Hanamaru - Akita

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanamaru

住所 :

Chojayashiki-1-1 Yuwatsubakigawa, Akita, 010-1211, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88978
Postal code : 010-1211
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/hanamaru_kotaro
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 8:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–6:30PM

Chojayashiki-1-1 Yuwatsubakigawa, Akita, 010-1211, Japan
芳賀綾子 on Google

初めてだとわかりにくいかもしれないが、雄和方面へ向かって左側の低温倉庫近くの信号を左に入ってすぐにお店がある。道路を挟んで右側が駐車場、左側がお店だが、お店の前にも多少駐車できそう。 野菜、果物が豊富で普通のスーパーには置いていない品種も扱っている。野菜も産地やカットの仕方で値段が違ったりする。大根が葉はどちらもカットされてるけど、先がカットされてると50円、カットされてないと100円、キャベツも採れたての葉っぱがたくさんある状態は100円、剥かれたものは50円だった(1本、1玉の値段。R3.12.10時点)。山の神用の買い出しだったので高い方を購入したが、それでもスーパーより安く済んだ。 別日に購入したが、壺焼きやきいもも2種類の芋があり、焼き芋専門店並みに甘くておいしかった。 他にお菓子や飲み物とかも若干扱っていて、扱っているフルーツを使ったパフェやマリトッツォなどがある。夏はかき氷を提供している。 お店のおじさんが椅子に座って本読んだりしているが、話すと焼き芋を取ってくれる。みかんが80個くらい必要だと相談したら、試食をくれ箱を開けたそれ以上入れて3000円の破格で売ってくれた。開けた箱の残りのみかんも個人的に購入させてもらった(とても甘く、おいしかった)。 インスタである程度情報が出ているので、確認してから行くといいと思う。
It may be difficult to understand if it is the first time, but there is a shop immediately after turning left at the traffic light near the low temperature warehouse on the left side toward Yuwa. The parking lot is on the right side and the shop is on the left side across the road, but it seems that you can park a little in front of the shop. We also handle varieties that are rich in vegetables and fruits and are not available in ordinary supermarkets. Prices of vegetables vary depending on the place of origin and the way they are cut. Both leaves of the radish are cut, but if the tip is cut, it is 50 yen, if it is not cut, it is 100 yen, if there are many leaves with freshly picked cabbage, it is 100 yen, and if it is peeled, it is 50 yen. It was (the price of one and one coin, as of R3.12.10). I bought the higher one because it was for the mountain god, but it was still cheaper than the supermarket. I bought it on another day, but there were two types of sweet potatoes, pot-baked and sweet potato, and it was as sweet and delicious as a roasted sweet potato specialty store. There are also some sweets and drinks, such as parfaits and maritozzo that use the fruits they sell. We offer shaved ice in the summer. The uncle of the shop sits in a chair and reads a book, but when he talks, he picks up the sweet potato. When I consulted that I needed about 80 oranges, he gave me a tasting, opened the box, put in more, and sold it for an exceptional price of 3000 yen. I personally bought the rest of the oranges in the opened box (it was very sweet and delicious). There is some information on Instagram, so I think it's a good idea to check it before you go.
しじみ on Google

土曜日の13時過ぎに着きましたが・・・ パラソルの下で待ってる方々がいました。 外にレジがあり、そこで注文するようです。 注文しようとしたら、店員さんから「1時間待ちになります」と案内されまして、、、 次回に楽しみを延ばしました。 メロンのかき氷、食べてみたいです?
I arrived after 13:00 on Saturday ... There were people waiting under the umbrella. There is a cash register outside, and it seems to order there. When I tried to place an order, the clerk told me that I would be waiting for an hour ... I extended the fun next time. I want to eat melon shaved ice ?
norigo c on Google

噂どおり!とても良かったです。 道の駅とか、スーパーとか、じゃない、昭和の八百屋さん、、をちょっと小洒落た感じ、、、で、果物いろいろあって、地物の野菜に果物、、に、お手頃な野菜に、、地元のお味噌に、、と、、あれもこれも安い、、ちょっと高いけど美味しそうなお味噌、、と、また、行きたい八百屋さんです。 お店の人も優しくて、おじさんも良い人! 今度はかき氷食べに行きたいです。
As rumored! It was very good. Roadside stations, supermarkets, not the greengrocers of the Showa era, a little fashionable ... There are various kinds of fruits, and there are various kinds of fruits, such as local vegetables, fruits, and affordable vegetables. For local miso, this is also cheap, a little expensive but delicious miso, and I want to go to a greengrocer again. The people in the shop are kind and the uncle is also good! I want to go eat shaved ice this time.
佐藤誠 on Google

フルーツかき氷の人気店 お目当てのかき氷が一時間半待ちとの事で店内のフルーツゼリーとマリトッツォを購入。 マリトッツォは、中にもゴロゴロフルーツが入って甘すぎず、美味でしたよ
Popular fruit shaved ice shop I bought the fruit jelly and Maritozzo in the store because the shaved ice I was looking for was waiting for an hour and a half. Maritozzo was delicious, not too sweet with rumbling fruit inside.
ころころ on Google

I went for shaved ice around 11 o'clock. When I placed an order outside, I was told, "Wait for about 40 minutes." There was one place to eat in the store. After that, there are about three places to eat outside. I was told "Please wait in the car", so I waited in the car for 40 minutes, and when I was called and sat in the empty chair, I got a parfait with plenty of ice cream on it. Honey was used in the syrup (I didn't feel that much honey) and it was sweet and satisfying to eat. After eating, I bought some fruit in the store. One okra is 8 yen ... cheap ... And after 12:30, there was a nice scent outside ... Frankfurt, which is about 38 cm long, was on sale. It's already in line and I gave up buying it. Everyone in the store was kind. I was also happy to be concerned. I would like to go again when my child grows up. Thank you for the meal.
tyuyo on Google

美味しいおいもをいただきました。 おいものブリュレ! メイプルバターアイスを注文 おいもがなめらかで凄くあまい。 写メはバターが溶け切ってますが良く合ってます。 残念なのはテーブル一つに椅子が三脚しか無く、混み合ったら座れない事です。
I had a delicious taste. Hey brulee! Order maple butter ice cream The taste is smooth and very sweet. The butter is completely melted in the sha-mail, but it fits well. Unfortunately, there are only three chairs on one table, and you can't sit when it's crowded.
11k3z 1s on Google

地図ではイメージできるのですが、現地に向かうと案外見落としてしまうので、ご注意下さい。 駐車場は店舗の前ですが、すぐ満車になったので、都度店員さんに確認した方がいいと思います。 イチゴとモモのかき氷を注文しました。モモの瑞々しさと甘さに舌鼓!イチゴも美味しかった!パインの氷菓子も良かったですよ!お野菜もたくさん買えました。
You can imagine it on the map, but please be aware that it will be overlooked unexpectedly when you go to the site. The parking lot is in front of the store, but it soon became full, so I think you should check with the clerk each time. I ordered strawberry and peach shaved ice. Enjoy the freshness and sweetness of peaches! The strawberries were also delicious! The pineapple ice cake was also good! I bought a lot of vegetables.
孫悟空 on Google

パッと見はあまり大きくない産直ですが、キレイですね。窯焼きサツマイモを店頭で焼いていました。野菜果物が並んでいますが、今回はローカルテレビで紹介された、おいもブリュレ目当てです。11時からの提供らしくちょっと待ちましたが1番前に並ぶ事ができました!焦がしメープルにバターとアイスをトッピング!!これは旨い!! お客さんがすごい並ぶので、15分、いや、20分くらい前に店内にいるのがベストでしょう!!オススメです!いちごパフェも美味しいです!
At first glance, it's not so big, but it's beautiful. I was baking kiln-baked sweet potatoes at the store. Vegetables and fruits are lined up, but this time I was aiming for Oimo Brulee, which was introduced on local TV. I waited for a while as it seems to be offered from 11 o'clock, but I was able to line up in front! Scorched maple topped with butter and ice cream! !! This is delicious! !! There are so many customers, so it's best to be in the store 15 minutes, no, 20 minutes in advance! !! I recommend it! The strawberry parfait is also delicious!

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