
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ちょきちょき佐沼店

住所 :

Hasamachosanuma, Tome, 〒987-0511 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–6:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Hasamachosanuma, Tome, 〒987-0511 Miyagi,Japan
小野寺久美 on Google

For me, who has bad eyesight and can't shave my face by myself, I'm grateful that Mr. Chokichoki, who has a massage before shaving, is affordable.
及川めぐみ on Google

The clerk also feels good and likes it.
千亜紀(ちあき) on Google

ちょきちょき(理容)とティアラ(美容)が一緒になってる。 店の中がつながってます。 料金は安くて、ポイントカードもある。 手捌きが早い為か、ちょっと荒い気がする。 数をこなさないと…っていう感じかな…時間がない人にはいいかもね。
Chokichoki (barber) and tiara (beauty) are together. The inside of the store is connected. The fee is cheap and there is also a point card. I feel a little rough, probably because the handling is quick. I think I have to handle the numbers ... I think it's good for people who don't have time.
佐々木和夫 on Google

It's a cheap and very polite shop ?
石川ゆり子 on Google

安価、早いでしょうか… 三年ぶりで行って来ました。 今回はヘアードネーションできたらと思い髪を切りました。 お店の方に使って欲しいとお願いしてきたのですが… 長さは30センチは越えていたのですけど… きっと届けてくださいますよね⁉️ 馴染みの美容師さんが辞めいたのが残念でした。が担当してくださった方も以前からいた方なので安心でした。又お邪魔させていただきます?
Inexpensive, fast? It's been three years since I went there. This time I cut my hair in the hope that I could do hair donation. I asked the shop to use it ... It was over 30 centimeters long ... I'm sure you will deliver it ⁉️ It was a shame that a familiar hairdresser quit. I was relieved because the person who was in charge was a person who was in charge for a long time. I will bother you again ?
蜂野盛男 on Google

I came to the store for the first time. Convinced by cleanliness, speed, and low price.
kumi 2393 on Google

さっき 孫を連れてカットしに行っていつもやってくれる担当の人が他の人やってたので誰でもいいと思って若い高橋って言う人にツーブロックしてもらい そこまでは良かったが 長さ見て下さいて言われて えって言ったら えじゃねーよって言ったそうです。孫が言ってました。えらい頭に来て帰ってから電話したら本人が出て いぎなり言ってやりました。いくら子供が座ってるのに えっじゃねーよは無いんじゃないのかなってーいつも利用してるのにガッカリしました‼︎他の人は良いのに残念だわ〜
A while ago, the person in charge who went to cut with my grandson and always did it was another person, so I thought that anyone could do it, so I asked a young person named Takahashi to do two blocks. When I was told to take a look, I heard that he said it wasn't. My grandson said. When I came back to my head and called, the person himself came out and said it. No matter how much the child is sitting, I wonder if there is no such thing-I was disappointed even though I always use it! ︎ I'm sorry that other people are good ~
つっつ[ヤス] on Google

カットしかしたことはないですが値段もお手頃なのに、高額な美容室とも変わらない技術なので満足です。理容の方はスタイリストさんが3人くらいいらっしゃるので回転率は速い方だと思う 隣の美容室のスタイリストさんがタバコ臭かったので★マイナス1です でも私の理想通りのカットをして下さったのでリピート決定
I've never cut it, but it's reasonably priced, but I'm satisfied because it's the same technology as an expensive beauty shop. As for the barber, there are about 3 stylists, so I think the turnover rate is fast. The stylist at the beauty salon next door smelled like cigarettes, so it's minus one. But he made the cut according to my ideal, so I decided to repeat

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