Hananotera Ichiharakannon Nyoirin Temple - Kasama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hananotera Ichiharakannon Nyoirin Temple

住所 :

942 Kamiichibara, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1731, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897798
Postal code : 309-1731
Webサイト : http://www.nyoirinji.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

942 Kamiichibara, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1731, Japan
ハナソラ on Google

平成30年12月に参拝致しました。 「東国花の寺百ケ寺」、「関東三十三観音霊場」、「関東百八地蔵霊場」、「元三大師」、「不動明王」の5種類の御朱印がありました。私はそのうちの3種類の御朱印をいただきました。お寺の奥様が気持ちよく対応してくださって、本当に有難い気持ちでいっぱいでした。寒ボタンで有名なお寺みたいなので、またその時期に参拝したいと思っています。
We visited in December 2018. There were five types of red stamps: "Togoku Hana no Tera Hyakugaji", "Kanto 33 Kannon Sacred Ground", "Kanto Hyakuhachi Jizo Sacred Ground", "Former Three Great Masters", and "Fudo Myoo". I received three types of red stamps. I was really grateful that the wife of the temple responded comfortably. It looks like a temple famous for its cold buttons, so I would like to visit it again at that time.
S SUZUKI on Google

茨城県版道の駅の無料冊子で御朱印めぐり【開運 茨城さんぽ旅】を見て笠間・桜川方面にお邪魔しました。お寺のお子様に御朱印の頂ける場所を案内してもらい、元三大師と関東三十三観音の御朱印を快く頂いて来ました。花が咲いている時期に伺いたいお寺ですね‼️
I went to Kasama and Sakuragawa in a free booklet at Ibaraki Pref. We had the children of the temple guide you to the place where you can get your stamp, and we were very happy to receive the stamps of the former three Daishi and the Kanto 33 Kannon. It's a temple you want to visit when the flowers are blooming. ️
由佳 on Google

I will come to the beginning of the year as much as possible. I like the atmosphere here and the story after the basket. I like the voice and sound of the sutras, so I would like you to read the sutras when I die.
高橋忠夫 on Google

国道50号線より畑道から入りました。かなり狭いです。本殿はかなり立派な建物で今の時期は花はありませんが、紅葉が似合っていました。 当日は笠間稲荷の菊祭りでもあり御朱印巡りの方が次から次へと見えていました。御朱印は6種類有りましたが3種類を書いて頂き厄除けのお札まで頂きました。頂いた案内書には大原三千院と有りましたので分院なのでしょうか?こちらの絵葉書まで頂きました。
I entered from the field road from Route 50. It's pretty narrow. The main shrine is a fairly splendid building, and although there are no flowers at this time of year, the autumn leaves look good. It was also the Kasama Inari Chrysanthemum Festival on the day, and people who visited the Goshuin were seen one after another. There were 6 types of red stamps, but I asked them to write 3 types and even received a bill to prevent evil. The guidebook I received said that it was Ohara Sanzen-in, so is it a branch? I even received this postcard.
群馬のまぁたん on Google

There are five types of red stamps, such as the Hundred Temples of Togoku Flowers, the 33 Kannon Sacred Grounds with Blurred Seals, and the Hyakuhachi Jizo Sacred Grounds in the Kanto Region. Please be careful not to pass by as the road entering from Route 50 is difficult to understand. Turn around the signboard of Ichihara Kannon. Thank you for your kindness. 300 yen each
岡崎美智子 on Google

国道50号沿いにお寺さんの看板があり、田んぼの農道を入った小高い場所に。 以前から気になってはいたものの、今回初めて伺いました? 確かに、派手さはありませんが…よ~くお庭を観ていると季節のお花が咲いてますヨ?。 駐車場からだと、ご存知でなければ本堂を間違う事必至‼️? 寺務所(ご自宅の縁側)の側が 本堂のようです。 おみくじの結び場(-ω- ?)があるお堂も立派なんですよね~? 御朱印は6種類でした。 東国花の寺百ヶ寺の絵はがきと‘元三大師’さまの名刺サイズの御守りも授与していただきました?
There is a sign of a temple along National Highway No. 50, and it is in a small high place with a rice field farm road. I've been interested in it for a long time, but this time I visited for the first time ? Sure, it's not flashy, but ... When you look at the garden, seasonal flowers are in bloom ?. From the parking lot, if you don't know it, you will inevitably make a mistake in the main hall! ️? The side of the temple office (the porch of your home) It looks like a main hall. The hall with the Omikuji knot (-ω-?) Is also wonderful ~ ? There were 6 types of red stamps. We also received a postcard of Hyakugaji Temple, a temple of Togoku flowers, and a business card-sized amulet of the "former three great masters" ?
丹文男 on Google

天台宗の古刹。本尊は大日如来。国道50号線の北側奥に堂宇が建ち並んでいます。このあたりの地名の由来になった寺院です。山門をくぐると左手に経蔵、進み行くと回向堂(阿弥陀堂)があります。「三島山」の額の文字は天台座主第252世菅原栄海大僧正の筆になるものです。左手の階段の上には祖師堂があります。さらに奥に進むと立派な中堂があります。中堂は本堂です。これだけの大きな本堂は常陸国で見たことはありません。 2021.11.10 午前に参詣。楓が色づきはじめ、落ち着いた美しい景観を楽しみました。
An ancient temple of the Tendai sect. The principal image is Dainichi Nyorai. Dou is lined up in the back on the north side of Route 50. It is the temple from which the name of the place was derived. After passing through the mountain gate, you will find Keizo on your left, and you will find Kaimudou (Amitabha) on your left. The letters on the forehead of "Mt. Mishima" are written by the 252nd lord of the Tendai-zasu, Sakae Sugawara. On the stairs on the left is the Soushido. If you go further back, you will find a magnificent Nakado. Nakado is the main hall. I have never seen such a large main hall in Hitachi Province. 2021.11.10 Visited in the morning. Kaede began to color and enjoyed the calm and beautiful scenery.
細谷三男 on Google

1月4日今日は笠間市花のお寺 市原観音の牡丹の花を 撮影しに 行きました コモに 囲まれて 牡丹の花がきれいに咲いていました 境内には 古い建物が たくさんあり見どころがたくさんあるみたいです 駐車場は広いので 車で来ても 大丈夫です ここで ワン ちゃんに会いましたさっさ ちゃん 八歳女の子だそうです 大変従順で頭のいい子で素晴らしいポーズをとってくれました あと友達の コロちゃん 15歳 大変やんちゃです 元気いっぱいな ワンちゃんです 最後に内原で チワワの チワ ちゃん に会いました 大変おとなしい 男の子です
January 4th Today, I went to take a picture of the peony flowers of Ichihara Kannon, a flower temple in Kasama City. The peony flowers were in full bloom surrounded by como. There are many old buildings in the precincts and there are many things to see. The parking lot is large, so it's okay to come by car. I met a dog here. It seems that she's an eight-year-old girl. She's a very obedient and smart girl, and she poses wonderfully. Koro-chan, 15 years old, is a very naughty dog. Finally, I met Chiwawa's Chiwa-chan in Uchihara. He's a very gentle boy.

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