Hair Make Duul East

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hair Make Duul East

住所 :

Toiyacho, Kita Ward, 〒700-0977 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト :
街 : Okayama

Toiyacho, Kita Ward, 〒700-0977 Okayama,Japan
奥山浩司 on Google

I have been attending since the opening.
山本美枝子 on Google

It was spacious and bright, and the shops were very polite and nice. ️

It is a top-class beauty salon in Japan. The customer service is great as well as the technology. The parking lot is a bit narrow, but it can't be helped because it is in the city.
みゆーのまま on Google

カットやパーマなどの技術は気に入ってる。 お客が若い子が多いためか、スタッフのおしゃべりが軽くて多くてくたびれることも・・ 作業のとちゅうで、ちょっとお待ちくださいとしばらくまたされることが多いです。
I like techniques like cutting and perming. Perhaps because the customer has many young children, the staff's chatting is light and many and tired At the end of the work, if you wait for a while, it often happens again.
koike nobu on Google

ヘッドスパ気持ち良かったです(^^) またお願いします
Head spa was comfortable (^^) Please again
Riana on Google

施術はとても上手ですし、カットとカラーしてくださった美容師の方はとても良い方なのだと思います。 しかし、駐車場も裏手と曖昧に説明されるし、入り口で受付がなく分からなくてウロウロしていても無視をされ4回以上出入りしたのに声もかけてもらえませんでした。仕方がないので電話をして受付はどこか聞いたら入ってきてくださいと言われたのですが円形のお店であり、両サイドのどちらから入るのかも分からず非常に困りました。不親切であり、挨拶すらないのでさすがに失礼ではないでしょうか。 受付のスタッフが妙に近くで説明してくるのでコロナが流行ってるのに近付いて欲しくなくて不快でした。 次回利用時にも同じことをされたらクレームを入れたいと思います。
The treatment is very good, and I think the beautician who cut and colored it is a very good person. However, the parking lot was vaguely explained as the back, and even if I was wandering around because there was no reception at the entrance, it was ignored and I could not get a voice even though I went in and out four times or more. I had no choice but to call and ask where the reception was, but it was a circular shop and I was very troubled because I didn't know which side to enter. Isn't it rude because he is unfriendly and doesn't even say hello? The reception staff explained it strangely nearby, so I was uncomfortable because I didn't want the corona to approach the trend. I would like to make a complaint if the same thing is done the next time I use it.
みぃあみ on Google

前に一度行った時失敗されました。 電話で変なんですけど…ってゆったら 「やっぱり?笑」と言われてとても気分が悪くなりました。やり直ししてもらっても下手すぎて自分で染めた方が綺麗です。 後シャンプー下手。最悪な気分になりました。愛想も悪いし居心地悪い
I failed when I went there once before. It's weird on the phone I felt very sick when I was told, "After all? Lol". Even if you try again, it's too bad and it's better to dye it yourself. I'm not good at shampooing. I felt terrible. Unfriendly and uncomfortable
一条真 on Google

It's been about 5 years since I was taken care of by duul ... The beauty salon only goes to duul. At other beauty salons, when you show the image you want, it is said that you can not do it or this color is impossible, but the person in charge of duul can not do it! I will never say that, and they will do it as close as possible! I really like Kerastase treatments! Some people are good at head spas, but sometimes they fall asleep, so it feels great. I will continue to be duul.

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