正美 on Google

It's close to the station. I came to Nagai, searched for a beauty salon, liked it, and took care of it.
Bユアン on Google

A working gal-like woman sometimes says that I am younger, and my honorifics are honorifics, but I was angry at all times. The same person did the shampoo as it was, but during the chilly early spring, my head was washed from water that did not control the temperature, and I was angry with slushy and jumbled jumble. The scalp hurt. And he is not good at cutting. Even though I said a little more, I gave up without any hope. Above all, the work of cleaning the dryer is complicated. It was as rough as throwing ... I was surprised. Will it ever go again? ︎
ととろ on Google

I am indebted to you from the previous Nagai store. If you can't make a reservation and are vacant in the order you went, you can get it immediately, but if it's crowded, it will be two hours later. Of course, you can get a return card. Nomination of a hairdresser costs 500 yen. The staff is bright and the price is reasonable. Gray hair dye gray color (root dye) + cut \4428. There is also a service that will be discounted by 900 yen within 40 days after color treatment.
よっち吉 on Google

家から近くて通うのに便利。 パーマーは自分の髪質もあってすぐ戻ってしまいますが、カラーはとても気に入ってます。 あと、今の店長さんの腕が気に入ってます。 1回しか当たったことないのですが、店長さんが作った髪型がたぶん人生でいちばん気に入ってます。
Convenient to go near from home. Palmer will return soon because of his hair quality, but I love the color. Also, I like the current manager's skill. I've only been hit once, but I like the hairstyle that the manager made most probably in my life.
細川浩史 on Google

カット2000円は破格です。 シャンプーもあります。
The cut of 2000 yen is exceptional. There is also shampoo.
匿名匿名 on Google

以前、カットとヘッドマッサージのセットメニューに惹かれ、利用させていただきました。 若い女性のスタッフでしたが、ヘッドマッサージ中に、やけにゆっくりでソフトなマッサージだなあと思い様子を見るとなんとカクンカクンと寝ていました。 あまりにも驚き何も言えませんでした。 カットの時も、どんな髪型にしようか迷っていることを伝えたところ迷惑そうな顔で 「それは自分で決めてきてもらわないと困る」 というようなことを言われました。 安かったので多少の覚悟はしていましたが、プロとしてやっている以上相談にくらい乗って欲しかったです。 あまりたくさんの美容院を経験しているわけではありませんが、こんな体験は初めてでした。 寝てしまったのはわざとではないと思いますが、さすがにあまりにもプロ意識に欠けるのではと思います。 ホットペッパーでログインせずに予約してしまったためそちらではレビューが書けず、少し時間が経ってしまいましたがこちらに書かせて頂きました。 申し訳ないですが、もう二度と行きません。
Previously, I was attracted by the cut and head massage set menu and used it. Although it was a staff of a young woman, during a head massage, it was a slow and soft massage. I was too surprised to say anything. Even when I cut, I told you that I was wondering what hairstyle I would like to make, with an annoying face “It's a problem if you do n’t have to decide for yourself.” I was told that. I was prepared a little because it was cheap, but I wanted to get on the consultation as long as I was a professional. I haven't experienced so many hair salons, but this was my first experience. I don't think I fell asleep on purpose, but I'm sure it's too professional. I made a reservation without logging in with Hot Pepper, so I couldn't write a review there. I'm sorry, but I won't go again.
Tomoyuki Okuda on Google

スタイリストが終始不機嫌、カウンセリングもケンカ腰で話しにくい。 カットは下手ではないが雑、1,000円カットみたいなスピードで丁寧 ではない。そしてよそ見がすごい、見ていない。。 洗髪も一瞬、タオルで乾かす時も力が入っていてひっぱられる感じ。 ドライはぐちゃぐちゃでした、さすがにこれは…という感じだった ので嫌がらせだったのかもしれません。 最後にこれで良いですかと聞かれ、ひどいなと思ってたのですが 解決はしないと思ったのでそのまま帰宅。利用して嫌な気分に なりました。機嫌悪かったのでしょう。災難でした。
The stylist is in a bad mood from beginning to end, and counseling is difficult to talk about. I'm not bad at cutting, but it's miscellaneous, polite at a speed like a 1,000 yen cut is not. And looking away is amazing, I haven't seen it. .. Even when I wash my hair for a moment and dry it with a towel, I feel like I'm being pulled. The dry was messed up, it was like ... So it may have been harassment. At the end, I was asked if this was okay, and I thought it was terrible. I thought it wouldn't be solved, so I went home as it was. Use it and feel unpleasant became. I think he was in a bad mood. It was a disaster.
悦子 on Google

もう長年のお付き合いです。 予約もできる様になり助かります。 勿論接客や技術も申し分ありません。

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