
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カレーRuRu

住所 :

Hamada, 〒030-0843 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87797
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Aomori

Hamada, 〒030-0843 Aomori,Japan
わったん on Google

旨かった‼️ チキンカツカレーは、鶏むね肉のカツでしたが、柔らかくてとても美味しかったです。
It was delicious. ️ Chicken cutlet curry was chicken breast cutlet, but it was soft and very delicious.
山田南 on Google

Spicy curry is recommended. Ordinary curry is also delicious.
セブンラック on Google

It's a cozy shop. You can choose the spiciness of the curry and you can make various toppings. There is also Napolitan. I will come back again.
AomoriTube青森チューブ 青い森大学ウェルビーイング学部スマートシティ学科実装体験感想専攻 on Google

極力青森県産の原材料使用のお店。 2017年4月訪問時のコメント 以外と安いし綺麗。店員さんもよい感じ。IYの直ぐ近くで便利だけど、土日はあまり混んでいない感じ。
A shop that uses raw materials from Aomori prefecture as much as possible. Comments from the April 2017 visit Other than that, it's cheap and beautiful. The clerk also feels good. It's convenient near IY, but it's not so crowded on Saturdays and Sundays.
loast italian on Google

Chicken cutlet curry was soft and very delicious ?
菊池和 on Google

Various toppings can be made, and the spiciness can be adjusted to your liking. I used it for the first time, but it was delicious.
Ryudai Tozu on Google

美味しかった!比較的甘めのカレーで、スパイス効いてるっていうより家庭的な味に近く飽きがこない印象☺️ 甘みというのも自然な甘みで、辛さも調整できるようなので次回訪問時は辛くしてみようと思う。 店員さんも優しく、カレーが食べたい時はここにします?
was delicious! It's a relatively sweet curry, and it's more like a homely taste than it's spicy, so you won't get tired of it ☺️ The sweetness is also a natural sweetness, and it seems that the spiciness can be adjusted, so I will try to make it spicy the next time I visit. The clerk is also kind, and if you want to eat curry, I will go here ?
ryota osanai on Google

イトーヨーカドーの目と鼻の先にあるこじんまりとしたお店。店内に入った途端、空腹感を誘発するカレーの香りがお出迎え。 ポーク、ビーフ、チキンの三種を基本に、ロースカツカレーや野菜カレーなどが単品でメニューにあるのだが、トッピングにロースカツなどが存在しているので、「ポークカレー・大盛・肉2倍にトッピングでロースカツと野菜」というような自分好みのカスタマイズ注文がおすすめ。 もちろん辛さも選べる。ここは初めての来店だったので7倍で様子見。7倍でも食べすすめると自然と額から汗がででくる辛さ。 自信が無ければ20倍などは選択しないのが吉かと。 お肉がスプーンでほぐせるくらいよく煮込まれているなど、家庭のカレーのようでいて家庭ではなかなかできないひと手間が美味しさのスパイスだと思う。 店員さんも親切で全体的にアットホームな雰囲気。
A small shop just in front of Ito-Yokado's eyes and nose. As soon as you enter the store, you will be greeted by the scent of curry that induces a feeling of hunger. Based on the three types of pork, beef, and chicken, loin cutlet curry and vegetable curry are on the menu separately, but since there are loin cutlet etc. as toppings, "pork curry, large serving, double meat topping We recommend customizing your own order such as "roasted pork and vegetables". Of course you can choose the spiciness. This was my first visit to the store, so I waited at 7 times. If you eat even 7 times as much, you will naturally get sweat from your forehead. If you are not confident, it is good not to choose 20 times. The meat is simmered so well that it can be loosened with a spoon, and I think the spice of deliciousness is the time and effort that is like home curry and difficult to do at home. The clerk is also kind and has a cozy atmosphere overall.

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