Hanshin Bus Amagasaki Office - Amagasaki

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanshin Bus Amagasaki Office

住所 :

108-1 Oshokawatacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 660-0072
Webサイト : http://www.hanshin-bus.co.jp/

108-1 Oshokawatacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0072, Japan
へぶー on Google

The Salad Express, which is always running on the Hanshin Expressway Wangan Line, keeps running in the right lane. I wonder if you don't know the word "traffic violation".
ct9ananachan0119 on Google

高速バスらしいけど、一般道で メーター読み80超の速度で走るの おかしくない? 2020/11/13 午前10時頃 愛媛 今治にて お客の命を預かってる自覚 無いでしょ? 荷物と同等位にしか 思ってないでしょ? 二種免許 返上してもらいたいね、ホント
It seems to be a highway bus, but isn't it strange to run at a speed of over 80 on a general road? 2020/11/13 Around 10 am at Ehime Imabari You don't realize that you are taking care of your life, right? You think it's just like luggage, right? I want you to return the type 2 license, really
小山内昌子 on Google

阪神尼崎駅から宝塚行きに久々乗車しました。降りたい停車駅前にボタンを押したにも関わらず、停車わずかでアナウンスもなく発車され、仕方なく次のバス停まで乗車し、1つ先で降りました。重たい荷物と子供たちを連れて歩く道のりは、長かったです(TT) アナウンスマイクがあるのですから、[ご乗降の方、いらっしゃいませんか?]の一言がほしかったです。あなたの運転は普通でしたが、サービス業で大切な、思いやりの心がない為、阪神バス株式会社やバスの運転手という職業が、私の中で普通以下の評価となってしまい、とても残念です(/_;)
It's been a while since I got on the train bound for Takarazuka from Hanshin Amagasaki Station. Even though I pressed the button in front of the stop I wanted to get off, the train departed without any announcement, and I had no choice but to board the next bus stop and get off one stop ahead. The journey with heavy luggage and children was long (TT) There is an announcement microphone, so [Would you like to get on and off? ] I wanted a word. Your driving was normal, but because you don't have the compassionate heart that is important in the service industry, the profession of Hanshin Bus Co., Ltd. and the bus driver has been evaluated below normal in me, which is very disappointing. is(/_;)
Yuno Google on Google

どのバス停もとにかくバスが来ない。高確率で遅延します。しかも10分以上の遅延。酷い時はバスが一本飛ぶ。 別に渋滞してるわけでもなく台風などでもなく普通の日なのにめちゃくちゃいい加減です。遅れようが一本飛ぼうが謝罪もなく、それどころか改善しようする姿勢もなく何事もなかったかのようにされるので、かなり腹が立ちます。 通勤通学でバスを利用すると遅刻する可能性が凄く高いので、なるべくバスは利用されない方が良いと思います。
The bus doesn't come at any bus stop. There is a high probability of delay. Moreover, there is a delay of 10 minutes or more. When it's terrible, one bus flies. It's not a traffic jam, it's not a typhoon, it's a normal day, but it's a mess. I'm pretty angry because I don't apologize for the delay or not, and on the contrary, I don't have the attitude to improve and it seems as if nothing happened. If you use the bus for commuting to school, it is very likely that you will be late, so I think it is better not to use the bus as much as possible.
シオン詩音 on Google

2022年3月19日11:04頃 六甲口 神戸税関前行きにて バス停から少し進んで停車している時に今から乗れますかと車外から伝えた所、運転手はこちらを向いて気づいていたのに嫌な顔をして無視されました すごく不幸そうな顔をしていたので会社が運転手さん達が笑顔になれる待遇を用意してあげてほしいです 時刻表では10:54 11:14だったのにバスが来たのは11:04 11:24でした 通勤がある人は困ると思うので、改善を期待したいです
Around 11:04 on March 19, 2022 at Rokkoguchi bound for Kobe Customs When I was a little ahead of the bus stop and told from outside the car that I could get on from now on, the driver turned to me and noticed, but he looked unpleasant and was ignored. I had a very unhappy face, so I want the company to provide treatment that makes the drivers smile. The bus arrived at 11:04 11:24 even though it was 10:54 11:14 on the timetable. I think people who commute to work will be in trouble, so I would like to expect improvement.
山上圭介 on Google

交差点に駐車して他の車に迷惑かけるような奴に客乗せて運転させるの? 駐車違反の基準もわからんやつにハンドル握らせるな。
Do you park at an intersection and let someone who bothers other cars drive you? Don't let the guy hold the steering wheel if you don't know the criteria for parking violations.
アップルちゃん on Google

阪神バスの自動販売機見つけました。 100円でメロンソーダ、ミルクコーヒー売ってました。 市バスが阪神バスの運営になって運転が荒くなり、クラクション鳴らし過ぎです。
I found a vending machine for Hanshin Bus. Melon soda and milk coffee were sold for 100 yen. The city bus is operated by the Hanshin bus, and the driving becomes rough, and the horn sounds too much.
N F on Google

関空リムジンバスで時々利用してるがどのドライバーも印象が他の空港バス会社や他府県と比べても極端に悪い。 切符の受け渡し、ICの乗車時もほぼ無反応だったり。 今時、自動案内のみで車内アナウンスも発車から降車まで一貫して一切ない高速道走るバス会社は全国的にも珍しい。 喋るのが極端に苦手な人が多いのかと思うぐらい。 人材不足なのでしょうが職に向いてない方達か多いのでは。 大手電鉄系の看板に傷を全国に晒してるのをトップは気づいてほしいし、 大半の空港バス会社や共同運行会社の印象にも響くかもしれないと思うと失礼では。 一般路線バスのレベルは知らないけど、内外の利用客の多い空港リムジンは信用と印象は大事、先の口コミにもある通りほんと空港リムジンバスから撤退してほしい。 共同運行の空港交通だけで安心確実で十分かと思った。
I sometimes use it on the Kansai limousine bus, but every driver has an extremely bad impression compared to other airport bus companies and other prefectures. There was almost no reaction when the ticket was handed over or the IC was boarded. At this time, it is rare in Japan for a bus company that runs on a highway with only automatic guidance and no in-car announcements from departure to disembarkation. I wonder if there are many people who are extremely bad at speaking. There may be a shortage of human resources, but there are many people who are not suitable for work. I want the top management to notice that the signboards of major railway companies are exposing scratches all over the country. Excuse me, I think it might affect the impression of most airport bus companies and co-operators. I don't know the level of regular fixed-route buses, but for airport limousines that have a lot of passengers inside and outside the country, credit and impression are important, and as mentioned in the previous review, I really want you to withdraw from the airport limousine bus. I thought that the jointly operated airport transportation would be safe and secure.

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