル 2F 2 Chome-2-70 Kakyoin, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0013, Japan
平井祐希 on Google

何故その箇所が痛むのかまで丁寧に教えてくれます。 その日の体調もしっかり考慮して施術なさってくれますので安心して通院できる整骨院だと思います。 専用の駐車場がないので車で来られる方は近くのパーキングを利用した方が良いです。
It will tell you carefully why the part hurts. I think that it is an osteopathic clinic that you can go to the hospital with confidence because it will be treated taking into account the physical condition of the day. Because there is no private parking lot, it is better to use nearby parking if you can come by car.
Kazuki Sato on Google

I started attending with an acquaintance's introduction. I have been treated in various parts of my body to improve the quality of sleep and the pain I feel every day. Rakutore is also used to maintain a healthy body. It will tell you the cause of your body strain from the ground up, so you can be aware of improvements in your daily life, and you can go there with peace of mind.
ru on Google

サッカーをしていたため昔から怪我が多く、10以上の整骨院に通ったことがありますが、ここが一番体を軽くしてくれました(可動域が広がった)。 慢性的な膝痛、腰痛のため10年正座が出来なかったですが、体の歪みを根本から整えて頂き、違和感なく正座が出来るようになっています。
Since I was playing soccer, I have been injured a lot for a long time, and I have attended more than 10 osteopathic clinics, but this is the lightest body (the range of motion has expanded). I haven't been able to sit upright for 10 years due to chronic knee pain and low back pain, but I have been able to sit upright without any discomfort by having my body straightened from the ground up.
あり on Google

I went there because I had low back pain and headache. Every day I feel that my symptomatology has eased and I have been treated in other areas and my physical condition has improved. I would like to continue to attend and build a healthy body!
やまよし on Google

運動時の腰痛がきっかけで通うようになりました。 施術の際には、不安の無いようにとても丁寧に説明していただきました。 また、筋肉や骨格、スポーツのパフォーマンス向上について、いろいろ教えていただきました。 自分のカラダに対する意識が高まりました。
I started going to work because of back pain during exercise. At the time of the treatment, he explained very carefully so as not to be anxious. He also taught me a lot about improving muscles, skeleton, and sports performance. Awareness of my body has increased.
Miki on Google

I started going to school with the introduction of an acquaintance, and I have been indebted to him every time for many years. In the past, I sometimes hurt my body at work and couldn't continue, but thanks to my teacher, I have improved and can continue my favorite work again. I am always grateful for your help.
わおーん on Google

以前から腰痛と猫背が気になっていて、知人の紹介で通い始めました。肩と腰の矯正をしてもらったのですが、腰痛が改善し猫背も直ってきていて以前より生活しやすくなりました。 普段の生活でも正しい姿勢を意識できるようになったので良かったです。
I've been worried about back pain and stooping for a long time, so I started going there with an acquaintance's introduction. I had my shoulders and hips corrected, but my back pain improved and my stoop was getting better, making it easier to live than before. I'm glad that I became aware of the correct posture in my daily life.
けんけん on Google

I used to go to various body warmers and manipulative treatments due to stiff neck and back pain, but although it improved temporarily, I gave up because it returned to normal and did not heal. I happened to go to Hazumi Orthopedic Clinic, but I was able to digitize the current state of my body and see where it was, and my thoughts became positive. I've improved a lot now and my physical condition is good. If you are worried, please come and visit us!

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