飴安商店 ストアー飴安花園店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 飴安商店 ストアー飴安花園店

住所 :

Hanazono, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0025 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://s-kawaguchi.jp/hanazono.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Hanazono, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0025 Chiba,Japan
キャサリンバルボーレ on Google

From ancient times, I often see housewives shoplifting and being caught and taken by the police.
。あにえすb on Google

きょうは初めて中に入りました 野菜だけかとおもっていたら中に肉や魚 弁当も売っていてここ一件で夕飯のもの買えちゃう感じでした ものによって 高いのとやすいのがありました またこようとおもいます
I went inside for the first time today If you think only vegetables, meat and fish inside I also sold bento boxes, and I felt like I could buy something for dinner here. Depending on the thing It was expensive and easy I think I'll come again
kiko M on Google

The uncle in the vegetable section is energetic and gentle!
まや on Google

Anyway, it's too small to use a stroller. The fillet is small, probably because the fish is for the elderly in the area. They will sell beef at half price every month.
なんふわちやん on Google

お野菜 果物はとっても安くて良いです。お肉も良いよ。最近、魚がダメかな。以前は良かったんだけどな。今後に期待してます。
Vegetables and fruits are very cheap and good. Meat is also good. I wonder if fish are bad these days. It was good before. I'm looking forward to it in the future.
S code: on Google

野菜や魚などの生鮮品は近隣の他スーパーより安く買う事ができ、大変世話になっている。 店舗が狭いため、どうしてもお昼前後や夕方には混雑する。 コロナ前は夜9:00まで営業していたので少し残念(今は8:00まで)。Suicaやペイペイ等の電子決済は使えない。クレジットカードも使えなかったと思う。 駐車場はグリーンベルト挟んだ向かい側に3台分しか無い。路駐は厳禁なので、車で来る方はご注意を。
Fresh produce such as vegetables and fish can be bought cheaper than other supermarkets in the neighborhood, which is very helpful. Because the store is small, it is always crowded around noon and in the evening. Before Corona, it was open until 9:00 at night, so it's a little disappointing (now until 8:00). Electronic payments such as Suica and PayPay cannot be used. I don't think I could use a credit card either. There are only three parking lots on the opposite side of the green belt. It is strictly forbidden to park on the road, so please be careful if you come by car.
小野清貴 on Google

It is on sale almost every day, and especially on Wednesdays and Saturdays, if you buy more than 1,000 yen, the egg will be 99 yen, which is very helpful for your household budget.
石原一三 on Google


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