
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱ヤマダ地所

住所 :

Hasamachosanuma, Tome, 〒987-0511 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://yamada-jisho.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Hasamachosanuma, Tome, 〒987-0511 Miyagi,Japan
サウナーマン on Google

後藤慎 on Google

パウンドマン on Google

名生裕 on Google

Nozo on Google

The correspondence is kind and there is a sense of security. The property is important, but the quality of the real estate is also very important. it's recommended.
糸非里中島 on Google

接客対応悪い、言葉遣い悪い、接客対応むいていない! 人をみて判断する! 気まま、わがまま、いい大人として情けない! 人の悪口は、良くないと思いますが!ヘリくつばっかり! 差別している!
Poor customer service, poor language, not good customer service! Judge by looking at people! Carefree, selfish, pathetic as a good adult! I don't think people's bad words are good! Only helicopters! I'm discriminating!
チョコジ on Google

対応が悪い。まず無愛想で説明が下手すぎる。 今まで色んな不動産にお世話になっていますがダントツで対応悪いですね。 初期費用に関してもコロコロ値段が変わるし、 前もって口座準備しるのに後数日で入居って時に銀行指定してきて作り直ししなきゃいけなくなったり、こっちがわからない事を電話で聞いているのに、調べればすぐわかるような事も、確認しますで3〜4日待たされたりたりします。 無事入居したんですが部屋に致命的な損傷部分があってそれについても電話で問い合わせたんですがとにかく対応が悪くまだ何も進んでいません。 まだまだありますが、取り敢えず酷いです。 皆様の参考になれば幸いです。
Correspondence is bad. First of all, it is unfriendly and the explanation is too bad. I've been indebted to various real estates so far, but it's by far the worst. As for the initial cost, the price will change, I also confirmed that I had to move in a few days later to prepare an account in advance and sometimes I had to specify a bank and recreate it, or I heard on the phone that I did not understand this, but I could find out immediately if I looked it up. You may have to wait 3-4 days. I moved in safely, but there was a fatal damage in the room, and I inquired about it by phone, but anyway, the response was poor and nothing has progressed yet. There are still more, but it's terrible for the time being. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
picoぴ on Google

最近あったことですが、支払い遅れてて、それを支払ったのにも関わらず、何故かアーク賃貸の方に立て替えの請求をしたようで、アークから電話がしょっちゅうかかってきました。 それもアークに問い合わせしたら、こちらの会社に確認すると言って折り返しもかなり遅く、確認することでそんなに時間かかるか?と思いました。 まず、支払い確認せずに、立て替え請求させるのも意味がわからないし、ヤマダ地所からの引き落としと、立て替え請求来た時のアークの請求と金額が違います。
It happened recently, but I was late for payment, and even though I paid it, it seemed that I had requested a replacement from Ark renter for some reason, and I received a lot of calls from Ark. When I contacted Ark, he said that he would check with this company, and the return was quite slow. Does it take so long to check? I thought. First of all, I don't understand the meaning of requesting a replacement without confirming payment, and the amount of money is different from the withdrawal from Yamada Estate and the charge of Ark when the replacement request comes.

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