ヤマト運輸 豊田上郷センター - Toyota

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヤマト運輸 豊田上郷センター

Haizucho, Toyota, 〒470-1204 Aichi,Japan
三浦孝之 on Google

Disappointing customer service attitude.
はいからさん on Google

I understand that it is busy. However, the response of the driver ,,,, the store staff was a polite response.
KO KO on Google

The delivery was lost. Poor response, no apology
ひらやまたかのり on Google

朝から、電話して午前中の早くに届けて欲しいと連絡…10時になってもこず…連絡すら無いです… 朝イチに連絡したら普通の感覚なら、連絡1本くらいよこすでしょ… 大変なのは、わかるけどプロだよね?
From the morning, I called and contacted him to deliver it early in the morning ... I couldn't even contact him at 10 o'clock ... I didn't even contact him ... If you contact Ichi in the morning and it feels normal, you'll get one contact ... I know it's hard, but you're a professional, right?
Hiroshi Koga on Google

あまり近くを通らないので、ほかのセンターに持ち込みをしてました。 今回はたまたま発送させてもらいましたが、 とても敷地が広くて事務所も広くて驚きました。 以前までタイミングを間違うと車を停めるのも苦労しましたが、落ち着いて発送手続きが出来ます。
I didn't pass very close, so I brought it to another center. I happened to ship this time, but I was surprised that the site was very large and the office was also large. I had a hard time stopping the car if the timing was wrong, but I can calmly complete the shipping procedure.
29 8mina on Google

※追加 朝に時間変更の電話をし、ネット上でも変更になっていたのにずっと届かず。時間ギリギリ10分前に連絡すると宅配の人まで連絡がきてないと。 そんなことあります? 時間を無駄にしました。 それなら最初から受け付けないで欲しい。 どういう連絡体制なのか疑問です。 ポスト投函の荷物をなくされた。 メルカリではないのに「メルカリですよねー。メルカリだと中何入ってるか分からないから保証ないんすよー」と言われた。 預かった場所も確認しない運送会社あるんですね。 結局保証があったのか購入先から返金がありましたが、その後の連絡は謝罪はなし。 大きい運送会社なのに信用にかけるなと思いました。
※add to I called to change the time in the morning, and even though it had changed on the internet, it never arrived. If you contact me 10 minutes before the time, the delivery person will not be contacted. Is there such a thing? I wasted my time. If so, please do not accept it from the beginning. I wonder what kind of contact system it is. I lost my post-mailing luggage. Even though it wasn't Mercari, he said, "It's Mercari, isn't it? I don't know what's inside with Mercari, so I can't guarantee it." There are some shipping companies that don't even check the place where they were deposited. After all, there was a refund from the purchaser whether there was a guarantee, but there was no apology for subsequent contact. I thought I shouldn't trust it even though it's a big shipping company.
k i on Google

りんごを頂いたのですが、配達されませんでした。遅れるなら連絡して貰えればセンターに受取りにいけるのですが。 結局なぜか1日遅れで、指定時外で届きました。 間に合わないと潔く連絡してほしいです。
I got an apple, but it wasn't delivered. If you are late, please contact me and I can pick it up at the center. After all, it was one day late for some reason, and it arrived outside the designated time. If you can't make it in time, please contact me.
どこかのおたけ on Google

I stopped by to ship the remittance baggage. If you bring it in, it will be cheaper, and if you register with Kuroneko Members and enter the destination information first, you do not have to write an invoice locally, which is very convenient. If you register with Kuroneko Members, you will be billed later, so you don't need to pay locally. Very convenient. You can register your address even when you send it to the same place over and over again, so you can easily send it over and over again without making a mistake. I'm glad I was able to do it without any confusion because my sister at the store reception taught me how to do it for the first time.

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