新潟 みず穂

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新潟 みず穂

住所 :

Hakusanura, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8131 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://bandaifood.wixsite.com/niigata
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Niigata

Hakusanura, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8131 Niigata,Japan
風間淳 on Google

テイクアウト&デリバリー専門寿司屋という目新しい業態のお店 ちょっとお高めの価格に尻込みしつつ、お手頃な日替わりばらちらしと一品料理からだし巻き玉子をテイクアウトしました ちらしは魚介盛りだくさんで美味しい上に目にも楽しく、確かにお徳用でコスパ抜群 だし巻きはふんわり食感でこちらも美味しかったです
A new type of sushi restaurant specializing in takeout and delivery While squeezing into a slightly higher price, we took out an affordable daily scatter and a dish of rolled egg. Chirashi is full of seafood, delicious and fun to the eyes, and it is certainly a good value and excellent cost performance. The dashi roll had a soft texture and was also delicious.
北野正紘 on Google

It was a clean shop. It was colorful and luxurious, and it was delicious. It's a little expensive, but I think it's a perfect meal for a special occasion. Also, it was a good deal because it was 20% off if it was takeout instead of home delivery.
横野瞬 on Google

日替わりばらチラシをテイクアウトしました。 シャリ大盛りで注文しましたが、ちょうどいい量でした! 魚もすごく美味しくて、お店の方の対応も良く、また利用したいと思います(^-^)
I took out the daily rose leaflet. I ordered a large serving of rice, but it was just the right amount! The fish is also very delicious, the shop staff is very friendly, and I would like to use it again (^-^)
Yusuke Mori on Google

日本海近海で採れた魚介と新潟県産コシヒカリを使ったお弁当を提供するお店。テイクアウトはイートインより20%割引。 お弁当だけでなく、棒寿司や巻き寿司、種類豊富✨前日までの事前予約が必要です。
A shop that offers bento boxes using fish and shellfish from the sea near the Sea of ​​Japan and Koshihikari from Niigata prefecture. Take-out is 20% discount from eat-in. Not only lunch boxes, but also bar sushi and maki sushi, a wide variety of sushi ✨ Advance reservations are required up to the day before.
よこしょ on Google

テイクアウトとデリバリー専門のお店という事で事前予約してランチタイム限定のばらちらしを頂きました、 見た目もとっても綺麗に盛り付けがされていて、食べるのがもったいないくらい。 ご飯200gってどのくらいなのかな?食べ切れるかな?って思いましたが、女性でも食べやすい量でちょうど良く美味しかったです(*^^*) ご飯大盛りも出来るので男性もおなかいっぱい食べれると思います♪ 他のメニューもすごく美味しそうなものばかりなので、また行きたいと思います° ✧ (*´ `*) ✧ °
As it is a shop specializing in takeout and delivery, I made a reservation in advance and received a leaflet limited to lunch time. It looks nicely presented and it's a waste to eat. How much is 200g of rice? Can you eat it up? I thought, but the amount was easy for women to eat and it was just right (* ^^ *) You can also have a large serving of rice, so I think men can eat a lot ♪ All the other menus look very delicious, so I would like to go again ° ✧ (* ´ `*) ✧ °
Jack on Google

ずっと気になっていた新潟みず穂さんで 日替わりばらちらしを購入しました。 テイクアウトのお店ということで 事前に電話予約してから後ほど取りに伺いました。 見た目がとても綺麗で、味も美味しくて大満足でした(^^) 他のお弁当も食べてみたいので また近いうちに行きたいと思います!
Mizuho Niigata, who has always been interested I bought a daily chirashizushi. Because it's a take-out shop I made a phone reservation in advance and then visited to pick it up later. The appearance was very beautiful and the taste was delicious and I was very satisfied (^^) I want to eat other bento boxes I want to go again soon!
さくら on Google

知り合いが白山市場に朝早くお弁当売ってる店があると言うことで お弁当を買いに お弁当の旗がなびいてたのでここだとおもい 10時50分頃に[みず穂]さんに入りました。 お寿司やちらしだけでなく 唐揚げ、トンカツ、他の弁当も売ってました。 トンカツ弁当にしたら 11時からなんで11時05分頃に出来るとのこと あれ⁉️まぁいっかぁ 出来るまで 隣に駄菓子やさんが あったからそこで時間をつぶそうと その駄菓子さんにもお弁当が売ってたのです。ワンコイン500円で 間違ってました。(^_^;) ボリュームはワンコインのお弁当よりはありました。 写真は駄菓子さんのお弁当です。 みず穂さんの写すのわすれました。
By saying that an acquaintance has a store in Hakusan Market that sells lunch boxes early in the morning To buy a lunch The flag of the lunch box was fluttering, so I think it's here I joined [Mizuho] at around 10:50. Not only sushi and leaflets, but also fried chicken, pork cutlet, and other bento boxes were sold. If you make a pork cutlet lunch It is said that it can be done from 11 o'clock to around 11:05 That ⁉️ There is a candy shop next to me until I can Because there was, I tried to kill time there Bento was also sold to the candy. One coin for 500 yen I was wrong. (^ _ ^;) The volume was more than the one-coin lunch box. The photo is a lunch box of a candy. I forgot to copy Mizuho-san.
伊藤幸治 on Google

日替りでご飯の大盛りにしてもらいました。 美味しかったです。機会があれば食べたいです。シャリが美味しいので量をもっと増やして欲しいくらいです。 新潟みず穂さんのサイトに行くとわかると思います。事前予約されないと購入する事が、出来なくなりました。ご注意です。
I had a large serving of rice on a daily basis. It was delicious. I want to eat if I have a chance. The rice is delicious, so I'd like you to increase the amount. You can see it by going to Mizuho Niigata's site. It is no longer possible to purchase without prior reservation. Please be careful.

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