
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カコトリミングスクール

住所 :

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.kako-net.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan
kaede t on Google

校則は軍隊並みに厳しい学校。それなのに入学前の説明と入学後の授業内容がぜんぜん違った。入学前は1人1頭で実習と聞いてたけど、1年生の時は2人に1頭の犬を交代で使って実習が週にたった2回それも2時間。毎日犬に触れるというのはお世話の授業で隔週でした。シャンプーにいたっては週に1回という内容でした。 また、毎年先生?アドバイザーがかなりの人数入れ替わって新人の人が大勢入ってきて新卒のスタッフに教えられるという環境でした、美容法もかなり犬に負担を強いる美容のやり方でした。 おかげで就職はあきらめ別の道に進みました。 トリマーになりたい方にはお勧めできない学校だと思いました。ただただ厳しいだけの校則に縛られ、それに耐えるという勲章が欲しい方は向いているかもしれません。
The school rules are as strict as the military. Nevertheless, the explanation before enrollment and the content of class after enrollment were completely different. Before enrollment, I heard that each person was practicing, but in the first grade, I used one dog every two people to take turns and practice only twice a week, two hours a week. Touching dogs every day was a bi-weekly care lesson. Shampoo was once a week. Also, teacher every year? It was an environment in which the number of advisors changed considerably and a lot of newcomers came in and were taught to new graduate staff, and the beauty method was a beauty method that put a considerable burden on dogs. This gave me employment and went another way. I thought it was not recommended for those who want to become a trimmer. Those who are bound by only strict school rules and want a medal to withstand it may be suitable.
a ღsun ̧ on Google

素晴らしい先生方にご指導いただき、大変有意義な二年間を過ごす事が出来ました。 確かに、高校出たての生徒さんの中には、身嗜み等も含め、熱心な指導についていけない方もいるかもしれません。 社会生活の中で長く仕事をしていると、現実は学校のそれよりもっと厳しく、理不尽な事も多くあります。そんな経験を経て再び学校に通うチャンスを得た私にとって、先生方が仰る言葉は、一つ一つとても胸に染み入りました。 何より、先生方が生徒のお手本となるべく、常に襟を正し切磋琢磨しながら努力する姿に… (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)オバチャン感動 学校は、もしかしたら想像していたような楽しい場所ではないかもしれない。仕事の現場は、より厳しく辛い事もあるでしょう。 でも、もしあなたに夢があるなら、好きなことを見つけられたなら、どうか諦めずに頑張ってください♡ 乗り越えた先にしか見えない景色が、必ずあるから。
I was able to spend a very meaningful two years under the guidance of wonderful teachers. Certainly, some of the new students in high school may not be able to keep up with their enthusiastic guidance, including their personal tastes. When you work long in social life, the reality is much harder than at school and there are many things that are unreasonable. As I had the opportunity to go back to school after such an experience, the words the teachers said were deeply touched by me. Above all, the teachers always try to correct the collar and work hard to serve as a model for the students... (⸝⸝O̴--̷᷄o̴--̷̥᷅⸝⸝) School may not be the fun place you might have imagined. The work site may be more difficult and difficult. But if you have a dream, if you can find what you like, do not give up and do your best♡ There is always a view that can only be seen after getting over.
まい on Google

I participated in the open campus during the summer vacation last year. It's a very nice school, and I was fascinated by the fact that it has a trimmer department and an animal nursing department, so I wanted to go here after graduating from high school! Perhaps because the students and teachers are also dealing with animals, I was very impressed with the people. I thought I might be able to aim for trimmer and veterinary qualifications here. Also, I was told that there was a situation where puppies were born even during class, and I was even more excited about the rooftop? I was really surprised that there were many dogs in the area. It was very friendly and healed from the bottom of my heart.
ポン太ポコ on Google

I became a foster parent. The teachers, staff and students are very polite and kind. It seems that the dogs also have a good environment.
mama gonta on Google

I am indebted to the cut model dog, I have been going for 9 years at the earliest, I hope that it will be cut cleanly every time and help the students
66 Super on Google

I used to know someone. The current substance is unknown, but at that time he was given excessively strict guidance, such as yelling and denying his personality. Although the direct causal relationship is unknown, he also said that there were some students who were stressed and suffered actual health problems. It is unavoidable that it will be difficult because of the study of life-saving work, but if harassment misrepresentation is being taught, I think it should be changed.
とらくじら on Google

1階ペットショップ内にあるトリミングサロンで、トリミング台から犬が落下したところを目撃してしまいました。学生さんの実習ではなく、プロのトリマーさんだと思います。 ガラス張りで作業中の様子がよく見えるのですが、トリミング台にアームはありません。なぜアームを使って犬の安全を守らないのか、理解に苦しみます。落ちたワンちゃんですが、落下後、ちゃんと歩けるかトリマーさんが様子を見て、大丈夫と判断されたのかそのままトリミングを続けられていました。そもそも落とすこと自体論外ですが、起こってしまった事故がちゃんと飼い主さんへ報告されているのか、不信感すら抱いてしまいました。 学生さんたちは、いつも一生懸命さが伝わって、とても好感がもてる方ばかり。これから育つ若者たちに対して、指導者の方々には立派なお手本となっていただきたいと切に願います。 追記: 後日伺ったところ、トリミング台にアームが設置されていました。安全対策がなされたようでよかったです。
At the trimming salon in the pet shop on the 1st floor, I witnessed a dog falling from the trimming table. I think it's not a student's training, but a professional trimmer. I can clearly see the work being done with the glass, but there is no arm on the trimming table. It's hard to understand why you don't use an arm to keep your dog safe. The dog fell, but after the fall, Trimmer looked at the situation and continued trimming as it was whether it was judged to be okay. It is out of the question to drop it in the first place, but I even felt distrustful whether the accident that had happened was properly reported to the owner. All the students are very fond of it because they always convey their hard work. I sincerely hope that the leaders will serve as a good example for the young people who will grow up in the future. postscript: When I visited at a later date, an arm was installed on the trimming table. I'm glad that safety measures were taken.
ごーぼーきんぴら on Google

入学もトリミングに預けるのも絶対にしない方がいいです。 私は卒業生でトリミングも1回くらいはお願いしたことがあり、愛犬が左目を傷つけさせられ目を開けられなくなった。ということがありました。 お迎えの際に説明してもらったところ、酷い言葉をかけられました。 「気がついたら○○くん(愛犬の名前)が目を閉じてこんなふうになっていた」と言われ、まるで愛犬のせいだ、我々は悪くないと言わんばかりの証言をされました。 病院で治療してもらって、良くなったからよかったものの失明とかになってしまっていたらどうなっていたか。 それも犬のせいにするんでしょうか? 少しでも謝罪という概念はないのかとガッカリしましたし、呆れましたね。 学校の授業も有り得ないくらい壮絶なものでした。 トリミングの実技授業があり、アドバイザーや先生が傍につきながらやるという授業ですがその先生やアドバイザーが不機嫌な時があり、中には八つ当たりかな?という態度を取られることがありました。 分からないところを聞こうとすると自分で考えて?と返されたり。分からないから聞いてるんだよ。 学費払ってるのに教えないとか…何だこの学校。と失望しました。卒業生ですが二度と顔を出しません 就職もペットとは一切無縁な職場に就職しました。 私が在学中、友達もほとんどがそうでした。 メンタル鍛えたい人にしかこの学校はオススメしません。 説明会で話されていることはほとんどが嘘のようなものです。全然違いました。現実は違います。 少しでも参考になると幸いです。
You should never enroll or leave it for trimming. I was a graduate and had asked for trimming about once, and my dog ​​hurt my left eye and couldn't open my eyes. There was that. When I was asked to explain when I was picked up, I was told a terrible word. He said, "When I noticed, XX (the name of my dog) closed his eyes and looked like this," and he gave a testimony that it was just because of his dog, and that we were not bad. What would have happened if I had been treated at the hospital and I was happy because I got better, but I had blindness. Is that also the dog's fault? I was disappointed that there was no concept of apology, and I was surprised. The school lessons were so spectacular that it was impossible. There is a practical trimming class, and the adviser and the teacher do it while standing by, but there are times when the teacher and the adviser are in a bad mood, and maybe eight of them? I was sometimes taken the attitude. Think for yourself when you try to ask what you don't understand? Is returned. I'm listening because I don't know. I'm paying the tuition but I have to teach ... What is this school? I was disappointed. I'm a graduate, but I never show up again I got a job in a workplace that has nothing to do with pets. Most of my friends did so while I was in school. This school is recommended only for those who want to train mentally. Most of what is said at the briefing is like a lie. It was completely different. The reality is different. I hope it will be helpful as much as possible.

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