
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マッハ脱毛

住所 :

Hatagasaki, Yonago, 〒683-0845 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://mahha.jp/
街 : Tottori

Hatagasaki, Yonago, 〒683-0845 Tottori,Japan
優司門脇 on Google

いつも指名させて頂いています。徐々に毛がなくなっていっております。大体3~ 4回通うと効果が目に見えますよ。
I am always nominated. The hair is gradually disappearing. You can see the effect after going 3-4 times.
アゼルバイジャン on Google

前から脱毛したかったけど、高額のイメージがあり諦めてましたが、今回のキャンペーンで通う事を決意しました。 スタッフの方もとても親切で通いやすいです。 1回目から効果が感じられ、次回も楽しみです。
I wanted to remove my hair from before, but I gave up because of the high price, but I decided to go for this campaign. The staff are also very kind and easy to go to. The effect is felt from the first time, and I am looking forward to the next time.
msm o on Google

毎日ヒゲを剃るのがめんどくさくて、男性でも気軽に通える脱毛屋さんを探していました。 色々検索しましたが、マッハ脱毛が安かったので行きました! 緊張しましたが、スタッフの皆さんがとても気さくで迎えてくれたので安心(^^)しかも個室なので他の目を気にしないでいいので落ち着つけました。 キャンペーンなどしてるので、かなりお得感があり良かったです!2回目以降も是非お願いします。 このまま、全身ツルツルになろうかな笑 駐車場があるので、車移動の僕には良かったです。
I was tired of shaving my beard every day, so I was looking for a hair removal shop that even men could easily go to. I searched a lot, but I went because Mach hair removal was cheap! I was nervous, but the staff were very friendly and welcomed me, so I was relieved (^^) Moreover, since it was a private room, I didn't have to worry about other eyes, so I calmed down. I'm glad that it's a great deal because I'm doing a campaign! Please do not hesitate to contact us from the second time onwards. I wonder if the whole body will be smooth as it is lol There is a parking lot, so it was good for me to move by car.
on Google

声かけも優しくて丁寧に施術してくださいます。 脱毛の相談にものってくださるので安心しておまかせできます。
Please treat me gently and politely. You can rest assured that you will be consulted for hair loss.
アキラ on Google

初めて入った時は、緊張しましたが、優しいスタッフさんばかりで安心しました。 脱毛は初めてでしたが、丁寧にしてくれて効果もあるので、これからも通います。
When I first entered, I was nervous, but I was relieved because all the staff were kind. It was my first time to remove hair, but I will continue to go there because it is polite and effective.
星と空 on Google

以前から気にはなってたけど、行く時間も勇気もなく… 今回友人の紹介で、3月末までは半額で受けれると聞き、初めて行きました! スタッフの方も雰囲気も良く安心して受ける事が出来ました。 もっと早くから行けばよかったー!これから通いたいと思います。
I've always been interested, but I don't have the time or courage to go ... This time, I heard from a friend that I could get half price until the end of March, so I went there for the first time! The staff and atmosphere were good and I was able to receive it with confidence. I should have gone earlier! I would like to go from now on.
achi H on Google

It's cheap and fast. I also did VIO. It hurts a little. I went through it more than 5 times and it became beautiful once, so I stopped it once, but now it's still growing and I gave up.
ラバ on Google

全身脱毛ではなくて部分脱毛が多いので10回以上は通っています! 一番通っている足の毛は殆どがなくなりました。 スタッフの数がかなり多いので人によって脱毛の順番・脱毛する時の体勢・施術時の下着・施術のスピードが全然違います。 痣や傷があったら治るまで出来ないと言われるスタッフ・痛くなければ大丈夫と言われるスタッフ。 毛が白くなっても大丈夫だと言われるスタッフ・毛が白くなったら脱毛が出来なくなると言われるスタッフ。 どちらの疑問もどちらが正しいのかは真相は分かりません。 皆さん、感じが良く快適に過ごせます。 勧誘なども一切ありません。 プレミアムパスポート3,000円(毎回1,000円引き・1年間有効)は早めに購入された方がお得かと思います。
I have been through more than 10 times because I have a lot of partial hair loss instead of whole body hair loss! Most of the hair on my legs is gone. Since the number of staff is quite large, the order of hair removal, the posture when removing hair, the underwear at the time of treatment, and the speed of treatment are completely different depending on the person. Staff who are told that if they have a bruise or a wound, they will not be able to heal until they are healed. Staff who are said to be okay even if their hair becomes white ・ Staff who are said to be unable to remove hair when their hair becomes white. I don't know the truth about which of the two questions is correct. Everyone feels good and comfortable. There is no solicitation. I think it is better to purchase the premium passport of 3,000 yen (1,000 yen discount each time, valid for one year) early.

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