Hakone Sekisho - Ashigarashimo District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hakone Sekisho

住所 :

1番地 Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 250-0521, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 250-0521
Webサイト : http://www.hakonesekisyo.jp/userguide/index.html
Description : Edo-era military checkpoint featuring soldiers' quarters, a lookout, a tea room & more.

1番地 Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 250-0521, Japan
Kiroku Klite on Google

This place was a historic check-point on Tokaido route (Between Kyoto and Tokyo). Once Japan have an other transportation this route was closed. But it was revived to be a historic tourist spot at last. Even something will be contrast cause it was rebuilt, but I think it worthy to see how the check-point of Tokaido route in the past was. A local guide service by retirement volunteer.
Rajyashree Sundaram (Raj) on Google

Interesting recreation of history. One can walk through the checkpoint and the gates to Tokyo or Kyoto for free. A small fees (with discount if you have hakone free pass) to see the exhibits. There is also a small museum about the checkpoint for history enthusiasts. Over yonder there are tea houses, including the famous Amazake Chaya. A place of interest for easy walk tourists en route (lake ashi, hakone shrine ,art museum-ekiden museum -> onshi hakone park -> tea houses/amazake Chaya) For the more serious walkers/hikers can be a break point/starting point for hikes/walks around lake ashi/ hatajuku. Also very well connected by tozan line buses.
Bruno Schwizer on Google

3 main rebuilt buildings showing what the checkpoint looked like. Small entrance fee. Do if you have time. Skip if short on time. There are also stairs to a viewpoint over the lake which is kind of nice. Spent about an hour there. The last building is a museum (no pictures allowed). Some English signage. People are very friendly and showing you the way to go.
Amber Collins on Google

I'm glad I didn't listen to the reviews. The checkpoint museum does have all the displays in Japanese but it's pretty obvious what each display represents. It is worth the 400 yen entrance fee for the view of Lake Ashi and Mount Fuji from the top of the hill.
Felix Limanta on Google

A beautiful recreation of a historical Japanese checkpoint, in which travelers between territories in Edo-era Japan have to pass through. The village has mannequins of officials (and a horse) reenacting what happens in a checkpoint. Most descriptions are in Japanese, but there's a leaflet in English available on request at the ticket counter. A flight of stairs away, on a hill, there's a recreation of a lookout post. The climb up is a bit steep, but the view from the hill of Lake Ashi and (if you're very lucky) Mt. Fuji is great. There's also a museum next to the village with more historical details. They translated a bit of the descriptions to English, but most of them are in Japanese. The entrance fee for the whole site is 500 yen, with a 100 discount for Hakone Freepass holders. If you have the time, you should check out this place.
Rene Trevino on Google

A beautiful reproduction of the checkpoint and village setting. It has a great little museum before the village with some great history and artifacts. The village is complete with mannequins displaying normal daily life and there are great views of the lake from the lookout up the hill. I highly recommend stopping there to explore when you’re out visiting the Hakone area
akshay malik on Google

The guides are very kind and explained me in perfect English language the history of this place. The structure is black in color since it is coated with pine soot for preserving the wood.
John P on Google

Great spot of historical significance from the Edo area. The exhibit is very well displayed and has English translation. The staff are very kind and will help you, even if you can’t speak much English. The views in and around the gate are fantastic and you can really feel the history. A must see for anyone interested in Japanese history.

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