Hatanodai Sakai Dental Clinic - Shinagawa City

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hatanodai Sakai Dental Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-11-1 Hatanodai, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 142-0064
Webサイト : http://www.sakaidental-clinic.com/

5 Chome-11-1 Hatanodai, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0064, Japan
上原朋也 on Google

Polite medical treatment!
中嶋望人 on Google

前に 虫歯を治したがいまひとつだった
I cured my tooth decay before
pokima1109 on Google

Kindness. Clean. latest. Great arm.
ゆみ on Google

I didn't want to go because the dentist had a painful and scary image when I was little and I didn't want to go so much, but I had a pain in my teeth and went to the hospital reluctantly. I am very grateful that the latest equipment is easy to understand and the careful treatment didn't hurt. The teacher is so kind!
R S on Google

親知らずの抜歯をしていただきました。 最新の機械も使用されており、明確で的確な治療をしていただきました。 画像診断は高かったですが、今後のことも考えて適切な治療をしていただいたので満足です。 院長先生も優しく、痛みもなく治療していただき、大変良かったです。
I had my wisdom tooth extracted. The latest machines are also used, and we received clear and accurate treatment. The diagnostic imaging was expensive, but I am satisfied with the appropriate treatment considering the future. The director was kind and treated me without any pain, which was very good.
tsumugi on Google

院長先生は丁寧で腕がよく、とても優しいです。女性の先生も明るく親切で子供も怖がらずに見てもらえます。設備は新しく綺麗。大きなモニターに口腔内の写真を写して説明などもしてくれるので自分の歯の状態が分かりやすく、とてもお勧めの歯医者さんです。 スタッフの皆さんも親切です。
The director is polite, skillful, and very kind. The female teacher is cheerful and kind, and the children can see it without fear. The equipment is new and clean. He is a highly recommended dentist because he can easily understand the condition of his teeth because he can take a picture of the oral cavity on a large monitor and explain it. The staff are also kind.
みずお on Google

店内は清潔感があり、 コロナ対策の手洗いうがい、検温、消毒をする 受付の方は朗らかで優しい 歯科医師の方は説明が丁寧にしっかりしてくれる、仕上がりも綺麗だった 衛生士の方も丁寧に歯の掃除をしてくれ、声かけもあり、小さな炎症なども見逃さない かかりつけの歯科医院になった
The inside of the store is clean and Hand wash gargle, temperature measurement and disinfection for corona measures The receptionist is cheerful and kind The dentist explained carefully and firmly, and the finish was beautiful. The hygienist also carefully cleans the teeth, there is a voice, and small inflammations are not overlooked. Became a family dentist's office
峰咲瞬 on Google

施術後の注意点なども丁寧に説明していただき、料金などもお安く手配していただきとても信頼できる良い歯医者さんだと思いました。 院内もとても清潔に保たれており設備に関してもかなり良いです。 インフォームドコンセントにおいてもしっかり対応していただき歯の着色を除去していただく際ホワイトニングについての説明も料金から効果までしっかり説明していただき信頼できる先生でした。 受付の対応に関しても素晴らしく、次回の予約の際に担当して下さった先生がいらっしゃる時間帯を提案していただき助かりました。
I carefully explained the attention points after the treatment, I thought that it was a very good trustworthy dentist who arranged the charge cheaply. The hospital is also kept very clean and it is quite good for facilities. When we informed informed consent firmly to eliminate the coloring of the teeth, explanation about whitening was explained reliably from charge to effect and was a reliable teacher. It was wonderful also to deal with the receptionist and it was saved because we suggested a time zone where the teacher who took charge in the next appointment came.

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