HAIR STUDIO IWASAKI - 68-1 平字三倉 Iwaki

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

68-1 平字三倉 Iwaki, Fukushima 970-8026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 970-8026
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:30PM

68-1 平字三倉 Iwaki, Fukushima 970-8026, Japan
T Y on Google

It was so crowded that I was in a hurry, but it was messy and terrible. I will never use it again.
にゃみー on Google

初めて利用しました。最初はちょっと不安でしたが仕上がりにとても満足!くせ毛なのでそれを活かすようにカットして頂きました。 平日だったので待ち時間も5分とかからずカットのみだったので15分程で終わりました!
I used it for the first time. I was a little anxious at first, but I was very satisfied with the result! Because it was a hair, it was cut to make use of it. Because it was a weekday, the waiting time did not take 5 minutes and it was only a cut, so it ended in about 15 minutes!
ベティー和 on Google

最悪です。やっと、背中まで 伸びた髪オーダー外まで切られて前髪も少しだけって言ったのになぜか、40代にしてアシメ切り。ガチャガチャ切って下手に仕上がりました。街歩けません。安いだけあります。
It's the worst. Finally to the back I said that my hair was cut to the outside of my order and my bangs were a little bit, but for some reason, I was in my 40s and cut my hair. I cut it and finished it poorly. I can't walk around the city. There is only cheap.
ふゆみん on Google

平日のタイムサービスにカット&カラーをお願いしました。 受付は自分でタッチパネルでメニューを選ぶタイプで、待合室にある鍵つきのロッカーに荷物を入れられます。 シャンプーはカラーを流す一度洗いだけでしたが、夜自分でまたシャンプーするので気にならないし、何より低料金なのがうれしいですね。 髪型や色もきちんと相談に乗っていただけて仕上がりも満足しました。 私はタイミングがよかったのか待ち時間はほとんどなかったのですが、混んでいる時は2時間待ちとかになるみたいです。 イオンの中にありますが、支払いは現金のみでWAONは使えません。
I asked for a cut and color for the weekday time service. The receptionist is a type that selects the menu on the touch panel by himself, and you can put your luggage in the locker with a key in the waiting room. I only washed the shampoo once, but I don't mind because I shampoo myself again at night, and I'm glad that the price is low. I was satisfied with the finish because I was able to consult with him about the hairstyle and color. I didn't have to wait for the right timing, but when it's crowded, it seems like I'll have to wait for 2 hours. Although it is in AEON, payment is only in cash and WAON cannot be used.
びびりこぶた on Google

追記※たたたた大変だあー!後ろカットしたあと見せて貰えなかったなあーと合わせ鏡でみてみたら… ハーフのヘルメットかぶってるよ。 なんてこったい。マジ勘弁。※ 980円でカットできると聞いて行った。 ボブベースのカットを希望したが美容師さんがこうしたらいいと思うのと言うからお任せした。 アウトラインをペラペラに残したへんな髪型になった。 段差がありすぎて耳後ろがぺっこり凹むし跳ねがひどい。ブローしても収まらない。 コメカミ部分が凹んで耳でサイドがふくれるから茄子みたい。 跳ねるしトップと左側頭部が短すぎて寝癖必須だわあ。 左右の長さが違いすぎ、本当に左側頭部短すぎて笑うしかない。伸びるまで我慢するしかないのか⁉️ 朝の妙にペッタリして跳ねた頭みて泣けた。カット前より倍以上手間がかかるようになった。 このアウトラインのペラペラさに意味はあるのか? 短くするならだんだんにしていけばいいよ?だって? 誰が短くしていきたいって言ったのよ。 センスも腕もないなら提案しないで希望通りにカットしたらいいのに。 安いから仕方ないと思ったら大間違い‼️ お任せはやめたほうがいい。自分の希望通りをお勧めします。 はあー。こんな頭にしてるのが嫌だ。ショートにするしかないのか…あたりが悪かったんだろうなあ。最悪やあ。 鏡みるたび気持ちが萎える。
Postscript * It's hard to hit! After cutting the back, I couldn't show it to you. I'm wearing a half helmet. what the hell. Seriously forgiveness. * I heard that you can cut it for 980 yen. I wanted a bob-based cut, but the hairdresser said I would like to do this, so I left it to me. It became a strange hairstyle that left the outline fluently. There are too many steps and the back of the ear is dented and the bounce is terrible. It doesn't fit even if blown. It looks like an eggplant because the temple part is dented and the side is swollen with the ear. The bouncing top and left side of the head are too short, so sleeping habits are essential. The left and right lengths are too different, and the left side of the head is really too short, so I have no choice but to laugh. Do I have to put up with it until it grows? ⁉️ I cried when I saw the head that bounced strangely in the morning. It takes more than twice as much time as before cutting. Does the fluency of this outline make sense? If you want to shorten it, you should gradually do it? Because? Who said he wanted to shorten it. If you don't have a sense or skill, don't suggest it and just cut it as you want. It's a big mistake if you think it can't be helped because it's cheap! ️ You had better stop leaving it to us. We recommend what you want. hah. I don't like having such a head. I wonder if there is no choice but to make it short ... I guess it was bad. The worst. Every time I look in the mirror, I feel sick.
めんとぅす on Google

When I said that both sides were cut short, I thought it was cut more and made it look like a mohawk, and I really failed. Also, it's very messy when borrowing with hair clippers. However, some people are good at cutting.
ahah amam on Google

急ぎでカットをしたくて利用しました。 ちょうどタイムサービス中で1時間程待ちました。 カット料金の安さにビックリしました。 丁寧で素早い対応でした。 また利用したいと思います。
I wanted to cut in a hurry and used it. I just waited for about an hour in time service. I was surprised at the low price of the cut fee. It was a polite and quick response. I want to use it again.
o kikk on Google

I used it because the price is cheap. The cutting method is not polite, and there are left-right differences and uncut parts. At the end, it removes the hair on my neck and face, but the brush I used at that time was very painful. When I combed my hair, I thought it would hurt because it would get caught in my ears many times. When I got home, my family told me that my back hair was bent. I laughed because it was in the shape of a "W" that I wanted the back to be aligned straight. Only for W. If I pay 980 yen, I thought that if I put up with it for a while and went to another shop, I would get the hairstyle I wanted. The shop is cheerful and easy to talk to, and I was asked about their wishes, so I think it's a good shop for those who are not particular about it.

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