
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パスコショップシムラ

住所 :

Hasunumacho, Itabashi City, 〒174-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 7AM–8PM
Tuesday 7AM–8PM
Wednesday 7AM–8PM
Thursday 7AM–8PM
Friday 7AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Hasunumacho, Itabashi City, 〒174-0052 Tokyo,Japan
田中勝正 on Google

My wife is also having fun
ざら(Zara) on Google

The bread is delicious ? ྀ ི
ドラゴンフルーツ on Google

お昼頃は車でパンを売りに行ってるので朝か夕方に買いに行きます。 安いし美味しいです。 お話好きなので時間に余裕を持って行った方がいいです。
As we go to sell bread by car around noon, we go to buy in the morning or the evening. It is cheap and delicious. It is better to have time to spare as you like talking.
nyamu on Google

パンがおいしいです(^_^)♪ 昔ながらのパン屋さんといった感じで、コンビニのパンとは比べられない、何とも言えない美味しさがあります。 品ぞろえも豊富で、朝は4時に起きて仕込みをしているそうです。 特に豆パンが美味しかったので、また買いに行きたいです(^_^)♪
The bread is delicious (^ _ ^) ♪ It feels like an old-fashioned bakery, and has an indescribable taste that cannot be compared with bread at convenience stores. There is a wide selection of items, and it seems that they wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning to prepare. Especially the bean bread was delicious, so I would like to go buy it again (^ _ ^) ♪
さらり on Google

おじいさんがサービス精神旺盛です。 パンを買うと毎回おまけにもう一つパンをくれます。(だいたいメロンパンをくれます) 毎月10個は新しいパンを試作して開発していると話していて、他では見られない珍しいパンに出会えます。 試作が売れないとすぐ開発をやめてしまうそうなので、美味しかったパンがなくならないようにおじいさんに話しかけるといいかもしれません。 おじいさんは朝7時に会社へ売りに行くパンを持っていき、午後に新しくパンを焼くそうなので、午後に来店するか朝早く行くかすると目当てのパンを手に入れられます。
The grandfather has a strong spirit of service. Every time I buy bread, I get another piece of bread. (Mostly melon bread will be given) He says that he makes and develops 10 new breads every month, and he can meet rare breads that cannot be found anywhere else. It seems that development will stop as soon as the prototype does not sell, so it may be good to talk to the grandfather so that the delicious bread will not run out. The grandfather will bring bread to the office at 7 am and bake new bread in the afternoon, so if you come to the store in the afternoon or go early in the morning, you can get the bread you are looking for.
Hisao Wada on Google

土曜の9時半位に再訪。店主のおじさんと会話。休日なしなので、土日はイベントでパンを売りに行ったりと開店時間は不定、平日は近くの会社に売りに行くとのこと。コンビニとの差別化のため、パンは独特の品揃えで魅力的。そこそこ美味しいが、惣菜パンは今ひとつかもしれない。 土曜9時頃に前を通ったら開いていなかった。遅い時間に再訪したい
I revisited at about 9:30 on Saturday. Conversation with the shopkeeper's uncle. Since there are no holidays, the opening time is uncertain, such as going to sell bread at an event on Saturdays and Sundays, and on weekdays it will go to a nearby company to sell. Bread is unique and attractive because it distinguishes it from convenience stores. It's reasonably delicious, but the side dish may not be enough. It wasn't open when I passed in front of about 9 o'clock Saturday. I want to revisit later
もりもり on Google

外観はパン屋さんに見えなかったのですが、中に入ると想像以上に多種多様なパンが売っています。 親切で愛想のいいご主人と奥様が切り盛りする、地元に愛されるお店という感じです。 こちらから聞かなくても、それぞれどういうパンなのか、こだわっている点も含めて説明して下さり、2歳の娘もニコニコしていました。 また、子供が好きそうなお菓子パンなどもかなり置いてます。ちなみに店内は狭いのでベビーカーは無理そう。 金曜11時頃来店しましたが、種類豊富でした。 土日だと15時くらいから焼きたてのパンが並ぶそうで、冷めててもこっちであっためるよ!と気さくに仰っていました。少し遠いですがまた買いに行こうと思わせる数少ない珍しいお店。
It didn't look like a bakery, but when you go inside, you can find a wider variety of bread than you can imagine. It feels like a shop loved by the locals, with a kind and friendly husband and wife. Even if I didn't ask from here, he explained what kind of bread each one was, including the points that he was particular about, and his 2-year-old daughter was smiling. Also, I put a lot of sweet buns that children seem to like. By the way, the inside of the store is small, so it seems impossible to use a stroller. I came to the store around 11:00 on Friday, but there was a wide variety. On Saturdays and Sundays, freshly baked bread is lined up from around 15:00, so even if it gets cold, it will be here! I was kindly saying. It's a little far away, but it's one of the few rare shops that makes me want to go buy it again.
ふるのり on Google

It is a simple and handmade shop where you can see the politeness of the shop staff. Tuna bread is full of ingredients, and ham cheese bread is a delicious bread with thick ham and cheese that makes you feel a little better. It may not be very noticeable because it is located in the back alley, but it is a nice shop where you can enjoy some nostalgia.

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