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Contact 鍼灸サロンHalipulu

住所 :

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : https://halipulu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9:30PM
Sunday 10AM–9:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12–8:30PM
Thursday 10AM–9:30PM
Friday 10AM–9:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan
安部圭子 on Google

nori on Google

左半身の痺れがひどく、神経内科等で検査をしましたが原因不明でした。こちらで治療を何度かしていただき、だいぶ体が楽になりました。血の巡りが悪いらしく、ツボも教えてもらったので、普段自分でもマッサージしています。 またお願いします。
The left side of my body was very numb, and I had an examination at a neurology department, but the cause was unknown. I had several treatments here, and my body became much easier. It seems that the circulation of blood is bad, and I was taught the acupuncture points, so I usually massage myself. I'd like to see you again.
アクさんモグさん on Google

週二回ほどお世話になっています。 とても明るい先生で、体の事からたわいもない会話まで凄く楽しい時間を過ごせます。 私はアトピー 性皮膚炎が主訴で通っていますが、治療後は皮膚の小さな傷なら完治しています♪ 毎回とても元気になって帰る事ができます✨ アトピー だけに限らずどんな病気・症状にも対応しているとのことなのでお体にお悩みがある方は気軽に治療受ける事をおすすめします✨
I am indebted to you about twice a week. He is a very cheerful teacher, and he can have a great time from physical matters to casual conversations. I have atopic dermatitis as my chief complaint, but after treatment, small wounds on my skin are completely healed ♪ I can go home very well every time ✨ It is said that it is compatible with any illness / symptom, not just atopy, so if you have any physical problems, we recommend that you feel free to receive treatment.
Akiko Otsuki on Google

5年前から癌のホルモン治療で月経も止まり、冷えや便秘、背中の凝りによる痛みにかなり悩まされていたのですが、2週間に一度ペースで定期的な治療をして頂き、一年ほど経ちますが、気がつけばすべての悩みが改善されていました。 特に冷えは驚くほど改善しました。 通い出した頃は治療中に足をつるほどでしたが今ではそれも無くなりました。 院内も清潔感があり、可愛く、とても落ち着く雰囲気です。 先生も優しい方でお話しが面白くとても親身に聞いて頂けるのでおすすめです。
From 5 years ago, my menstruation stopped due to hormone therapy for cancer, and I had been suffering from coldness, constipation, and pain caused by stiff back, but I received regular treatment once every two weeks for about a year. It's been a while, but I noticed that all my worries had improved. Especially the cold has improved surprisingly. When I went out, I used to hang my legs during treatment, but now it's gone. The hospital is clean, cute and has a very calm atmosphere. It is recommended that the teacher is also a kind person and the story is interesting and you can listen to it very kindly.
Kinuko Yasuda on Google

産前産後の体のメンテナンスと逆子改善でお世話になりました。逆子は治療とあわせて自宅でもできるお灸や気を付けることなどを教えていただき、次の検診では正常に戻っていました! 高齢出産だったため不安もありましたが、毎回施術にいくと心も体も癒されリラックスできました。今後も親子でお世話になりたいです。
I was taken care of by the maintenance of the body before and after childbirth and the improvement of the breech birth. Breech was taught moxibustion and precautions that can be done at home along with treatment, and he returned to normal at the next examination! I was worried because I had an advanced maternal age, but every time I went to the treatment, my mind and body were healed and I was able to relax. I would like to continue to take care of my parents and children.

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