
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エース外語学院

住所 :

Hatchobori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0013 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.ace-nice.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Hatchobori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0013 Hiroshima,Japan
梶川祐次 on Google

The instructors and staff were kind, so I could go with confidence. The class content was polite, so I could understand English grammar and became good at reading. I was encouraged because I was able to consult about learning English conversation and how to remember English words. It's a really good English school, so I recommend it to anyone learning English.
竹内裕也 on Google

I joined the English camp course of one month. I needed a TOEFL score for an American university exchange program. Thanks to the class, my TOEFL score has increased at a stretch. I really appreciate it! Thank you very much.
K on Google

2週間IELTSの合宿に参加しました。合宿に参加するまでIELTSの勉強はほとんどしていませんでしたが、ネイティブの先生が毎日ライティングの採点をしてくださったこともあり、初めてながらライティングで5.5を取ることができました。授業も楽しく1日で4技能をしっかり対策できたので良かったです。ありがとうございました。 学生寮からはバスで行くこともできますが、歩いて行ける距離だったのでとても便利でした。
I participated in IELTS training camp for two weeks. I didn't study IELTS until I joined the training camp, but I was able to score 5.5 in writing for the first time, because my native teacher gave me a score every day. The class was fun and I was able to take 4 measures in one day. Thank you very much. You can go by bus from the student dormitory, but it was very convenient because it was within walking distance.
Sa Mo on Google

エース外語学院にTOEFL合宿で4週間お世話になりました。独学よりも圧倒的に密度が濃く、集中して学習することができ、ネイティブの先生や日本人の先生にいつでも質問できる環境がありました。本気で学習したいけど、1人では思うように進まない・わからないことが多い人にとって非常に効果的だと思います。TOEFL・IELTSを学べる英語塾では今どき珍しくアットホームな雰囲気で、面倒見も良かったです。英語の基本ができていて、さらなるステップアップを目指したい方にTOEFL合宿コースを強くおすすめします。しかし、劇的に短期間で【魔法のように】スコアアップを期待する人にはおすすめしません。短期間でスコアアップが取得可能な支援と実績が実際にありますが、その過程は地道に真摯に本人が取り組んで得られる成果です。私はこの合宿を通してTOEFLの勉強方法を理解し、また合宿後も学習継続できるたくさんの教材を得ることができました。 長文・いい面ばかり書きましたが、実際に参加した正直な考えです。自発的な口コミで、書いたから何か利益をもらっているということは一切ありません。 国内で英語のステップアップがしたいけど、サポートがある中で効率良く学習したい方に強くおすすめします。個人的にもまたお願いしたいと思います。
I was taken care of by Ace Institute of Foreign Languages ​​for 4 weeks at the TOEFL training camp. It was overwhelmingly denser than self-study, allowing me to concentrate and study, and there was an environment where I could ask questions to native teachers and Japanese teachers anytime. I would like to study seriously, but I think it is very effective for people who do not progress or understand as they think. At the English school where I can learn TOEFL/IELTS, the atmosphere is very rare nowadays and I was very caring. The TOEFL training camp course is highly recommended for those who have a basic understanding of English and want to step up further. However, it is not recommended for those who expect a [magically] score increase in a dramatically short period of time. There is actually support and achievements that can get score up in a short period of time, but this process is the result of earnest and earnest efforts by the person himself. Through this training camp, I understood how to study TOEFL, and I was able to obtain a lot of learning materials that will allow me to continue studying after the training camp. I wrote only long sentences and good things, but it is an honest idea that I actually participated. It is a voluntary word-of-mouth communication, and I have never received any profit from writing it. Highly recommended for those who want to improve their English in Japan but want to learn efficiently with support. I would like to ask again personally.
片岡篤己 on Google

IELTSの英語合宿に参加しました。スコアが5.0から6.5まで上がりました。圧倒的な学習量の授業と宿題で、特にライテイングが上達して試験に自信を持って臨めました。 日本人講師の文法クラスと、ネイテイブ講師のスピーキング指導が大変に役立ちました。 英文法が正確でないとIELTSのスピーキングもライテイングも6.5に届かないと指摘されたので、文型、語順を心掛けて、言い換え表現にも気をつけてテストを受けました。
I participated in the IELTS English training camp. The score has increased from 5.0 to 6.5. With an overwhelming amount of lessons and homework, my writing improved and I was confident in taking the exam. The grammar class of the Japanese teacher and the speaking instruction of the native teacher were very helpful. It was pointed out that IELTS speaking and writing would not reach 6.5 if the English grammar was not accurate, so I took the test by paying attention to the sentence pattern and word order, and paying attention to the paraphrase expressions.
名探偵コナン on Google

高校2年生時に正規留学を決断し出願条件としてIELTSが必須だったため、エース外国学院の3ヶ月間毎週4時間のコースでお世話になりました。外国人の先生が教えてくれる少人数制の教室という学習環境のおかげで、私の英語力は短期間で確実にレベルアップしました。IELTSだけではなく、学校の模試でも良い成績を残すことができるようになりました。 今は無事に志望していた大学に合格し、入学準備に勤しんでいます。入学要項や大学との連絡など全て英語のため、エース学院で学習した英語が非常に力になっています。特にネイティブの先生と毎週会うため、スピーキング力が非常に伸びました。 エース学院での学びを活かし、これからも英語学習を継続していきます。
When I was in my second year of high school, I decided to study abroad and IELTS was mandatory as an application condition, so I was taken care of by the 4-hour weekly course for 3 months at Ace Foreign Academy. Thanks to the learning environment of a small classroom taught by a foreign teacher, my English ability has definitely improved in a short period of time. It is now possible to achieve good grades not only in IELTS but also in school mock exams. Now I have successfully passed the university I was hoping for and am working to prepare for admission. The English I learned at Ace Gakuin is very helpful because all the entrance requirements and contact with the university are in English. Especially because I meet with a native teacher every week, my speaking ability has improved greatly. I will continue to study English by taking advantage of what I learned at Ace Academy.
nao ta on Google

エースの英語合宿に5週間参加して、TOEFL iBTスコアが64点から90点まで伸びました。また同時期にDuolingo English Test を受験して115点(サブスコア105点)を達成して出願先のアメリカの大学に合格出来ました。 こちらはアットホームな雰囲気で質問もしやすく、先生方も熱心で英語漬けの日々を充実して過ごさせていただきました。 英語合宿に参加し本当によかったです。
After participating in Ace's English training camp for 5 weeks, my TOEFL iBT score increased from 64 points to 90 points. At the same time, I took the Duolingo English Test and achieved 115 points (subscore 105 points), and I was able to pass the university in the United States where I applied. It has a cozy atmosphere and it is easy to ask questions, and the teachers were enthusiastic and spent their days immersed in English. I'm really glad I participated in the English training camp.
I m on Google

I was taken care of for about 7 weeks at the TOEFL English training camp. The staff and instructors are also very nice, and I felt that there is no English school that ACE can match in terms of distance to students and new density. In fact, the TOEFL score has improved, and I think that the location in Hiroshima has had a positive effect on concentrating on learning.

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