Hananomai Niigata Ekimae - Niigata

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hananomai Niigata Ekimae

住所 :

1 Chome-1-16 2F Higashiodori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0087, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 950-0087
Webサイト : https://hananomai-niigataekimae.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 2PM–12AM
Sunday 2PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM

1 Chome-1-16 2F Higashiodori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0087, Japan
Hr W on Google

It is used in a 3-hour course with all-you-can-drink on Saturday, and the order for one knob is the worst. It's a small amount for the price, and if you don't eat it, you can't make the next order like a drink. Therefore, I am busy and calm and cannot talk with my companion. At least two items. I feel sorry for the part-time job.
三本和広 on Google

二時間飲み放題食べ放題、メニューを見て色々選べて良かったです。 注文してから料理・飲み物が運ばれるのも早かったので、得した感じです。
All-you-can-drink and all-you-can-eat for two hours, I'm glad I could choose various things by looking at the menu. It was quick to get the food and drinks after I ordered, so I feel like I got it.
ちゃえ on Google

All you can eat and drink and used a coupon of 4000 yen per person for 2.5 hours. The clerk's response was fast and it was relatively quick for the dishes to come out, so the drinks and food were satisfactory enough 唐 ️ The deep-fried fried food was delicious with a large size な の で I can not help because it is a tavern However, I was a little worried about the smell of cigarettes.
yoshi mz on Google

定員さんの対応が素晴らしくて、本当に気が利く。 子連れで何度か利用させて頂いているが毎回本当に嫌な顔ひとつしないで対応して頂きありがとうございます。中々子連れで入れる居酒屋さんはないので大変ありがたいです。
The capacity is great and it's really nice. I have been using it several times with my children, but thank you for responding without a really unpleasant face each time. I am very grateful that there is no izakaya where you can bring your children with you.
kana W on Google

食べ放題利用。 一人一品ずつしか頼めないのでフードロスは少なそう。注文取りに来たり運んだりする店員さんはかなり大変だと思いますが…。それでもとても丁寧な接客でした! お刺身は脂ののりも丁度よく食べやすかったです。唐揚げは想像を絶する大きさなので、一気におなかいっぱいになります。頼む時は胃袋と相談してから! 飲み物も種類豊富でお酒飲まれる方はオススメです。
All-you-can-eat use. Food loss seems to be small because each person can only order one item at a time. I think the clerk who comes and carries the order is quite difficult ... Still, it was a very polite customer service! The sashimi was easy to eat with the fat paste. The size of fried chicken is unimaginable, so you will be full at once. When asking, consult with your stomach! There is a wide variety of drinks, and it is recommended for those who drink alcohol.
Takashi on Google

飲み放題120分 1580円と駅前にしてはかなりリーズナブル。注文してから料理が提供される時間が早く、店員さんも明るく元気な方達なので気持ち良く食事出来ます。
All-you-can-drink 120 minutes 1580 yen, which is quite reasonable for the station front. The food is served quickly after ordering, and the staff are cheerful and energetic, so you can eat comfortably.
なうなうなうなう on Google

食べ放題。飲み放題。がウリのお店です。お皿、グラス交換で頼めます。 只、1人一品に問題が。最初に頼んだモノが来なければ待ちぼうけに。 2品で有れば、どちらかが来れば良いのですから。あと、ラストオーダー30分前も良いのですが、ラストオーダー注文後、時間ギリギリに持って来られましたが、残しそうになりました。退席を促されましたが、コレは如何なものかなぁ。 食べ物、飲み物は良かったと思います。
all-you-can-eat. all you can drink. Is the shop of Uri. You can order by exchanging plates and glasses. However, there is a problem with each item. If the first thing you ordered doesn't come, wait. If there are two items, either one should come. Also, 30 minutes before the last order is good, but after the last order was ordered, it was brought to the last minute, but I was about to leave it. I was urged to leave, but what is this? I think the food and drinks were good.
かおりさん on Google

I used it at the second party of the year-end party. The price of 3 sashimi was too low and I was disappointed. The price is over 1,200 yen. It's better to buy it at the supermarket and it's delicious. It was on the handwritten menu, but it was disappointing.

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