
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オークスメディアパーク野田店プラスゲオ

住所 :

Hanai, Noda, 〒278-0026 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://geo-online.co.jp/store/40469/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Hanai, Noda, 〒278-0026 Chiba,Japan
佐々木延治 on Google

駐車場は広いし 本が豊富です。 レンタルDVD店と共用してます。
The parking lot is large There are a lot of books. It is shared with the rental DVD store.
敦子 on Google

I paid when I booked the DVD, but paid when I went to get it. He said, "I don't do that." I didn't take a receipt, but it was bad but the worst. I haven't used it since then.
ももママ on Google

欲しい本が2冊あり、でもどこに置いてあるかわからないので、スタッフの方に探していただきました。一生懸命探してくれて、2冊とも見つかりました! これからも絶対にオークスで本買います!
I have two books I want, but I don't know where they are, so I asked the staff to find them. They searched hard and found both books! I will definitely buy books at Oaks from now on!
ニイタカヤマノボレ on Google

レンタルやゲームを買う時に利用。 しかし、昼間のパートや高校生ぐらいの女の子の対応が非常に悪い。 挨拶だけは元気だけど、他の作業が全く出来てない。 釣り銭間違え、クレジットカード引き落としミスは当たり前。 従業員教育をやり直した方がいいのでは?と思う時が多々ある。
Used when renting or buying a game. However, the correspondence between the daytime part and the high school girl's girls is very bad. Only greetings are fine, but no other work is done at all. Mistakes in change, credit card withdrawal mistakes are commonplace. Should it be better to redo employee education? There are many times when I think.
kawashimas teshirou on Google

大宮、柏などの大都市で無かった宮下暁の「東独にいた」5巻とHBOの傑作チェルノブイリ があったので高評価をつけざるおえない。ほんとにありがとう。
There were 5 volumes of "I was in East Germany" by Akira Miyashita, which was not in big cities such as Omiya and Kashiwa, and HBO's masterpiece Chernobyl, so I have to give it a high rating. thank you so much.
#腐敗した燻製肉 on Google

女性店員の接客は良かったです。 でも男性店員の態度が最悪でした。 特に天パの眼鏡掛けた店員はゴミです。 女性店員の時にレジに行きましょう。
The customer service of the female clerk was good. But the attitude of the male clerk was the worst. In particular, the clerk wearing glasses from Tenpa is garbage. Let's go to the cashier when you are a female clerk.
Uマカロン on Google

We have a copy machine, and we also sell stationery. I think the assortment is normal.
pierre gaudi on Google

There are four Geo cashiers, but there is only one cashier that accepts credit card payments. There are four people in the checkout, and the first customer purchases the PSP and software, and waits for 10 minutes or more until the checkout. It was the worst. The other two staff members haven't been able to do anything behind them and are just looking at them. Please increase the number of cashiers that accept credit card payments.

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