HAYASHI - Shinshifukunohayashisho Ten - Miyoshi

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact HAYASHI / Shinshifukunohayashisho Ten

住所 :

Hannoki-1-26 Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0224, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 470-0224
Webサイト : https://www.deradera.co.jp/shop/mens-collection.html

Hannoki-1-26 Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0224, Japan
katsunori sakamoto on Google

Half is men's clothes, the other half is a select shop. There was also a semi order.
吉井雅貴 on Google

I bought the jeans I was interested in! The clerk was also kind and very nice ~.
山田文代 on Google

息子の成人式のスーツを購入したのですが、種類の説明からコーディネートまで親切にしていただきました。分からないことが多かったので大変助かりましたし、息子もとても気に入ったものが見つかり、うれしそうでした。試着した姿は数段かっこよく見えました笑 成人式が楽しみです。 ありがとうございました?
I bought a suit for my son's coming-of-age ceremony, but he kindly explained the type and coordinated it. It was a great help because there were many things I didn't understand, and my son was happy to find something he liked very much. The figure I tried on looked a lot cooler lol I'm looking forward to the coming-of-age ceremony. Thank you ?
市川大祐 on Google

先日はじめて実店舗に行きました。 これだけのインポートブランド商品数があるショップは、東海エリアだとあまり無いと思います。 店員さんもとても親切です。
I went to a real store for the first time the other day. I don't think there are many shops in the Tokai area that have this many imported brand products. The clerk is also very kind.
MSM NSO on Google

スラックスを購入させていただきました。裾上げ短 納期対応もご協力いただき、感謝しています。私は旧の工場敷地内での店舗営業の時からのお付き合いですが、近年店舗もきれいになり良いかと思います品揃え、品質、価格も満足しています。
I bought slacks. Short hemming Thank you for your cooperation in responding to the delivery date. I have been acquainted with the store since the store was open on the premises of the old factory, but in recent years I think it would be nice to have a clean store. I am satisfied with the product lineup, quality, and price.
原田大毅 on Google

初めての来店でも親身に接客をして下さり, ニーズに合った提案をしてくれる店員さんばかりで 安心して買い物をすることができました スーツの品質も一流のものが手ごろな価格で手に入るため 少しでもこだわりのある方は訪れてみることをお薦めします!
Even if you are visiting the store for the first time, you will be kind enough to serve customers. Only the clerk who makes suggestions that meet the needs I was able to shop with confidence Because the quality of the suit is also first-class and you can get it at a reasonable price If you are particular about it, we recommend you to visit it!
kuro leo on Google

We had you choose suit for entrance ceremony together. He was kind enough to make various suggestions, and even if I wasn't sure about choosing a tie, he didn't look unpleasant and matched me many times, which was really helpful. I found a shop where I can talk with confidence. I would like to continue to take care of you.
黒木一馬 on Google

ダウン購入させて頂きました。良質な洋服を扱っているお店です。コーディネートの仕方、手入れ方法など丁寧に教えてくれます。 大人のファッションをしたい方は是非行ってみて損はないです!
I bought it down. It is a shop that sells good quality clothes. They will carefully teach you how to coordinate and care for you. If you want to do adult fashion, you should definitely go there!

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