
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぴたらファーム

住所 :

Hakushucho Yokote, Hokuto, 〒408-0313 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://pitarafarm.com/
街 : Yamanashi

Hakushucho Yokote, Hokuto, 〒408-0313 Yamanashi,Japan
神立総一朗 on Google

The field is full of grass. No decent agriculture.
かつかつ(浜砂利) on Google

It is a nostalgic facility in the countryside.
Kyoko Kurihara on Google

I visited the 2018 Harvest Festival. Pita Farm, which practices the philosophy of permaculture, seemed to have a clear mind and body in abundant nature.
あや on Google

ぴたらファームは、田畑を暮らしの中心に置いた持続可能な暮らしをされてる''自然循環型"オーガニックファーム! 私は、農業?‍?ボランティアとして参加させて頂きました。 スタッフの方々の人柄が優しく本当に素敵な方ばかりで癒されました? こだわりを持ってオーガニックの野菜を栽培をされています。生活も出来る限り環境に負荷が掛からない暮らしをされています。お皿洗いは洗剤を使わずヘチマのたわしで洗ったり? こちらの野菜を使った料理を頂きましたが、本当に美味しい^_^オーガニック野菜(無農薬・無化学肥料)の宅配もされていてオススメです。 野菜を発送する時のパッケージも出来る限りビニールを使わない用に工夫され、手間がかかるのに新聞紙で袋を作るなど努力されてるのが嬉しい? 加工品もこちらの野菜が使われて、珍しい[キュウリのジャム]も!なんとメロン?の味がする‼️
Pitara Farm is a "natural circulation type" organic farm where people live a sustainable life with the fields in the center of their lives! I participated as an agriculture ?‍? volunteer. All the staff were kind and healed by only really nice people ? We are cultivating organic vegetables with great care. I live a life that does not burden the environment as much as possible. Washing dishes with a luffa scrubber without using detergent ? I received a dish using these vegetables, but it is also recommended that the really delicious organic vegetables (no pesticides and no chemical fertilizers) are delivered to the home. I am glad that the packaging for shipping vegetables is designed to use as little vinyl as possible, and efforts are being made to make bags from newspaper, even though it takes time ? Vegetables used here are also used for processed products, and rare [cucumber jam]! What a melon ? tastes! ️
泰三長谷川 on Google

I was guided in the bush by a cat
堀内ちりえ on Google

Rice farming is a duck farming method, and this year, she also keeps sheep and harvests wool ~ ?
mo mo on Google

スパイスやオイル、調味料などを量り売りで購入できます。 リーズナブルで品質もよくとても気に入りましたが、雰囲気がちょっと変わった感じ。 深入りすると戻ってこられなくなるというか、浮世離れしているというか。 俗世間から遠く離れたところにある、少し危険な雰囲気が漂うお店です。
You can buy spices, oils, seasonings, etc. by weight. It's reasonably priced, the quality is good, and I like it very much, but the atmosphere is a little different. If you go deeper, you will not be able to come back, or you will be away from the world. It is a shop with a slightly dangerous atmosphere, far away from the world.
S Buzzbee on Google

I was a wwoofer here (organic farming work exchange) for 5 days. I can tell you that not only are the people very sincere about what they do and the way they do it, the quality of their produce is really fantastic. A generous and open hearted people and a beautiful and natural setting. Make this place a stop if you are on the way and enjoy some fresh honey, vegetables or jams!

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