
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ゆい工房(不動産事業部)

住所 :

Hakushincho, Kita Ward, 〒950-3325 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.yui-kobo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:30PM
街 : Niigata

Hakushincho, Kita Ward, 〒950-3325 Niigata,Japan
Sachiko Ikeda on Google

何となくネットで物件を見る所から始まりましたが、購入までこれました。何も分からずでしたが、担当の方が分かりやすく親身になって対応して頂いたおかげです。私自身大切な買い物が最初から最後まで気持ち良く終えられた事に感謝でいっぱいです。 また何かあればお願いしようと思ってますので今後ともよろしくお願いします。
Somehow it started from looking at the property on the net, but I have come to the purchase. I didn't understand anything, but thanks to the person in charge who responded in an easy-to-understand and friendly manner. I am very grateful that my important shopping was completed comfortably from the beginning to the end. I would like to ask if there is anything else, so I look forward to working with you in the future.
hiko0518 on Google

He gave me a lot of information from the beginning to a couple who really didn't know anything about building a house, and they kindly responded so that we wouldn't lose. It was easy to consult with me as if I was at home. I am happy to find a good land.
DAISUKE on Google

Thank you very much for your help in finding the land. Anyway, it was a company that really deserves trust because of its light footwork and close contact. In a good way, the shop has a frank atmosphere that doesn't look like a real estate agent, so if you are looking for land, feel free to contact us.
on Google

当方が新潟を離れたため、直接お会いすることがなかなか出来ませんでしたが、密に連絡を頂き、半年ほどで買い手を見つけていただきました。誠意ある対応に感謝します。 地元密着企業としてこれからのますますの発展をお祈り致します。
Since we left Niigata, we couldn't meet in person, but we got in touch with them closely and found a buyer in about half a year. Thank you for your sincere response. We pray for the further development of a local company.
勝明石井 on Google

中古住宅を購入しました。 リフォーム歴が分かりにくい住宅でしたが、担当の方がしっかり調べてくれました。 今回はリフォームの依頼はしませんでしたが、後程お願いしたいと思いました。 契約時の手続きや打合せ等がスムーズでしたので、あまり苦労する事もありませんでした。 少し傷みの激しい所が有ったのが残念でしたが概ね満足できました。
I bought a second-hand house. It was a house whose remodeling history was difficult to understand, but the person in charge investigated it thoroughly. I didn't request the remodeling this time, but I would like to ask for it later. The procedures and meetings at the time of the contract were smooth, so I didn't have much trouble. It was a pity that there was a place where the damage was a little severe, but I was generally satisfied.
Na Sa on Google

この度、ゆい工房さんに家の売却をお願いしました。 相談も契約もとても親切に対応して頂きました。 おかげ様で家を買っていただける方を紹介していただき、売ることができました。 本当に感謝しています。 ゆい工房さんにお願いして良かったです。 ありがとうございました。
We asked Yui Kobo to sell the house. The consultation and contract were very kind. Thanks to you, I was able to introduce a person who can buy a house and sell it. Thank you very much. I'm glad I asked Yui Kobo-san. Thank you very much.
Siro Shirakawa on Google

長年どうしようかと思い悩んでいた土地、昨年ようやく売却の決心をつけましたが、不動産売却の取っ掛かりがまったくなく、たまたまゆい工房さんのチラシを拝見し、地元ということもあり仲介をお願いしました。 そこから売却の進め方のお話を伺い、その丁寧な対応に何となく抱えていた不安が消えました。あとはお任せして待つことに。 早くに購入希望の方があらわれ、売却までの流れも安心してお任せできました。 担当の方には経過についても何度も連絡をいただきました。 親切なご対応ありがとうございました。
I finally decided to sell the land that I had been wondering what to do for many years, but I had no start to sell the real estate, so I happened to see the leaflet of Mr. Mayui Kobo and asked for mediation because it was a local. From there, I heard about how to proceed with the sale, and somehow the anxiety I had with the polite response disappeared. I'll leave the rest to you and wait. Someone wanted to buy it early, and I was able to leave the flow up to the sale with confidence. The person in charge was informed about the progress many times. Thank you for your kind support.
on Google

この度は大変お世話になりました。 中古、新築、土地と、不動産探しでゆい工房さんにお願いしました。 こちらの難しい希望にも根気強くお付き合い頂き、細かな質問や不明点にも、親切にご対応頂き感謝致します。 初めての住宅探しで不安な点がありましたが(私の勝手なイメージですが)不動産屋さんによってはすぐに契約に進めようとしたりするイメージがあったのですが、 ゆい工房さんは全くそんな事はなく、長い期間じっくりとお付き合い頂き、不明点、不安点等も必ず調査、説明して頂き、安心してお付き合い出来ました。 こちらの勉強不足もあり、色々とご迷惑もお掛けしたかと思いますが、最後まで親切にご対応頂きました。 誠にありがとうございました。
Thank you very much for your help this time. I asked Yui Kobo to look for real estate, such as used, new construction, and land. We would like to thank you for your patience in dealing with this difficult hope and for your kindness in responding to detailed questions and unclear points. I was worried about finding a house for the first time (my own image), but some real estate agents had the image of trying to sign a contract immediately. Yui Kobo did not have such a thing at all, and I was able to have a long-term relationship with him, and he was sure to investigate and explain any unclear points and anxieties, so I was able to associate with peace of mind. Due to lack of study here, I think that I caused various inconveniences, but I kindly responded to the end. Thank you very much.

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