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【ガレージアストレア】大阪府茨木市の自動車の整備・修理工場!|グーネットピット - Goo-net.com


Contact ガレージアストレア

住所 :

Hatakedacho, Ibaraki, 〒567-0028 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/pit/shop/0705115/top%3Fsite%3DGMB
街 : Osaka

Hatakedacho, Ibaraki, 〒567-0028 Osaka,Japan
mosa mosa on Google

They responded politely and promptly, and the price was really reasonable.
N S on Google

There was no detailed explanation or report on the maintenance, and it was a bad impression. Also, it should be a Paypay member store, but it was said that it is not supported. I won't go anymore.
Yuusuke Wada on Google

ロードスターNA6を買い増して、対応がすごくよかった。 MTミッショントラブルがあったけど、すぐ交換してくれました。 2台目を購入しました。迅速に対応してくれてますし、価格も良心的。 逆に湘南マツダの整備が不誠実だというのもわかりました。
I bought more Roadster NA6 and the response was very good. There was a MT mission trouble, but it was exchanged immediately. We purchased the second unit. He / she responds quickly and the price is reasonable. On the other hand, I also found that the maintenance of Shonan Mazda is dishonest.
明日原来香(明日原 来香) on Google

LINEでの問い合わせが可能とありますが既読無視されます。72時間後に再度連絡すると返答がありましたが、持ち込み歓迎と謳いながらもタイヤ交換すらできないショップのようです。 その他 グーネットの記載で「スタッフは全員マスクを着用しています」とありましたが、さきほど通り過ぎた際にマスクなんて着用していませんでした。 嘘が多すぎて私はこのショップを信用できません。
Inquiries via LINE may be possible, but they will be ignored. When I contacted them again 72 hours later, I received a reply, but it seems to be a shop where I can't even change tires, even though I'm saying that I'm welcome to bring in. Others: According to Goonet's description, "All staff wear masks", but they didn't wear masks when they passed by. There are too many lies and I can't trust this shop.
Вер AMU on Google

購入後、杜撰で虚偽の多さが露呈したので評価を変更。 ・エアコンガス漏れがあるのに、購入前に「今後漏れるかもしれないが今はない。ちゃんとした状態で渡す」と説明。しかも外気導入から異臭するがエアコンについて聞いた時に一切説明なし。サイトグラスの見方も知らないのだろうか?現在は近所の良心的な整備工場で診てもらっている。 ・法定点検をしていれば知っているはずの下回り問題箇所(プロペラシャフトジョイント部漏れ、前後アッパーアームブッシュの露骨な劣化、タイヤヒビ、点火系統が原因の失火症状、発煙筒期限切れなど)が多数。法定点検は正しく実施されていない。 ・納車前に一切掃除をしていないため、納車初日にやったことが腕まで埃だらけになっての掃除。在庫中全く掃除してないであろう汚れ具合。自分の店で汚した分さえろくに掃除しない。 ・修復歴が原因の走行中異音があったが、一切説明なし。結局自分で修理した。 ・購入前、こちらから情報提示を求めても「中古車サイトに書いてある通り」「旧車だから今後何か起きる可能性はあるが、今は問題ない状態です」の一点張り。当然、嘘だらけである。 その時接客していた社員の虚言癖で、これから何十万円の損害と時間の浪費を被ることだろう。先日社長から電話があって1度はレビューを取り下げたが、次から次へと問題が出てくるので二度と利用するつもりはない。電話も着信拒否した。 全く呆れた店だ。 追記 ・最初から死にかけのバッテリー ・ロアアームブーツに穴、グリス漏れ ・トランクルームに雨漏り これらも一切説明無し。
After the purchase, the evaluation was changed because a lot of falsehoods were revealed by selection. ・ Although there is an air conditioner gas leak, he explained before purchasing, "It may leak in the future, but it is not now. I will hand it in a proper condition." Moreover, although it smells strange from the introduction of outside air, there was no explanation when I heard about the air conditioner. Don't you know how to read the sight glass? Currently, I am being examined at a conscientious maintenance shop in my neighborhood. ・ There are many problems that should be known if you have a legal inspection (propeller shaft joint leak, explicit deterioration of front and rear upper arm bushes, tire cracks, misfire symptoms caused by ignition system, smoke bomb expiration, etc.). Legal inspections are not carried out correctly. ・ Because I didn't clean the car before delivery, what I did on the first day of delivery was covered with dust on my arms. The degree of dirt that may not have been cleaned at all in stock. I don't clean the dirt in my store. ・ There was an abnormal noise while driving due to the repair history, but there was no explanation. After all, I repaired it myself. ・ Before purchasing, even if you ask for information from here, "as written on the used car site" and "because it is an old car, something may happen in the future, but there is no problem now". Of course, it's full of lies. The liar of the employees who were serving customers at that time will cost hundreds of thousands of yen and waste time. I received a phone call from the president the other day and withdrew the review once, but I do not intend to use it again because problems will come up one after another. The call was also rejected. It's a completely stunned store. Postscript ・ Dying battery from the beginning ・ Holes and grease leaks in the lower arm boots ・ Leakage in the trunk room There is no explanation for these either.
佐々木健二 on Google

I was surprised to try to replace the NA Roadster tie bell I bought here. The piping from the thermostat was supposed to be ridiculous. The tube was broken halfway and was not fit properly, and it was in a situation where it could be broken at any time. It does not require complete maintenance for old-fashioned used cars, but even amateurs know that this piping is abnormal. What was it to sell a reliable car?
H I on Google

Purchased NA Roadster. From the beginning to the end, it was a good deal, and the car was a good quality car (the response was a little late, but it seems to be busy, so I'm satisfied). It's been badly rated in other reviews, but I don't understand. It is nonsense to buy a roadster 30 years ago and ask for luxurious maintenance. Even if there are some problems, it is a car that will be loved while fixing them. It is not something that you should write anything for your convenience. What are you looking for in a car 30 years ago in the first place? ?? If it is a bad store, more than 20 roadsters are carefully stored and not sold in the hall. It was a great shop. Thank you for your continued support.

ストーリアX4のお決まりのミッション3速より異音が発生。 どこに修理を依頼しようかと悩んでいたところ、ロードスター乗りの知人に紹介いただきお願いしました。 初期のロードスターを多数扱ってるだけに中途半端に古い車の重整備も快く受けていただき有り難うございます。 分解点検後の現状、点検時に発覚した水漏れ修理と的を得たアドバイス。 大変助かりました。 今回後回しにした作業のいくつかは予算と相談しながら車検時にお願いします。 毎度のことながら国産メーカーさん。手前で売ってた車の部品くらい責任持ちなさい。生産中止の一言で片づけるなー
Abnormal noise is generated from the usual mission 3rd speed of Storia X4. When I was wondering where to request repairs, I asked an acquaintance who rides a roadster to introduce me. We are grateful for the heavy maintenance of old cars halfway through as we handle a large number of early roadsters. The current situation after overhaul, water leak repair discovered at the time of inspection, and accurate advice. Thank you very much for helping me. Please do some of the work that was postponed this time at the time of vehicle inspection while consulting with your budget. As always, a domestic manufacturer. Take responsibility for the parts of the car that you sold in the foreground. Don't get rid of it with a single word of discontinuation

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